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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by alabamagirl1975

  1. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Here are mine: 1. Lose my last 35 lbs 2. Exercise more 3. Try to be with hubby for every chemo treatment 4. Help my girls more with school work OH and to stop eating chocolate. :-)
  2. alabamagirl1975

    May 2009 (at work) - around 210

    From the album: Me and My Family

  3. alabamagirl1975

    Me after work - around 215

    From the album: Me and My Family

  4. alabamagirl1975

    Me and My Family

    Just a few pictures of my girls, me (before & after the band) and my husband.
  5. alabamagirl1975

    Me at work (March 2009)

    From the album: Me and My Family

  6. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi everyone! It has been QUITE awhile since I have posted anything on here ~ so I am actually going to ask a question. I celebrated my anniversay on October 27th being one year out and I have been doing great up until the past couple of weeks. I have lost a total of 65 lbs since 10/27/08 ~ started out at 250 and I'm holding at 185~ but here's my situation..... I have started to feel "bloated" all the time now. Like if I just let my tummy hang out there I feel better. I am drinking my water, my shakes, eating yogurt....etc... I haven't been back to see Lisa since my last un-fill in August (yes I know that's bad) but I have also had a great deal of medical issues happen with my hubby. But here is really why I'm posting.... does anybody have any sort of clue why I might be feeling like that? I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same feeling. Feels like if I could take a water pill and tinkle it away I would be fine. I'm feeling smothered again like I did when I was at 250. As of this morning I am showing a gain up to 189 - so do you think I'm feeling the extra pounds? Any kind of advise or comments are welcome!!! ~April~
  7. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    That is wonderful Razberry! I'm only down 40 since October but I'm not compliaining! I am wearing 18/20's again and they are actually getting baggy! It took me awhile to get caught up on all of the posts...I have been so busy with work and school lately I haven't had too much time to concentrate on logging in my diary or posting on here. It's great to see how everyone is doing good! In my last post I referenced having severe dry mouth...well I found out that the medicine I am on causes dry mouth, but I was too big before for it to effect me! LOL SO, I have had to drop the dosage down to 1/2 and it's getting better. I thought that was funny! Here I was freakin' out because I thought something was really wrong and the whole time I was just "over" medicated! Hope everyone is doing well... keep up the good, hard work and congrats Jason on your weight loss! :blushing: ~April~
  8. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Girl! Let me tell you... I did not think or even thought about my body being different now. Look at the side effects of my medicine: Less serious side effects may be more likely to occur, such as: headache or migraine; nausea, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth; confusion, dizziness, tremors (shaking); appetite changes, weight loss or gain; mild itching or skin rash, increased sweating; GOOD NESS! Why do you think I am just now getting dry mouth after being on the med for close to 3 years? I am learning so much each day. I am going to have to talk to my dr - I can't stand this anymore!!
  9. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi Everyone! I haven't posted in awhile, and I just now got caught up on everyone's posts! Looks like you all are doing great! I have a question though and I need some guidance ~ I have a goofy question for everyone. I am experiencing major cotton mouth. Doesn't matter what I drink, how much I drink, how often I drink ~ I can't get rid of it! I have up'd my water intake to over 64 oz a day, I drink 2 cups of coffee a day and plain water at home at night. Is this normal? I emailed Ashley and Veronica and Ashley has only responded so far. She stated that she hasn't had anyone complain of cotton mouth before...so I thought it was just me! Hope everyone is having a great week! OH ~ please pray for my family. My step-daughter's biological mother passed away and the funeral is tomorrow. It's been really stressful at the Lambert household! Needless to say, I haven't exercised like I should have!
  10. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi Guys! It took me a little bit to catch up on all of the posts! Well ~ I went yesterday for my 2nd fill and Lisa only gave me .5 CC - and I could tell right away a difference. For the past couple of weeks I have been wanting to eat everything in sight! I was stuck at one certain weight, but after my fill - I think that is going to change. I weighted this morning and for the first time in 3 weeks it was not the same! WOO HOO!!! I told a co-worker this morning that it was really funny. I got really hungry last night, and before I thought about it I grabbed a small chicken nugget I had left over from Chick Fil A. I only ate 1/2 of it and I was full. She couldn't believe it. But of course 3 hours later, I was hungry again - so I drank a shake. I am really starting to enjoy things now. That might sound funny ~ but I am looking at life differently. I have caught myself holding my head up high, talking to folks I don't know, and even being nice to my husband. -- He has noticed that I have even been more confident in myself. I hope you guys are doing good....I am going to try to come to the meeting Saturday, but my parents are coming up to cut fire wood. Looks like I'm going to be doing some manual labor this weekend. If anyone needs fire wood, let me know. When they cleaned off our lot, they pushed all the trees to the back and we have PLENTY!! Have a great week ya'll!! :tt2:
  11. alabamagirl1975

    Jessi & Rose being goofy

    From the album: Me and My Family

  12. alabamagirl1975

    Mom and girls at Christmas 2008

    From the album: Me and My Family

  13. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Guys, I go for my 2nd fill on Jan 13th and I can't wait. I have no restriction what so ever and I SO over did it tonight. We had pizza and I ate 1.5 slices of cheese pizza and 4 chicken wings. Needless to say I went WAY over my calories and carbs. I guess the good thing is that I can always start over tomorrow. I weighted tonight and it wasn't pretty! LOL....I don't know what to do guys - I feel so bad. I weighted 221 Sunday morning and now this evening I'm weighing 227! GEESH! I guess it's not good to weigh at night....
  14. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    You go girl! I am SO jealous! LOL - I'm only down about 26.5 and I gained 2 lbs over the Christmas holidays! BUT - I have been given a treadmill (to borrow - my moms)....so I started walking on it this morning. Good way to wake up! I was on that thing for about 3 minutes and then I got off. I was already out of breath! That's pitiful! Anyways~~ Ya'll have a great day! I will talk to you soon! ~~Happy New Year!!!!~~
  15. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I wanted to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! I will talk to you guys soon! April
  16. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I did for the first 24 hours. I don't think I have much restriction at all. But everyone is different.... be sure to post!
  17. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I had to do a new ticker because mine did the same thing! Congrats on the weight loss! I have only lost 24 lbs since October 27th ~ so don't feel bad! My parents are giving me their treadmill as part of my Christmas, so I will start that soon. Since I live so far out, by the time I get home at night, it's dark so I can't go walking up and down the street - but I have got to come up with something else...I'm not loosing like I would like to. Advise on the fill ~ don't get yourself so worked up. It's fine. I got so upset last Tuesday that I almost passed out once it was over. I'm going to tell you what Dr. Miles told me ~ the first fill is the worst ~ I'm here to tell ya - looking back...it was not bad at all!
  18. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    You know what, I have had the exact same pain too at times. I don't think Dr. Miles did my fill right. I haven't felt any restriction much at all. I honestly don't think he hit my port, but how can I tell if the saline didn't go in? Any ideas? I don't eat much, but I haven't had any problems with bread or anything....as long as I take my time and chew real well. I have a confession though...I made fudge over the weekend and I "tested" a small piece. Boy was it good...I didn't eat much today, so I thought I would be good on my calories! LOL...nice way of thinking huh?
  19. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    You know I have noticed that it hurts after I eat somethings. I thought that it was my small hernia but I bet you are right. I am still learning how to recognize when I have ate enough and when I need to chew better. I think I over ate at lunch today. I tried eating a little bit of salad...and OH BOY! I started to burp like crazy!!
  20. alabamagirl1975

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I know you did! But when she flopped it out there....I couldn't help it! Then Lisa wasn't there...so I got Dr. Miles and the nurse told me "Your gonna need the numbing medicine - he hasn't done many fills". Why would you want to tell a first timer that???? Just to FREAK me out even more! LOL.... I do have a question for you guys...since my fill I have been able to eat like before (solids) but just smaller amounts. Ok that's good...but today I have developed a pain in the middle of my chest, right below where my breast bone ends ~ like the hernia spot. Any clue as to why??? I have been munching on yogurt and it is coming and going....even took Gas X

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