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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susanb

  1. I have tried multiple things concerning fills. Even 1/10 of a cc sometimes is enough for me. This last fill I recieved 1/2cc, but this morning I can already tell it's too much. I will have to call and get at least 1/2 taken out.This gets expensive since I am cash pay.
  2. I will Celebrate my 4th lap band anniversary in June. It has been the best thing I have ever done, and would do it again in a heartbeat. But, I am frustrated. The first two years I lost 172lbs, then allergies hit. Now I can't seem to get regulated again. My doctor has suggested that I take allergy medication twice daily and rotate every six months from taking claritin, zyrtec, etc. But, when I get a fill, I immediately get a mucus plug, and have to get a deflate. And, during the 3-5 weeks of being able to eat, I gain 20lbs or more. then I get a fill and lose 15-20, only to have to get another deflate in a month due to mucus. I have tried muscinex, pill form and liquid. I have also tried drinking the warm pineapple juice as suggested by a nurse at the lap band office. This is supposed to cut the mucus and open the band. So, I am stuck at being always too tight and not being able to eat at all, and sometimes not being able to drink, or being deflated and able to anything and everything. I am just wondering if anyone else is having this problem? And what are you doing about it?? I have a nurse friend that suggested I ask my doc to get a kenalog (sp?) shot every six months to keep the allergy mucus in check. I have an appointment on thursday to ask. Any suggestions would be helpful! Thank you Susan
  3. Yes, seasonal allergies, but I suffer almost year round.
  4. susanb

    cruise #2.jpg

    From the album: susanb

  5. susanb


  6. susanb

    cruise #2.jpg

    From the album: susanb

  7. susanb

    before surgery.jpg

    From the album: susanb

  8. Try Dr. Adam Smith. He is in Ft.Worth, and cash pay is $150. 1-817-850-1100. They also do fills in Cleburne. Good Luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
