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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About HaseenS

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  1. HaseenS


    I am struggling with cravings for sweets anf chips. Helppppppppp. Im scared!!!
  2. People the consipation is real. Green veggies or no green veggies, fiber or no fiber, laxative or no laxative. The struggle is soooooo very real. What can I do to get some kinda regular???? Hell I will settle for once or twice a week!!
  3. HaseenS

    Accountability Buddy Wanted!

    Hey I could use a buddy
  4. HaseenS


    Thank you I will give those things a try.
  5. HaseenS


    Im trying to eat normal. Chicken, veggies, fish, shrimp. Sometimes a wrap with turkey in it. Nothing to wild. My bites could be smaller but they are not mouth fulls.
  6. HaseenS


    I am 2 and a half months post Op. I still have terrible trouble eating. I know your not suppose to eat and drinks at the same time but if I do not sip while I eat it can not get the food down. It get stuck in my throat. I feel like im chocking. Then when it finally does slide down its painful. I hate eating!!
  7. Has anyone had problems with the bariatric miltivitamin? I am struggling to get them down. If they don't make me throw up, they make me feel sick to my stomach!! Does anyone do something different when it comes to vitamins?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wonderkind


      I’m the same.

    3. OutdoorsGirl


      I take my multivitamin and medications with my first food of the day. If I don’t, I feel ill.

    4. Lorita


      I'm five weeks into my recovery I, had the Gastic Bypass so far I, lost 32 pounds I, tried the lemon juice hot water and honey and it was fine could get it down it is suppose to help you with the excess stomach fat. As for getting the vitamins down I, crush them and add them to the unsweetened apple sauce. I haven't had any acid reflux since the surgery either. but i'm only eating 1 1/2 to 2 oz.'s of food maybe twice a day. so I drink 2 30g. protein drinks a day and now a protein bar i use premiere protein drinks cause they only have 1 gram of sugar in them and 30g. protein any other protein drink makes me feel sick to my stomach.

  8. HaseenS


  9. I am 8 weeks post op. I've lost 42 lbs. I am now at a stall weight which is fine I guess, I've read serveal post that say this stall is just temperary so I'm trying to remain optimistic. My biggest problem is "food". Nothin goes down right and nothing feels good in my stomach. I'ts very discouraging. And I miss the satified feeling you get when you eat something really good. Everything I try to eat taste okay but not good. Plus I get really full really fast.
  10. HaseenS

    Post Op Rants!!

    My biggest fear is the stall im 8 weeks post Op, I have lost 42lbs and now I fear im stuck. Lord just help me get outta the two hundreds please!!
  11. HaseenS

    10 days post up---Dizzy?

    I had that problem as well, dizzy spells the first 2 weeks but out of nowhere it stopped. The only thing that helped me was eating sugar free popsicles.
  12. I'm so glad I have found this forum, I am struggling with solids, the food gets stuck in my troat and it makes is hard to eat or drink anything and whats worst is it is painful when it finally goes down. Does anyone know what im talking about. I've been feeling a little lost very much not myself while trying to navagate this diet and eating plan. Sometimes I get so fustrated I just don't eat at all.

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