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About RockyD

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  1. RockyD

    Anyone in MINNESOTA?

    No you can do them but for me the first few days was painful. Every recovery is different many people had very easy recoveries others not so much. As long as you go slow and easy you'll do fine.
  2. RockyD

    Anyone in MINNESOTA?

    No, I was ok . Very tired and sore but It was tolerable. No drains for me. That might be for bypass I had the sleeve. My husband took only I day off and I was ok. I didn't do stairs. Alot of sleeping and walking and of course trying to get liquids in. I have a high energy job so I took 5 weeks off and I was good going back. It took alot out of me the first couple days back. I love premeir protein. I had to water them down after surgery but they have so many flavors that you don't get too bored. All flavors except the peanut butter( I didn't like that one ) were really good. No problem asking questions. I had so many also
  3. I also had a lot of the same issues that you're having. A few days after surgery I started having pain on my right side of my back then it went to left side.I assume its gas. It subsided after a few days. I wasn't given a binder but I had one from a previous surgery. It's a lifesaver. It took me 2 weeks out before I was able to lie down in bed. Good luck on your healing.
  4. Mine is on the 8th. Good luck to you
  5. I get it.. Every time the phone rings I'm afraid it's the doctor calling to cancel surgery.
  6. I'm so sorry. That's my fear also. Did they give you any idea when they could reschedule again.
  7. That had to have been hard. Keep strong! We're all cheering for you!
  8. Jan.8th for me. Sure nerves for pre op diet.

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