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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NJSoldierwife

  1. NJSoldierwife

    NJ October 2008 thread

    good afternoon wonderful ladies! how are you? fabulous here! i lost 2 more pounds! so i am now down 18!!! i am so excited. i know i am not supposed to weigh in until wednesday, but i have been doing it every day now for 3 days and it has held so i know for a fact it is correct. 10 more and i will be under 200! wow, i havent been under 200 since i got married 9 years ago! so i have a question, after how many pounds lost do you change sizes? i thought i might have so i went and bought 2 pairs of pants and they are too small, and they are only 1 size smaller, so now i am totally bummed, and broke out my walk away the pounds tape and am going to start exercising.
  2. NJSoldierwife

    post op lap band

    hi cindy, congratulations on getting banded. i am one month out. the pain could be from 1 of 2 things. either it is just gas trying to escape. i had gas for about 2 to 3 weeks. or it is from the swelling and the band is pressing on something. nothing to worry about, just keep walking as much as you can, it really helps the most. email me at njsoldierwife@yahoo.com if you would like to become band buddies or need support or just need to vent. talk to you soon!:tongue2:
  3. NJSoldierwife

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Donna! Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes! I heard from dh at 5 am today for about 2 seconds and than he had to go, I hope he can call me again! So of course I cried myself to sleep. He just started his tour so he wont be home until next summer. This is his 2nd tour, he was there 2004 - 2005. So how is everyone today? I am good. It is nice and chilly here in the 60's I love the fall.
  4. NJSoldierwife

    looking for a new Dr

    My surgeon is a great guy!!! His office has everything. They do the fills right there and has their own nutirionist. They are in Plainsboro which is about 15 minutes from North Brunswick. Dr Chau is his name, NJ Bariatrics, 609-785-5870
  5. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    thank you everyone for letting me know i am not crazy! i decided i am going to weigh myself in the mornings before i get dressed. and only once a week, we will see! so tomorrow is my weigh day since that is when i started at the dr's.
  6. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    hi ladies! how is everyone? ok here. battling some food demons. i haven't been bad, still keeping to the foods on my list, i am on the start of my 4th week out. BUT I am a little bit more hungry, so instead of eating 4 oz I am putting in about 8 oz. It is all healthy foods, vegetarian, but i feel so guilty, AND I have not lost anymore weight from the 15 pounds. I am so confused, when do I weigh myself? in the morning when I get up? without clothes? with pajamas? naked? Oh goodness, I am going crazy!!! Oh, and if anyone in NJ is interested, my dr's office is having their support group October 1, 7 p.m. in Plainsboro, NJ. email if you need directions.
  7. NJSoldierwife

    Good Help Book????

    Hi! I am starting my 3rd week post op and just bought an INCREDIBLE cookbook that is useable before and especially after. It is called recipes for Life After Weight-Loss Surgery : Delicious Dishes for Nourishing the New You by Margaret Furtado, Lynette Schultz I got it at Barnes and Noble. It explains when you can eat the recipe also and has all the nutritional values. I strongly recommend it. Good luck!
  8. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    My Drs office is having a LB support group meeting on October 1, at 7 p.m. the office is in Plainsboro, NJ Other than that, I do not know of any right now. I am in Monmouth County and will look around and let you know.
  9. Raven, I was banded 9-9. I had the lapband. I am not allowed to get any fills until 6 weeks out. that is because you need to be well healed and everything in place and the swelling down, so you do not get hurt or anything. I have had restriction since day one. Please be very careful with what you eat because you are still healing. That is the main reason why we are on liquids than mushies and than soft foods, so the band and stomach heal.
  10. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Hi ladies! Kat, I am praying for you every day, hopefully this is all going to pass and you will on your way to recovery any day now. Darcy, nice to meet you, thank God everything is good now Everyone else, HI!!! Oh, btw, look at my ticker! Today was my first follow up with the Dr and I lost 15 pounds since the surgery!!! WOO HOO!!!! Oh and that was only 9 days ago!!! hee hee hee!!! I am so freaking happy about that!!! PARTY ON THE PUREEDS!!!! :lol::lol::tt1::tt1::tt1::tt1::tt1::tt1::cool2::thumbup::w00t::thumbup::tt2::biggrin:
  11. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    hi ladies, how are you all? ok here. a little weak today. i am at day 6, is this normal? i am feeling a bit more hungry, but cannot eat more than 3 oz at a time. and my intolerance to milk products has dramatically increased. i can only handle about 2 oz of liquid yogurt or the atkins protein drink. other than that i am pretty ok. been having a pain towards the side of my abdomin, like 2 inches under my left breast. i think it is my stomach healing and gas. i am hoping this all sounds normal to you! i get a little nervous.
  12. NJSoldierwife

    5 days Post-Op!

    hi everyone, 9-9 was my surgery. here is some good info for you all, thanks to my hubby who is an er medic and combat medic in the national guard. the pain you are feeling in your chest and back is the actual lapband settling in after the swelling is going down. the band, per my surgeon sits a little on your diaphram when there is swelling. i have had diarrhea also for a few days, that is because we are only flushing fluids through our body, so there is nothing solid to go through the intestines. once you get on more solids, it will stop. just try and sip and drink often because diarrhea will make you dehydrated. today i am feeling a little bit weak. so as of yesterday, i had to add some baby food, it helped tremendously i hope you all feel better! we are doing this for a great reason and we will get through it together!:tt1:
  13. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Hi everyone! Im back! Had the surgery Tuesday. The actual surgery went real well, however, I did have complications. They couldn't get me out of the anesthesia and than after that I couldnt breathe on my own for about 1/2 hour, so while wide awake, they had to put me on a respirator and bag me. it was so horrible. I had to actually get their attention by writing on paper because they thought i was ok, but was actually couldnt breathe. so i ended up in ICU for the duration of my hospital stay. But I am home since wednesday and doing real well. i am moving around, able to shower and sleep and drink i am still real excited and very optimistic about my journey! so how are all of you?
  14. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Ok ladies, It is 10 p.m, I have to be at the hospital at 6 am, I have already re-organized the whole kitchen, re-washed the dish towels and pot holders, did all my laundry and now I have to pack. This is good night, I won't be on for a few days. Don't Say a prayer for me now, save it till the morning after! hee hee hee, a little Duran Duran PLEASE do say a prayer for me now. love to all
  15. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Good morning ladies! So less than 24 hours to go! Ugh, I am getting nervous now. It was so funny, last night I think I called everyone I knew "just to chat". And since my husband is deployed, I had to make a "in case of emergency, call here" sheet for my Mom to get in touch with him. And I than supplied some people to call after to let them Know I am ok. And I keep pacing my house, and as if I was pregnant, I am in that nesting feeling. I am having my house cleaned, I cleaned out the refrigerator, I am doing my laundry. Did anyone else do this? Oh boy, see I am rambling!! Should I take a Xanax? But what if by taking the Xanax it will counter act with the anesthesia and I die? You know how you here of the people dying, like Heath ledger, he took too much of a mixture and died. But I am not on anything else, I won't even take an advil, so my body is free and clear of all synthetics. ha, still rambling, ok, i am going for now.
  16. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    HarleyNana, Yeah Hanna was totally bigger bark than bite. But you know what, if we didnt warn and make it big and it was, people would be in trouble. So I dont mind all the warnings! No, I don't have to do any pre-diets before. Should I?
  17. NJSoldierwife

    Support Group Meeting

    Unfortunately I can't go, that is 2 days AFTEr my surgery so I don't think I will be moving around. I do know of another LB support group at Old Bridge Library on Monday Sept 8 also. it is at 7 p.m.
  18. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Hi everyone! Well Hanna is here and is not too bad, just heavy rains and some wind. So I think it is less than expected. Whew! So, 3 days until surgery! I am getting a little bit more nervous. More for being knocked out and stuff. Hubby is offically in theatre. He left yesterday. Hopefully I will hear from him soon. Hope all is well with you! Stay safe with Ike and Hanna!
  19. NJSoldierwife

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Hi everyone! I am back from seeing my hubby in El Paso TX. It was so good to be with him, I haven't seen him in 2 months! And now another 10 is starting! So my surgery is this Tuesday the 9th! I am so excited, but so nervous! I really can't wait though. Sherry - thank you for doing the MDA run. My family has MD, my Dad passed from it, and I have the gene and not sure if the symptoms I have are from that or my weight. but thanks, every bit helps! Everyone else, glad you are doing ok, welcome all the new ladies!
  20. NJSoldierwife

    Hey ya'll!!

    Hi Cari! Welcome! Good luck with all that you are doing. This site is perfect for support. I am being banded this coming Tuesday the 9th. I am down the shore in NJ.
  21. NJSoldierwife

    September 9 banding

    Im Sept 9!!! I am so excited!!! But, I am thinking of maybe doing some shake days because I have not had to do the pre-op diet, but afraid my dr will go in and than close up saying my liver is too fatty. Maybe a few pounds will do it? Good luck everyone!
  22. Hello, I am pre-op but wanted to answer the protein question.... I just bought protein water by kelloggs, someone i know who had the lb done used it and it really helped her especially the first week with the hunger. good luck!
  23. NJSoldierwife

    New Jersey August Chat

    Hi everyone! Im back! I just got back last night from viisting my dh in fort bliss for his 4 day pass before he leaves for iraq. it was a wonderful visit. hated the last day because it was so emotional, but we got through it. I loved being with him, it has been 2 months since! and now another 10 months to go. so for all wondering, my chest cat scan came out fine, whew! so this wednesday i just have to get my med clearance from gp and next tuesday the 9th is my day! I am so excited and scared at the same time! I have a question, I keep reading about people going in for the surgery and than when the dr goes in finds the liver is too fatty and won't do the surgery. how can i prevent that? liquid diet? if so, what do I drink to take in calories? i think i want to do a few days of it, just to be on the safe side.

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