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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Lola42

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/27/1966

About Me

  • Biography
    Married, 3 children, 4 grandchildren
  • Interests
    Reading and dancing
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  • City
  • State
    New Jersey
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  1. Happy 47th Birthday Lola42!

  2. Happy 46th Birthday Lola42!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Lola42!

  4. Lola42

    Southern Jersey...Anybody?

    Hey Lisafitz, sorry for no answering but had not had the chance to get to the computer..at any rate, yes my port is sore and feels swollen..its the only part of my body that really hurts most of the time. I have another appointment with Dr. Balsama on 11/19/08, at which time, he had said I may be scheduled for my first fill. So I am looking forward to that since I don't feel as restricted. Though since my surgery I have lost 24lbs!!! (from 243lbs to 219lbs) I am so excited and yet weary, always thinking that I am going to screw this up like I always do. But, trying to stay positive at the same time..How are you doing after your first fill?? Did you weigh yourself yet?? Hope your doing great...again sorry for the delay in answering you...but life takes over sometime, hope you understand...looking forward to hearing from you..God Bless...Blanca
  5. Lola42

    Southern Jersey...Anybody?

    Hey Lisalift...yes I was just banded on 10/2/08 and still pretty much on liquids..though I have had some yogurt and cottage cheese..which I have always liked, so it was not a sacrifice. I am just now beginning to get hungry for some real food and I can't wait to my follow up appointment with Dr. Balsama on 10/22/08 to see about my first fill. I guess there is no swelling now and I don't feel restricted like I first use too. Though I like Dr. Balsama, I wasn't 100% satisfied with my particular nurse..but you win some and lose some..and who knows she may have been having an off day. How long have you been banded? How much have you lost? Write back soon! Blanca a/k/a "Lola"
  6. Lola42

    Southern Jersey...Anybody?

    Hi I am from Williamstown, Gloucester County and also had my surgery at Kennedy in Stratford by Dr. Balsama. Its great to hear about others who got "banded" by Dr. Balsama...he is very young and nice. I just got banded 10/2/08....let me know about the "fill" I still don't need one but probably will..good luck
  7. Lola42

    hi everyone!

    Hi Terry, welcome...I too had my surgery on 10/2/08 and beginning to feel like myself again. Its great to hear about your weight loss..and wish you all the best. I have lost 15.5, which is crazy. Though I am sure that once I start eating solids that might change...though I hope not. Its great to know someone else that was banded the same day...good luck in your journey...Blanca
  8. Hi Melissa, I was just like you a couple of days ago...I just got:thumbup: banded on 10/2/08 and I remember thinking in the OR that "what am I doing"..I wanted to run away..but I am glad that I did not. I am 5' 3".5 and weight about 243lbs. Even some of the nurses that were getting me ready for my surgery said, they could not see why I was getting the procedure done, since I did not look that overweight. Unfortunately, I am that overweight and most of my weight is in my legs, ankles, feet, and a little everywhere else..I am also thinking about the future..I have tried every diet imaginable and exercised to the point of exhaustion and eventhough I did lose weight it was never permanent and after a few months it became impossible to stop binge eating and then I would get discourage and would stop exercising and all the hard work would go down the drain...I did that for 20 years...I had had enough. I will remind you that this is surgery, it is painful and uncomfortable:blushing:, it is a very serious decision, but if you have been where I was then go for it...I am already down six pounds. So I would advise you to speak about it with your love ones, especially one that will be able to be with you through the first couple of days after surgery. You are going to need help...pray to Jesus Christ to give you the strength to endure the procedure and the days following...they are not easy, but in the end will be worth it. God Bless you!!...Blanca:thumbup:
  9. Lola42

    Christian bandsters

    Hello, fellow believers...this is certainly a great way to get prepared for my surgery....scheduled for tomorrow 10/2/08 at 8:30 a.m...I have been reading all of your comments and gives me a sense of peace to know that "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me"...For he has certainly done that through the last couple of weeks. I started this process back in April 2008 and can't believe that the day is almost here. Unfortunately, the last couple of weeks have been very stressful and full of pain and sorrow as my mother passed away on 9/21/08 from breast cancer that mastestisized into her lungs. So if anyone out there has lost their mother, I am sure they can understand the pain and sorrow that you go through. However, my mother was a strong and determined woman, traits that I like to think she passed on to me...So I will go on and have this surgery done and start living my second stage of life in a more healthy and productive way. I have certainly wasted a lot of time feeling sorry for myself and or feeling like a failure for not being able to lose the weight on my own and keeping it off. God bless this forum and may He continue to guide each and everyone of you....Blanca
  10. Lola42

    The things I look forward to...

    Hey thanks for allowing me to adopt your list....though I must wait a little longer before having the surgery :frown:, bummer!! But I have severe anemia and until I get that under control the doctors won't clear me for the surgery.....Hopefully in a month or two...thanks for being there...I love to read these blogs and see that I am not alone....thanks for sharing.
  11. By all means - adopt the list and add whatever you like! :) I wish my husband would say he was going to miss my big fat @$$! hahah Of course, mine is more "wide" than "fat" - so maybe he won't miss it hahaha :)

  12. Lola42

    The things I look forward to...

    Boy that is a great list, I have to say that I agree with each and everyone of them....I hope you don't mind, but I think I am adopting your list...Though I must say that one of the things my husband says he is going to miss is my fat #&*!! LOL...I told him we all must sacrifice something...
  13. Hello everyone, I just found this forum today and I am on my way to getting "banded"; I have had all of my pre-opt testing and I meet with my surgeon on 8/6/08, to hopefully schedule my "lapband" date. So I just wanted to say "Hi" and hopefully make so connections with people going through the samething as I am and to gain knowledge from the people that have already been "banded"...thanks for listening..

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