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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ipenavs

  1. The old myths about Gall Bladder removal is fat, 40, and fertile. What I mean by this is that the world of healthcare use to believe that, women, pregnancy, being overweigth, and approx 40 yo were all predictors of haveing Gall Bladder problems. As for it being related to WLS, in a way, as stated above, any major diet change and major weight loss can cause problems with the Gall Bladder. Even if you did not have WLS and went on a succesful diet, you would probably have the same outcome. I have known people that did not have probblems even years after WLS.
  2. I was much younger with my Gall Bladder. I was only out a week. I was told that I should only be out a week with my Lap Band, however, I took two weeks off. I ended up having an alergic reaction to the glue and that was awful. I am a nurse and I was working the floor/unit at the time. It was physically demanding. Don't worry , everything will be well. My surgeon likes his patients to get right back to work after a week. It is suppose to help keep your mind off of being on a luquid diet at first and the excersize is good for recovery. Our orthopedic patients heal faster if they are up and moving around.
  3. ipenavs

    how often do you experience pain?

    Thank you Bell, I will try that. I am hopeful.
  4. ipenavs

    Rx, do i crush all the pills?

    I think I am just more afraid of taking them due to having had food stuck in the past. I se my surgeon on the 15th and will take my pills weith me to take the first time. I am a whimp. As for taking them in the morening, for me that is impossible, my stomach is always bloated in the am. Sometimes I have a hard time with my protein shakes. I even wait until 10am before I try yogurt. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  5. ipenavs

    Hair Falling Out

    Great post photonut. So, Dr. Cahn did your band? Wonderful surgeon. You are so right about the hair loss thing. Protein, protein, protein. 60gm is the minimum you should be taking in. I was banded 4/17/05 and about 2 months ago began having problems. Hair loss was just one. I ended up seeing a registered dietician and she was a life saver. My pre albumin(lab for malnutrition) was in the toilet and almost landed me in the hospital. I was not getting enough food or protein. You should actually be getting about 1gm of protein per kg of muscle weight. This is not the same as total body weight and should be measured by a good dietician. I am suppose to be getting about 120gm of protien and I was only getting 30-50gm. Does this tell you why I was getting sick?!
  6. ipenavs

    What are people snackin' on these days?

    I love peanut butter, string cheese, non-fat yogurt (with/with out fresh strawberries, fresh veggies (baby carrots, cucumbers), hard boiled egg (be carefull, it is easy to not chew it enough).
  7. ipenavs

    Rx, do i crush all the pills?

    I have had food stuck in my band three times. I was banded 4/17/05 and I am still terrified to take my pills whole. That means, I am not faithful in taaking them. I know that they need to be taken and keep getting lectured to by all of my physicians. Help!
  8. ipenavs

    Food getting stuck?

    I have had something stuck in my band three different times. What an awfull feeling. The first time I did not know what was happening. The pain is similar to what I have been hearing from others is PB pain. The problem is that vomiting does not provide any relief. The second time it happened, I was on a deep sea fishing trip and it happened the first day of the three day trip. I was unable to eat or drink. Thank goodness, emptying my band worked to get the food released. I was left empty for a week and then refilled slowly. After each of these, I was afraid to eat.
  9. ipenavs

    how often do you experience pain?

    I am new to the site. I have the same problems. I was banded 4/17/2005. It really does not matter what I eat, plain non-fat yogurt to chicken, fish. I have found that it depends upon the time of day, sometimes. In the morning my stomach is bloated, like pms bloating. I have to stick to protien shakes until after being awake and moving around a couple of hours. It makes it hard to get in enough protien. Other times I have problems in the evening. I think this is related to wanting to eat too fast. 3 bites into my meal and I am wishing I hadn't started. I push away my food and hope I do not get sick. Last last couple of times, it was almost spontanious. Yikes! I sure am putting my boyfreind through the wringer.

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