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LAP-BAND Patients
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About TxMassageThrpst

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/23/1974

About Me

  • Occupation
    Massage Therapist
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  1. Happy 38th Birthday TxMassageThrpst!

  2. Happy 37th Birthday TxMassageThrpst!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary TxMassageThrpst!

  4. I am struggling. I was banded on 04/16/2009 then had surgery again on 04/22/2009 for a hernia. I just need to know what your diet is and did you have any issues before your first fill. I have not been filled and I kinda eat whatever just less of it and try to get in all my protein. I hope I am not messing up. My fill appt is June 1st. HELP ME PLEASE!

  5. TxMassageThrpst

    60 lbs later - size 16/18

  6. Work it girl!! Pretty Pics.

  7. TxMassageThrpst

    After Surgery

  8. Hi..My name name is Rose Anna and I had lap band sugery on 6/26/08. In a month I've lost 15 lbs and I had my first fill 3 weeks after surgery. I am still learning. Just looking for people who can share related stories and be a supporter. Thanks!

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