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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NJSoldierwife

  1. NJSoldierwife

    NJ Bandster meet up

    Hello all my Jersey girls! I want to set a date sometime in November or December for us to meet someplace. If you are interested, email me with dates that you are available. And we will than narrow it down. My email is: NJSoldierwife@yahoo.com hope to see you!
  2. NJSoldierwife

    2 days post op and real gassy

    walk as much as you can and gas-x tongue strips work real well, but moving helps the best!
  3. NJSoldierwife

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning ladies! Sorry I have been mia the past couple of days, been real busy. So I have been doing pretty well, just changing how I eat, making sure I am eating at least a little in the morning, lunch and dinner. Trying not to eat after 7:30. It is hard though! Still get the bad reflux, even just after morning coffee with nothing to eat! I have not gotten on the scale though, think I will tomorrow!
  4. NJSoldierwife

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Cheri, yes, I am in counseling, been for years. Believe me, I have come a long way. Unfortunately, this is just how my life is, never easy. Today, I did real well, registered everything I ate in the scale and was at 1300 calories. And just a little bit of reflux that was treated with zantac. So far so good and no vomiting! Tomorrow is a new day and I hope I can go on like this!
  5. NJSoldierwife

    I'm here to help...

    Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome! So I am going to call my lb dr on Monday to make an appt. Should I get totally unfilled and start over? Not sure. As for my daily foods. I do not keep a journal, do not know how, never did in my life, even as a girl with a diary. I normally do not eat until around 2 p.m., coffee in the a.m. and I do try to eat sometimes, but it just usually comes back up. Nightime is my worst, I am starved by than. I do tend to eat "sliders" often. Lately I have noticed I am not eating any fruits or veggies, just meat and a starch. And lots of chocolate. Uh, yeah, bad!!!! lol.... I guess I am at my breaking point emotionally. Oh, forgot to mention in my intro, I also have Muscular Dystrophy. I am still mobile, can walk, but am weak. So exercise comes very hard, and I have no motivation. Maybe today is my turn around time. I bought the biggest loser nutritional scale. you can actually weigh and track your daily foods, with all the nutritional stuff too. Today, I think I have done pretty good so far. BF: bowl of kashi go lean crisp Cereal with 1% milk Coffee with coffee mate almond creme, 2 splendas Snack: Soy strawberry yogurt (lactose intolerant) From what the scale says, I am at around 230 calories. I guess I need to validate every day of what I am eating.
  6. NJSoldierwife

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning everyone! I was wondering if I can join your group? I have been trying to find a group that is open and supportive, that I can be supportive with too! And from the looks of it, you ladies are it! A little bit about myself: Had lapband done September 2008, husband was deployed to Iraq at the time. First nine months went perfect! I was on target, losing weight (40 pounds) and focused on taking care of myself. Hubby came home, and my focus left me and went on him. We had been infertile for 10 years, so started with an infertility dr. Shots, shots and more shots, failed IUI and 2 dncs later found me with a uterus filled with pre-cancerous cells. Had to be put on a medication for 3 months to fix the situation, which it did, but also put 20 pounds on me (come to find out the med was used for anorexics to gain weight). Did another round of shots and another IUI, early miscarriage. So no more insurance money to do infertility, that part of my life is over. We have been on an adoption list for 3 years, and am now working with the state to do a foster to adopt program. I have nothing left in me, no focus, drive, or even happiness. I did lose 9 of the 20 pounds. I feel horrible, every day I have horrendous heartburn, almost completely filled, I vomit almost every day if not more. How do I come back? I feel like such a failure! If this is too intense for you, please let me know and I will find someplace else. Thank you for listening!
  7. Sorry to be nosy, but I am in Howell, which is actually in the middle of all of you! Can I join your buddy group? I was banded September of 08, lost 40 lbs, gained 20, lost 9. I am so not doing well at all, and do not have anyone who knows what I am going through!
  8. NJSoldierwife

    seeking support buddie 32 years F in clifton

    Hi! Wow I feel like I was reading my own! I got my band surgery one month before you! Did real well the first 9 months and than had some health issues, originally lost 40 pounds, gained 20 back, and now have lost 9 of those 20. I am drowning so bad here, i am almost at my tightest, not eating right, can't get my head out of my a--!!! Have horrible heartburn every day and puking almost every day. I am not sure how far I am from Clifton, I am in howell. Would love to chat! My email is: mcarroll129@yahoo.com Take care!
  9. NJSoldierwife

    Need Lap Band Buddy / Mentor I need you!

    Hi Dawn! Thank you so much for writing me! Wow, you are doing great! Maybe I can be that successful again! My email is NJSoldierwife@yahoo.com. Would love to chat with you! Get some inspiration and ideas on how to start again! Talk to you soon, Michaele
  10. Hi, I had my surgery September 2008. Lost 40 pounds, have now gained 5 back. I feel I have lost everything, I don't know what to do. I just can't seem to get back on track. I live in NJ and am really looking for someone whom I can get support from, while i support them. And if you are in my area, even more better. I feel like a failure and want to succeed! Thanks
  11. NJSoldierwife

    BFP!! (with Male Factor and latent PCOS)

    Congratulations! That is wonderful! I am in the process of ttc#1 on clomid (2nd cycle) (100 mgs) and Ovidrel shot. Hopefully I will be following your footsteps!!!
  12. Hi everyone. Ok this is long, so sit still..... I am 36 yrs old, banded 9-08, lost 40 pounds to date, still has 60 to 70 to go. Been married 10 years, ttc #1 for 10 years unofficially. Have muscular dystrophy, anemia, type 2 diabetes, controlled. Am in my first cycle of ttc with fertility meds. did clomid, now on cd 17, just got the ovidrel shot today, so hopefully i am going to o tomorrow, i am really scared because my neuro dr scared the hell out of me telling me i can have complications with lung restrictive disease, i do have it but mild, but he said it can get worse with pg, and it can get bad. oh i want a baby soooo so bad, am i doing the right thing???
  13. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey and friends 2009 Chat April, May, June

    Hi Finally in Montclair. Don't be scared. The journey of having a lapband does have its ups and downs, but the most beneficial tool you can have besides the band itself is focus. If you lose your focus, that is when things happen. I was banded on September 7, 2008, and to today have lost 40 pounds, I have about 60 more to go. I see some other people who in the same amount of time as me have lost more and less. It is up to you, just remember, the band is a TOOL, not the magic pill. Always have support with people who go through it also. I am available, you can always email me at NJSoldierwife@yahoo.com As for everyone else, how are you??? Good here, going on vacation on Monday to Key West, can't wait!! Hubby is back from iraq, whew.... So life can now return to normal. 5 weeks ago I broke my ankle, so have been dealing with that and not able to exercise, bummer it has been.
  14. NJSoldierwife

    My progress - 8-1/2 months

  15. NJSoldierwife

    January 2009

  16. NJSoldierwife

    August before surgery

  17. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey and friends 2009 Chat April, May, June

    What happened to everyone? I don't think I smell!!???
  18. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey and friends 2009 Chat April, May, June

    Wow, where is everyone? Very quiet!!! So today it hit 88, tomorrow and monday will be 91. it just went from winter to summer, no spring! I had to put the a/c on it was so hot! Michaele
  19. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey and friends 2009 Chat April, May, June

    Hi everyone! Yes, you can all yell at me. It has been a very long time since I have been on here. I am so sorry about that. I do think of you all often. There has just been so much going on in my life. My husband had come home for 2 weeks for his R&R from Iraq in march, so that took precedent. Than I had family in and out. So.... doing well here, down almost 38 pounds. Had a fill in March and am so restricted still it is great, actually I am a little bit too tight, couldn't eat any solids for almost 2 weeks, but I trudged through it because I am finally losing weight again. Over the holidays into February I had gained a pound. I was so upset. Since March 16, I have lost almost 7 pounds. Woo hoo! So how is everyone here???
  20. NJSoldierwife


    From the album: My Progress

  21. NJSoldierwife

    My Progress

    I had my surgery September 9.
  22. NJSoldierwife


    From the album: My Progress

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
