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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NJSoldierwife

  1. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    We had a great time at Applebee's! It was Jetti and myself. She is such a wonderful person! (Thank you jess for all of your support and information.) Hopefully we are going to do all of this again next month after my surgery! And hope more of you come! As for me, I will be gone starting tomorrow until Friday. Going to see my husband off to war. Please pray for him and his safety. Talk to you all next week!
  2. NJSoldierwife

    Medifast Pro-Op Diet & Headaches

    I had horrendous headaches the first week. AND I was the biggest b--ch ever, because i was going through carb withdrawals. it will get better, just stick it out. good luck!
  3. NJSoldierwife

    Help! I need a new surgeon asap!

    I heard Dr. Ballantyne in Hackensack Medical Center is very good. The same thing happened to me, my insurance is covering 65% of it, but only 65% of the fee schedule which turns out to be only $941. So I am paying out of pocket for the balance, but my Dr is so great, he put me on a monthly payment plan for after. Good luck!
  4. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    hey everyone, i am here, still waiting on the results of the ct scan. i am nervous, but not as much, but still a little, did that make sense? man, my brain is frazzled, all with this and the surgery and my hubby going to iraq, i just cant do it sometimes. so anyways, for anyone in NJ, Jetti, myself and hopefully others will be meeting at Applebee's on Route 9 in Howell at 6 p.m. on Saturday, hopefully some of you can make it! if you need directions, email me at njsoldierwife@yahoo.com Betty, I am glad you are doing well! thanks for all of your concerns about me, i feel loved! :eek:
  5. NJSoldierwife

    Hi! New Here

    Hi everyone! I am new to this site. I am approved for the lap bad surgery and it looks like I will be scheduling for around September 15 to have it done. It is actually a very big surprise that I am having it done than. You see, my Dr's insurance lady looked up my requirements wrong. I was told I needed the 6 months of pre-surgery documented failed tryings at weight loss by my physician and than I would have the surgery. I just got the call today that is wrong, and I am already approved and can get it done either August or September. I can't do August because that is when I am traveling to Ft Bliss TX to see my hubby depart for Iraq. I am so scared, but excited and nervous all at once. I would love any and all advice and hope to make new friends here. Anyone from NJ? Talk to you soon, Michaele
  6. NJSoldierwife

    its so quiet!

    How is everyone? My countdown is getting smaller! 19 days till surgery! I can't wait! So how are my military ladies doing? Michaele
  7. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    I am so freaking out! Oh My God, I can't take it.... I had my pre admin tests done yesterday, ekg, chest xray, bloodwork.... wellll........ My chest xray came back with and I quote "possible area of density in left chest area" So now I have to go for a CAT scan with the dye in the iv. I am so scared it is something bad! And my hubby is going off to effin war and I am here by myself and just feeling really scared and bad right now. Yes, i do have family and loved ones to support me, but its not the same. YKWIM? Please pray real hard that this is nothing.
  8. I need everyone to know so I can get as much support as I can. I am an emotional girl and do not like to hide things.
  9. NJSoldierwife

    When to Stop Eating

    I am having my surgery on September 9 and I had that same question. Some doctors require the patient to do a liquid diet before hand if they have a fatty liver or have an extremely high BMI. I don't have to do any of that. And than I heard some people just want to do it to jumpstart their bodies.
  10. NJSoldierwife

    Southern Jersey...Anybody?

    Hi everyone! I am Michaele, from howell, monmouth county. I am getting my surgery September 9 wtih Dr Chao out of Plainsboro, the hospital is Princeton. Next saturday the 23rd Jetti and myself and anyone else is invited, we are having a get together, somewhere on the Route 9 , howell section of jersey My email is NJSoldierwife@yahoo.com Hope to see you! Michele
  11. NJSoldierwife

    NJ local group new member introduction

    Hi Julie! I am Michaele (pronounced Michelle). I live in Howell which is about 35 minutes east of you. So how did the surgery go? Next Saturday, the 23rd myself, Jetti and anyone else if they want are getting together either for lunch or dinner, if you want to come, let me know. My email is NJSoldierwife@yahoo.com Talk to you soon Michaele
  12. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    Hey everyone` Sorry it has been so long, been crazy busy lately. All from NJ! Hey!! How are ya? Jacqulin where in Monmouth Cty are you? I live in Howell. Well, the countdown is upon me, 25 days till surgery! next week I go see my hubby in Ft Bliss TX, than he flies out to the sandbox a few days after that. Hope you Jersey girls and boys can meet Jetti and me for our meet next week! love and hugs Michaele
  13. NJSoldierwife

    Medifast -- AFTER surgery? (long post)

    Hi! I know what you are saying about this. I am going in for my surgery sept 9. Now I didn't need to do any weightloss before hand. However, I have used medifast before. From everything that my nutritionist and surgeon are telling me, the first month is the most critical for healing and the month with the least amount of "real cooked food" Meaning, the first week after the surgery, I will be on liquids only the second week, pureed foods third week, softer foods fourth week and on, introducing more solid foods So, a friend of mine who had the lb done said the medifast is perfect for this. because there are broths and the shakes, and are very nutritious, they are good for the first 2 weeks at least, than you can add the eggs, pudding, etc.... But my only downside to when i used medifast is this, once i got off of it, i gained my weight back because i didn't learn my new tools, i relied too much on the "already prepared" and "just open and go" of the diet. So, all in all, it is good the first month, but just still really try and learn on your own what to do for life. We will get through this! Good luck and keep in touch! I am here for ya! Michaele
  14. Holy cow, I just got my surgery date, September 9. And that is only 10 days after I come home from seeing dh for his 4 day pass before flying to Iraq. I don't know how I am doing this without him. He will be in Kuwait the day I am getting the surgery. I am so scared. I am not good with trauma and stuff, I am so scared. Oh did I say that already? Sorry, just freaking a little. With my emotions of him leaving for 10 more months, knowing he is not in safe Fort Bliss TX is killing me. Oh well, talk to you ladies soon! Michaele
  15. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    Hey everyone, Sorry I have been mia, went and spent a couple of days with my Mom. Its funny, she only lives 4 miles from me, but we had some family coming from out of town and it was just easier for me to stay there. I know Jessica (Jetti) said we were meeting on August 17, but it has been changed to the 23rd. So, if anyone else is still interested, I think it would be great to all meet! Talk to you soon. Michaele
  16. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    Jetti, I would love to meet sometime. I think that would be great! My email is NJSoldierwife@yahoo.com lets make plans! Kat, thank you so much for the welcome. I was wondering how most is not from NJ, but in the NJ forum. Thanks for answering my question! Congrats on your WL, that is absolutely wonderful! My inspiration, actually, everyone is my inspiration, I am getting more and more excited now, not as scared. Talk to you all soon Michaele
  17. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    Good morning everyone, Thank you for all the warm welcomes! I am so excited and freaked, my surgery date is September 9! That is only a month away! Oh man! I think the most I am so freaked about, besides the actual surgery, is trying to imagine myself thinner. I can't! I try and picture it, but I just can't! Does that happen to any of you? Do you guys ever meet up anywhere for coffee or something? That would be great to do. Have a good Sunday, Michaele
  18. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    No he is in Fort Bliss TX. thank you so much, I need all the prayers I can get.
  19. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    Hi everyone, Do you mind me joining your group? I live in Howell, NJ, being banded on September 9. Very scared. My dh is on his 2nd tour going to Iraq. So I am basically alone, well my Mother will be with me for the surgery. I am so looking for some buddies to do this with. Thanks michaele (pronounced michelle)
  20. I was actually asked to lose some weight so he has more room to successfully move around and place the band correctly. Nothing was mentioned to me about my liver. So I am not really sure than. Sorry michaele
  21. Hi, I have a strange question, but I am freaked out about it. When you went into surgery and they have to intubate you, were you aware of it? And when getting out and they had to pull it out? Out of everything with getting this surgery, the technical parts are what I am most scared of. Will I breathe ok? Are they going to find anythign wrong with me? Thanks Michaele
  22. NJSoldierwife

    weird question

    Thank you all so much! I feel much better now. My mind gets going (very imaginative) and that is it, I am done. And looking at the amount of weight lost on your guys tickers, this makes me very excited! You are all my inspiration to get through this! With my husband deployed to the sandbox, it is hard to do this without him, but I will be just that much stronger and healthier when he comes home next year. Michaele
  23. NJSoldierwife

    I'll go first

    Hi everyone! I am 35 yrs old, married 9 years to a NJ National Guard combat medic. 14 years now in military. 1st 4 were AD Navy and rest is NG reserves. This is his 2nd tour (just left 2 weeks ago) to sandbox. Actually right now he is in Ft Bliss TX and leaving in 5 weeks for Iraq. No kids, 2 cats. I am approved, but not going through Tricare, his civ job still has us on their ins (i pay for it), but it is the absolute best ins. Scheduling surg around 9-15. Take care, Michaele
  24. NJSoldierwife

    Hi! New Here

    Hey OB!!! Right up the road! how cool. I am going through Dr. Chau, he is in Plainsboro. he is with www.njbariatricspc.com August 20, that is awesome. We have to keep in touch to do this, I am so scared, are you?

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