Hi Everyone,
So, Dr. Powers did not think that I needed another fill, so I listened this time! I had lost 7 pounds since I saw him last (which was 7 weeks ago- Dec. 8) Even though the weight is coming off slower now, I can not be disappointed with my 64 pound weight loss!
Miriam, I am happy you are feeling better!
I feel like Lisa does, that I do not feel any difference with the fill, but I really understand that it is an individual thing! But, since I am still losing weight, I am going to leave things alone. The only thing I have trouble with is any food that is on the dry side....like muffins, that sort of thing- which I should not be eating anyway!
Chris, if you want to meet again, that would be great! If we get enough people to go to Huntington, that would be fine. If it is just you and I again, I am gonna bug you to come west! If we decide that we want to do brunch, I would just request that it be a bit later on a Sunday, since I sing at church every weekend until about 12:00 noon.
Have a great week all,