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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sherry1997

  1. Sherry1997


    i made a vsg four years ago, i started from a weight of 148 kg, going in three month to 122 kg. than arrived covid. italy was in lockdown, i regain weight to 138, than go to 126, back again to 134, in this period i see the 119 when i was sick, and now back to 128. i feel like i was a failure, and i don't know what to do. i work with a dietitian and an endocrinologist but nothing work on me. what am i suppose to do? i am the only that have that problem? in the first year i was alone, nobody follow me and now it's so difficult make it work
  2. Sherry1997


    I track all, what i eat, how much, how man exercise. I don't count calories because i used to be obssesed by them, and my nutrician doesn't whant this
  3. Sherry1997

    someone to talk with

    hi! there is someone young that want to talk? i don't have many friend and i'm in search of someone to talk and who can understand me
  4. Sherry1997


    i start to feel me as a looser, the operation doesn't work, all the blood test are perfect, i'm on a diet and i do sport, but the weight don't change. it's like my body can't lose weight, and i'm starting feeling bad, i don't understand why i don't lose weight, why after three year i'm still here, with only 20 kg less. i think the operation would change my life, it was a new life to start, and it wasn't. i'm the only?
  5. Sherry1997


    I try to write all and also the nutritionists can't understand why I don't lose weight
  6. Sherry1997


    The surgeon only suggest to transform the sleeve into bypass
  7. Sherry1997

    Something wrong

    Two years and half years Sent from my M2101K7BNY using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. It's two years and half that I was operated, and I loose 25 kg than regained 10, than lose 5 and so on. I'm on a stall, and also whit diet and four/five time of exercise week,swim, gym and skating, I don't lose weight at the moment and I don't understand what could be go wrong Sent from my M2101K7BNY using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Sherry1997

    Something wrong

    How I do that? Sent from my M2101K7BNY using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Sherry1997

    Something wrong

    About 1000-1100 Sent from my M2101K7BNY using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Sherry1997


    Hi, i've made a sleeve gastrectomy on September 2019, i was so Happy. At the operation time nu weight Is 148 kg, All Is working well. At febbruary my weight was 122kg, but arrive Covid. All close, all the time at home for month beacause was a lockdown here. I'm italian. I start regain weight, One, two, three kilos. On Summer i was 134 kilos, but my body start change, and i have no worry ti wear a swinsuit on holiday. I try to loose weight again, i arrive ti 126,another lockdown and then i gain weight again. On June 2021, i change my dietist, i weight 130 kg, on the end of Summer i was 120, i was so Happy, but i finish the Summer work and i restart gain weight. Now i'm 126 kg, and i don't know what to do. I think It doesn't work, or i'm not good for that. I don't know what to do, i try, but my family don't help me. I know that if i have food ti avoid in fridge, when i stay at home i eat Them, beacause i'm alone, and if i ask not to buy, my father don't listen. I make artistic roller skating, and i'm Happy, i study e when i found something i work. But all that doesn't work. I search help, but i don't know where. P.s. Sorry for my english, Is not my mothertongue Sent from my M2101K7BNY using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Sherry1997


    I have some support, the fear was only the obsession for the control of food intake, but I try to start something new this year Sent from my M2101K7BNY using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Sherry1997


    I'm study at home, when i not working, and i try to explain to my parents all my difficult, but my father forget the thing i Say to im. I can't eat chicken, beacause i traw up, if I go to shopping for me I bought chicken. I try with a shelf only for me, it work for a little time. And i also try my fitness Pal, it work if I don't become obsessed with the count of calories. I'm complicated, I know, but I work hard for this,and i don't see to much results, and I think I'm loosing my motivation Sent from my M2101K7BNY using BariatricPal mobile app

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