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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About New_me_2022

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  1. Your body will change, but more importantly, the chemicals in your body will change. For at least six months to a year afterwards you're not gonna feel the same. Whether it's low energy, no iron, low libido, or any other things. It will be a mental adjustment as you keep pushing through, and your body balances out. Stick to your plan, take your vitamins daily, and don't hesitate to go see a specialist if you feel things aren't right, especially mentally. others on these forms have mentioned it before, I wish I had jumped on it sooner...
  2. Hello everyone, I'm 14 months post op (sleeve) and have surpassed my weight loss goal. I've noticed over the past few months that I find myself constantly eating and snacking. Now this has not affected my weight loss but it does make me worry if my grazing brings a potential to gain it all back. I snack on a variety of things but mainly natural nut trailmix with raisins or cranberries. Sometimes the occasional bag of popcorn, fruit, or jerky. Part of me thinks its a mental thing in which I have a need to be constantly chewing, but idk 🤷‍♂️. Has anyone else experienced this or is experiencing this?
  3. Hi, I'm 12 months post op and am experiencing the same thing. I was a little different in the few months post surgery in the fact that my libido did not change and my weight loss made me feel great so the desire was there. After about month 11 I noticed decreased desire and libido. I went to a specialist and after some blood work found I was borderline anemic and had decreased testosterone. Not enough to be considered "low-t" but lower than most men my age, 41. I'd encourage you to go have a full blood panel done around the 6 month mark. It may shed some light for you..
  4. New_me_2022

    Protein Shakes

    Is there a particular low sugar version for the fairlife shakes? Every chocolate or vanilla fairlife shake that I have found at my local grocery store has much more sugar than other protein shakes I've seen.
  5. Congratulations!!! I know that feeling. I know i never imagined I would be in the sizes I am now. It really is a surreal and "holy crap" moment. Keep up the great work!
  6. I realized my most recent NSV while out shopping for new pants. To give a little back story, I have always been a 30" length in pants, so in the past as my weight has fluctuated so has my pant sizes from 38x30 to 40x30, then to 42x30. Well I'm happy to report that as of today I am a 30x30 (or so I thought!!). It seems that I have actually grown taller! Well, kinda.... Since I now wear my pants at my waist aka at my bellybutton and not under my belly, I'm really a 32 length!!! It blew my mind to find out I'm taller than what my pants led me to believe 🤣. Seriously though, it's a wonderful feeling to be in clothing sizes I never dreamed I would be able to fit in.
  7. New_me_2022

    How do I know when I'm done?

    This is a question I find myself asking more and more about also. I was sleeved this past December, so right at 9.5 months post op. I hit goal a month ago and similarly to others I'm still losing weight. It's slowed down significantly at this point but I'm on a mission to simply lose as much as possible. I'm now -17 lbs past goal.. Call it a personal mission (or mission to get my moneys worth since I paid out of pocket for my surgery lol) but I am now entering the skeletor point where I feel like I'm done. I still watch what I eat pretty closely, weight my meals, and don't eat starches or bread but I do feel I have the ability to adjust my intake and most importantly amount of activity to help burn calories and keep weight off.
  8. Hi December surgery friends!! Just wanted to check on everyone and see how things have been going... As for me, I was sleeved on December 22 and have lost a total of 130 lbs. I am down to 185lbs and am working hard on meeting the "estimated goal" of 180 the doctor mentioned at my original consultation. The weight loss has slowed significantly (down to 1-2 lbs a week) but I've been able to incorporate exercising a few times a week when my schedule permits. Similar to @huskymama above, I got a running itch last week and decided to go on a 3 mile jog. Surprising to me, even after not running for years, I was able to do it. As for eating, I'm still not consuming bread, rice, pastas, or potatoes but have had the occasional potato chip here and there. Also, I'm happy to report I still have my love of pickles and popcorn so no taste bud changes there. I'm keeping my portions at 3-4 oz depending on the food type but have definitely learned to listen to my stomach when i'm full and walk away from the table. I truly hope everyone is doing well and making positive progress, regardless of what a scale says.
  9. New_me_2022

    Gout Flare-up, time-frame, and remedies

    I went with the exact remedy you're describing and it somewhat helped. The only difference was I sent with tart cherry pills then moved to the liquid extract as I felt it would absorb faster. I'm not sure if it worked but it did provide relief. Fast forward to now and I am only taking Allopurinol daily(when I remember). Weight loss has slowed so flare ups have subsided and I feel alot better. I did alot of research and spoke to my doctors and found that the flare ups are directly tied high uric acid caused by excessive weight loss. Hence my comment about weight loss slowing and flare-ups calming down.
  10. Good evening everyone, It has been three months since my sleeve surgery and things have been going very well. I had a question for everyone in regards to diet: did you ever re-incorporate carbs back into your diet? If so, how long after surgery? If not, what substitutes do you use? In the past three months I have not had any bread, rice, tortillas, or anything starchy...not even a cracker. And I will say, that is the one food change that makes me feel awkward or like I am missing out on deliciousness.
  11. New_me_2022

    Dipping my toe in!

    Hi Shelley, cheers from Texas! I'm somewhat new to the forums and 55 days post sleeve surgery. In my honest opinion, this website is much better than most resources as the people here have more than likely experienced what you will be going through. I know that has been the case for me. Similar to yourself, I thought about surgery for a long time and finally took the plunge. Now, almost 2 months post-op and its the BEST decision I've ever made in my life. Once I had picked my surgery type and started down the path, the best advise my doctor gave me, which I will gladly share with you: "stay off the internet searches of the procedure (ie: what happens, complications, side-effects, etc) and focus on you and the changes the journey ahead will bring." That info was really important because the internet is full of articles that will make you question things...lol. Enjoy the journey and kick some butt!
  12. 15 lbs is still a great accomplishment, congrats!! I agree, protein shakes can be really pricey. I have found that juat about every pre-made shake has a powered alternative that is much more affordable. Takes less than 5 minutes to prepare them and averages about $1 per "shake" which is a much better value. Personally my "go to" is chocolate premier protein.
  13. Hey December folks! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing... As for me, weight loss seems to have slowed a bit, but is still progressing. I'm still finding it pretty hard to get protein and water in daily. I feel like its either one or the other, I just cant seem to nail both. Regardless, I'm now 45 days post op and 41 lbs down. Hopefully everyone is safe, doing great, and well on their weight loss journey!
  14. Hi Everyone, I had my sleeve procedure in December and everything has been going well, except for the gout flare up. Since week 2 post op I have been experiencing an on-going gout flare up on my toe which is just about preventing me from walking. After googling, I know its a known possibility and should go away slowly, but was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Any remedies, drinks, or pills you've found to help? Timeframe yall's lasted before subsiding? Normal uric acid levels are 7 or below, mine is sitting at 13, so any help or advise is appreciated. Thanks in advance everyone!
  15. Hi! I'm exactly 4 weeks post surgery and doing pretty good. The weight loss has slowed a bit but still making progress. It's been amazing seeing the weight come off and fitting into some of my old clothes again. I'm still in the puree'd stage for another week, so now starting to get creative with fish, meat, and anything else I can ask the wife to mash up. There haven't been any major setbacks except for a severe gout flare up that has been hampering my walking since week 2. I'm drinking upwards of 70 oz's of water a day and still can't seem to shake the soreness and pain in my toe joint from the flare up. Other than that, it's full steam ahead!! Glad to hear your success!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
