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Popsicle Toes

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Popsicle Toes

  1. Popsicle Toes

    Sunshiney Day !

    From the album: Me

  2. Popsicle Toes

    this isnt working for me !

    I so know what you mean. I also have not lost but 5 pounds since my first fill and I feel guilty that I can eat more than I think I should be able to. I have my next fill on 07/29 so I am hoping that things will change.
  3. Hi my name is Bree, I had my surgery on May 24th, I have lost 29 pounds and have had one fill. I lost 24 of my 29 pounds before the surgery. I feel like I can still eat to much. Anyone else out there feel that way, is it not tight enough?

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