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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bellybellend

  1. Hi chick!!


    I was in hospital with you that day- I remembered you as you said about your hernia being fitted- how are you doing ow- hope the journey was not too painfull.


    I was the one across from you next to the guy- will be good to see how we both get on :)


    Take care Kel

  2. bellybellend

    No caption

    Well done chick - I bet your over the moon!! How has it been for the last year?
  3. bellybellend


    You look amazing chick- do you mind ma asking how much you have lost & how you have kept such a good figure?
  4. I'm on the 31st too!! 25 daysto go & counting
  5. Hello Is anyone bheing banded on 31st of Aug- Thats the date when i'[m being banded & thought we could support & share sucess stories??:thumbup:
  6. bellybellend

    Anyone being banded on 31st Aug??

    Hi Denise!! I am glad you feel less anxious now- i was like that at first (sh*tting myself) but the longer I think about it the better + more confident i feel. So hopefully you feel the same... I hope your EGD appointment goes well - least that will help you make your decision on which route to go down. Keep me posted & speak soon :teeth_smile:)
  7. bellybellend

    Introducing me...

    Good Morning Maribelle Good to hear from you... I am Kelly & due to be banded on the 31st which is not as soon as yours but soon enough - am i can completely understand your feeling right now. Like you I have been overweight most of my life & am looking forward to a fresh start with a gym routine to get my teeth into. On this website you begin to realise that your goal of being 150lb's is achievable as long as you work hard & dont cut corners. You are in a great position to have your husband there to support you while you are about to go through a rollercoaster of emotions + feelings in the next few months. When I first booked i was really anxious & thought i'd jumped in too quickly but now things have settled I am ready to take the bull by the horns :teeth_smile:) Although I am still pre-op I have been on here for many hours reading everything both pre + post op therefore feel free to ask and q's and i'll try to answer them & I look forward to hearing upon your success!!
  8. bellybellend


    Hi ya I went to my consultation last week & was advised that post-op I will need to take Vitamin & mineral supplements & Calcium supplements however they have to be chewable I have been to Boots but they do not have chweable vitamin & mineral tablets- can anyone recommend where they went for theirs? Also are their any other supplements you would recommend?
  9. bellybellend

    29 Days To Go

    Hi Bernie Congrat's on booking your surgery- I live in UK too and have mine bookedfor the 31st so counting down the days now
  10. Hey Other than wishing they had the band fitted sooner- has anyone got any regrets on having the band done or has anyone had complications & had to have your band removed?? Cheers Kel
  11. bellybellend

    Regrets or removals!!

    Oh i cannot wait to have that feeling- having more important things that what i am going to eat for breakfast/dinner or tea and more to the point how much better i look in the clothes i've got!! This time next month i'll be done!!!!!
  12. bellybellend

    Regrets or removals!!

    well done so far john - keep it up. Im being banded on the 31st aug & im just counting down the days
  13. bellybellend

    Anyone being banded on 31st Aug??

    well originally i was very anxious about it all thinking that it may not be the best thing for me as i really didnt know enough about it, however after being on this website it has made me so excited about it all after reading so many success stories. Me myself I am 25 and about 203lbs and 5.5" and want to get to about 126lb's so i know i have still got quite a journey however I want to enjoy the benefits while i am still young instead of waiting another 5-10yrs and be in the same boat but older. I can understand what you are saying about choosing between them both, my philosophy would be that the bypass is a much more serious operation and if the band does part of the job for you- if you find yourself still falling back on sweet things when emotional you should look into having a counselling session as this may solve the underlying issues. To be fair, if you are like me you eat these things because you are unhappy with yourself which sort of gets you into a downward cycle while having the band- the more weight you lose the more positive you will feel and the less you will need to rely on things to give you a short term happiness fix. did you manage to speak to your surgeon today?? I hope they have helped...
  14. bellybellend

    Anyone being banded on 31st Aug??

    hello there!! you wont be far behind me then!! How you feeling about it?
  15. Hello there Does anyone know if you can use slendertone belts or vibrogym's at the gym once you have had a band fitted???
  16. bellybellend


    bloody useles arent they!! Thank you for that i'll go browsing next time.. Is there any supp's you would swear by being post op?
  17. hey peeps Hope you are all well. I am from derby and am booked in for my op on 31st aug with Mr Sigurdsson too!! I personally have had an ok experience - they sent me a letter yesterday which advised that my op is booked for 31st july which made me nearly sh*t a brick as thats like thursday - but got it all sorted today. It'll be great to keep in contact in how we are all getting on i the next few weeks!! Great to hear all your stories Kel
  18. bellybellend

    Excess Skin

    Hey peeps. Does anyone know what is likely to happen to the excess skin once you have lost your weight- I am 25 so i guess i have age on my side & want to lose about 80lb's & just wondering if anyone has any idea's or 1st hand experiences??
  19. bellybellend

    Excess Skin

    thank you peeps- much appreciated!! If i am honest I really enjoy going to the gym normally (god knows how im in this situation now but anyway!) so I am hoping by continuing the gym while losing weight steadily everything will strink back into place- fingers crossed )
  20. Hi ya.. I am due to be having my band fitted at the end of Aug and since booking the op - i have had loads of questions and hoping you guys who have been through it could give me an honest account of what is to come. In terms of drinking alcohol- what is the situaion with that? Can you still have a few drinks and do you get drunk easier?? With food- what types of foods do you seem to struggle on- and is it rite you cannot drink fizzy drinks? Oh typical; i cannot remember my questions now- but any handy hints you have learnt since being banded would be appreciated- and congrats to you all who have lost so much its so inspiring. Take care & keep it up..:thumbup: Kel
  21. bellybellend

    june 2008

    you have done great- i bet you are so proud. How much have you lost and in how long?
  22. bellybellend

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Hi people!! I hacve got my date for the 31st aug so a little way yet but im sure it'll come round soon enough. Good luck to everyone X
  23. bellybellend

    hello from London

    Afternoon peoples :biggrin:) sorry i never got back to you last night- but thank you for your reply... Hope your all feeling a bit better today on day 5 of your post-op. Hi Diamond... I went for my consultation last wed and really was 50/50 about if to do it or not- but i must say speaking to everyone both pre & post op really helps you & gives you the support and motivation you need.. !'m being banded on 31st Aug
  24. bellybellend

    Questions Questions Questions!!

    Hey thank you for that!! How do I add myself into the August Allstars- I cannot seem to type/add anything to the table? Sorry if im having a blonde moment
  25. bellybellend

    hello from London

    well initially really anxious after my first consultation last week and then booking it on monday! Although ive got to say this website is a god send as it is beginning to make me think that i am doing the right thing as you hear so many real life updates on here & not the one in a million stories you read in magazines! I am glad you are doing ok- it'll be great to hear how you both get on now but it looks like the tables have already turned - which is a good start. Me, myself- I haven't told many people about the op apart from my folks as they just say I should do it the 'normal' way - but its hard when you have struggled losing weight for a long time for them to understand the strain it puts on you- does that make sense! Have you told many people about your op- how did they take it?

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