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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by carolynmarie

  1. carolynmarie

    Pain in chest

    I agree that it definitely could be gas. Have you tried using mylicon which are antigas drops for babies. My doctor recommended them and I know they helped me. I want to say you can use approximately 10 drops and up to 5-6 times per day.
  2. carolynmarie

    Pain in chest

    What you are experiencing is normal. Before you left the hospital/clinic where they did you surgery did they give you a spirometer. It is a small device where you inhale as much as you can and repeat is 5 times. You will want to do this every 2 hours. This tightness in your chest is a side effect from being put under. So keep trying to breath into the spirometer or take some big deep breaths, coughing also helps to clear the lungs.
  3. carolynmarie

    Banded June 26th

    Hi Maria, If you are following the diet that the dietician gave you and you are still going back and forth with your weight I would probably get the adjustment. You are doing good so far, but if your goal is greater than 25 pounds I would definitely call your doctor and make the appt. Also, have you been exercising 30min or more daily. It would help so much. Let me know how things are going and I would be happy to answer any other questions in the future. Good luck. Carolyn
  4. carolynmarie

    Help anyone? Please!

    You would know if your band slipped. At this stage in the game for you it is not anything for you to worry about. If you begin to throw up after eating which did happen to me because of the position of the band initially, then worry. A slipped band caused me to have a lot of pain, because I had a small hernia and it was pressing on it, I thought I was having a heart attack. I saw my surgeon immediately and they did surgery right away to reposition it. I am a rare case. Even with everything that happened I don't regret a moment.
  5. carolynmarie

    Banded June 26th

    Hi Emily, I am 37 and a mother of one child. I have had the band almost 3 years now. The fills are no big deal. Just remember to eat slowly, don't drink with your meals, and stick to the diet that your nutritionist gave you. I know you might feel like you can eat more, but it is so important to listen what they tell you. Good luck and if you have any questions I'd love to help. :biggrin:
  6. No I don't mind sharing. Within the first 11/2 years I lost approximately 110#s. I not only followed the diet given to me, but exercised everyday. I also in the 3 years had only 1 adjustment. I have a unique situation. I developed scar tissue around my band because of some slippage that occurred the 1st year I had the band. The scar tissue is what restricts me now. It is good and bad. It does really limit what I can and cannot eat. I was given the option by my doctor to have the band removed, but to me now that isn't an option. Before the band I weighed 288+ and now I am at 171. Good luck and if you have any questions let me know.
  7. I have had my share of ups and downs over the past three years with the band, but I don't regret my decision. It gave me back my life with my family and a bright future that I would not have been able to experience if I wouldn't have had the surgery. Right now I am going through a tough time with having some discomfort after meals, but I will be able to work through this. Good luck to those who are on the fence about having the surgery. Remember the band is only a tool, you have to work hard changing old habits. Some people think that it is easy, once you have the band that the weight will just fall off. Wrong! You have to change your lifestyle then you can reap the rewards.
  8. carolynmarie

    Help anyone? Please!

    I am a post op patient for 3 years with a revision done approximately 2 years ago after the band slipped. I went through a lot of what your going through. Make sure you follow your diet closely, don't drink with your meals. The first 4-6 months after surgery are the hardest and you will have all kinds of new pains. Call your doctor and ask the staff, trust me you aren't the only one with the same problems. I don't regret at all having the surgery, it gave me my life back and I lost over 100#s. Good luck!

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