Hello, all.
A bit nervous with my first post. It's been less than a week since I got a new general practitioner (the previous one retired) and formally raised the idea of (probably) gastric bypass surgery. I haven't done any of the consultations, finding a surgeon, etc, that's all in the future. But one thing I can worry about and start to plan for in the present is insurance.
I am in Illinois and have Anthem BCBS.
Something I see listed on their requirement is:
Past participation in a weight loss program; and
Inadequate weight loss despite a committed attempt at conservative medical therapy (for example, comprehensive lifestyle interventions, including a combination of diet, exercise, and behavioral modifications); and
Anyone have any experience with that, or with Anthem BCBS? Because to my skeptical eye that just looks like a catch-22 way to deny the claim: "Oh, you lost weight? Don't need surgery, then, do you? Oh, you didn't lose weight? Not committed, I guess. Tough luck, though."