Hi, My name is April. I weigh 254 lbs. I started at 279. I was banded on Jan 8th, 2008. Very excited to be part of this web site. My goal wieght is 180. I would be super happy with that. I went for a third fill on Fri. the 18th. I am very restricted. I can only drink hot fluids. I had some grits yesterday morning. That was fine. But I called my fill person and she said I should not have done that. So I am back on hot liquids for 3 days. I have lost a couple lbs. since Fri. Just being on liquids. Anyway I hope I am not to full. I have a J & J and I am full to 9 whatever you call its. Let me know, if anyone has experienced this type of restriction and if its ok. Thanks.....:crying: