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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mom2twoboysinfl

  1. Talertot...ok..first of all slow down; everything is going to be ok..but the very first thing you need to do is realize that your body has been through a very very big trauma. You have to give your tummy a lot of time to rest and recover..you are going to be going through a lot of tough day's and you need to take them slow. A few things I learned were that you need to keep yourself hydrated from the very beginning...I actually used a 2 tbs. medicine cup and took that every 15 minutes for the first 4 or 5 days. Depending on wether or not your band has Fluid in it or not your restriction may be tight or not.

    As far as the Multi Vitamins go..don't even try and swallow one of those horse pills...get the chewable Flinstones...and then just suck on them until they disolve in your mouth.

    Please feel free to e-mail me if you have questions.

    Remember to go slow..take small sips and spread them out..your tummy is new and it's going to take some getting used to. Ok?

    Good Luck and don't be afraid to ask for help..


  2. Ok..JOBSTUD..so glad you've chosen to reach out...naturally this happens and your not a fault..it's life and all we can do is the best we can do as individuals...do go and see your Dr. tell him what's been going on and take the steps you need to to get back on track...we in this community are all here for you if you need us...some people are just shy about words...but we are here..good luck and e-mail if you need to...remember this is a slow process and the band is a tool..not a solution..getting back on line and making the choice to take time for you is the first step in the getting back on track process... :)

  3. Honest...JMS is right..don't worry yourself about slipage and the possible break down of the band; seriously you'll make yourself nuts..just relax and worry about getting enough protein/calories and water...remember too to excersize if you can and take your vitimins. Your body is in the healing stage and will be for 7-9 months..go slow...eat slow..chew slowly and dont' be too anxious about your results...remember your band is a tool..not a solution...good luck! :)

  4. Hi guys............not sure if this helps but your feelings are right on target...it's just so important to go very very slow..right now and take the time to let your body heal..try not to get to a point where your stomach becomes too empty for too long...this will produce gas in your lower stomach and can cause nausea. Please feel free to send me an e-mail if you've got questions. Trust me when I say no question is a stupid one..I'm pretty sure I've asked them all!

    Good luck and take it slow...:tongue_smilie:

  5. Hi March Bandsters....It's been so long since I've been on this site so here's an update: A few weeks ago I was totally annoyed, I was working my butt of and seeing no results on the scale. Yes, all of my clothes are loose and I am fitting into stuff that I couldn't pre surgery. But what I really wanted was that number on the scale! When I said working my butt off.......I mean in the fitness center, but not in my kitchen. I was pretty much giving up there and eating what I wanted, even if it was uncomfortable getting past the band or got stuck. I would end up running to the bathroom to have whatever I ate come right back up...almost daily. So after meeting with a new trainer; I decided to get a grip and really work with the tool I'd been given. I mean DUH Kerrie you had surgery to put this thing in you and you are fighting it....this is what I said to myself one week ago. So this past Tuesday I had a fill... 1/2 cc put into my band. Naturally I was on liquids for 48 hours and have taken my time with it...doing my workouts, walking, drinking the K2O proteing water....staying clearly away from carbs most of the day...and boom...yesterday I was down 5 lbs from Tueday! i have to say when my doctor told me i needed to journal all my food...I was like what the heck for?? Well, I am not eating nearly enough Protein. I am supposed to have 50 grams of protein a day and 1,000 calories a day. For many many weeks I've been weak and so tired...well DUH! So, if you feel crappy...check your protein level..

    So, how are all of the rest of the March Bandsters doing???

    Have a great weekend!


  6. Ok...so my surgery was on 3/9...all went well very standard..was home next day, started with 1 oz. Jello and 1 oz. chicken broth for meals, room temp. water/crystal lite inbetween meals...This was ok for 3 days, I wasn't getting nearly enough Protein and the weakness and lethargy was really starting to set in. I had a constant feeling like a donkey kicked me in the chest...and thought I had swallowed a tennis ball...The pressure was great but normal...Then on Friday I started dry-gas-heaving...2 times Friday (one time at the soccer field in front of all the other Mom's...I am team Mom and of course had a lot of explaining to do...they actually thought I was hung over!?!) 2 times Saturday (once infront of the Dick's sporting goods store after excusing myself from the cashier...naturally in front of everybody entering the store!)

    anyway..this went on until Sunday...I panicked and saw my surgeon on Monday who informed me that although I was eating the correct amount and wasn't stuffing myself..I was going too fast...it takes time for stuff ...food and drink...to go from the new stomach to the old...or upper and lower if you will...

    This is the reason for my post...the surgeon on Monday made it very very clear to me that there has been a recent trauma to my stomach and that it has to heal like any other trauma....there ar thousands of nerves and stuff in there that are in shock...he said to go very very slow and introduce things very slowly...this is a critical time for the stomach and the band...if you can make it through this adjustment from healing to soft foods...all will be well...

    I am no expert...I have no information that everybody else doesn't know..but I think may be there was such a lengthy bit of time from the beginning of my process where I researched and learned alot until the time I actually had my surgery. So I'm going back and re-reading everything..

    my intent here is to simply say it's ok to feel yuckie...take it slow and don't panic...

    I dont' know...... I guess I just wanted to share incase somebody else was having these symptoms....sometimes it's just nice to know or identify with someone who may be feeling the same way..Good luck everybody...Kerrie:smile2:

  7. exactly nite run....that bubble you feel is the exact feeling I have had since day ONE! I know you have commented on my posting before..."5 day post op and dry heaving gas"...or something like that...anyway, I am still dry heaving...I can not get anything down until right after I dry heave like crazy. It's so uncomfortable and it so hurts...I am getting only like 6 oz. of what every i can manage to keep down..and that is in a day! I am scared.! :)

  8. Lynmcg---I noticed your comment about only one of your pupils being dialated...check one of the newer posts on the POST-operation forum...It mentions pupils being dialated and using a patch...just and fyi....:)

    Oh by the way.....I am from Foxboro Ma, spent my summers in Chatham...we had a home growing up on Oyster pond...over by Stage Harbor...I will always be a Cape Cod girl!

    Good Luck with everything...Kerrie

  9. good question txspatter...I can't even get down 2 oz. of broth...jello...cream soup...NOTHING..I am so exhausted from dry heaving gas (who new that was possible)....I am totally a non throw up kind of gal...I didn't have morning sickness at all with both kids...haven't puked since 1992...and no I am not kidding...I walk constantly...:confused:I even went outside in the middle of the night to walk the street in my neighborhood..I was so out of it, I was half dressed. I just went to the mall, merely for a change of scenery and I had to excuse myslef from paying for my purchase to run outside and dry heave gas IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY ENTERING THE MALL!! :eek:Talk about mortifying! My diet consists of tring to get down broth and watered down applejuice in the am..i try and drink warm Water inbetween meals, but it's hard when nothing...and I mean nothing moves in there to make room for keeping hydrated. Then about 2 hours later I attempt another 2 oz of broth or watered down cream soup...I can hardly get it all in...I am SO full. So this evening when I went to the mall I got a small chicken Soup from the ChikFilae joint and sipped some broth off the top and that was it...20 minutes later after a sip of warm water I was heaving again! Seriously I don't know how I can carry myself I have no energy and I am certain I am not taking in enough calories...UGHHHH.

    And seriously...weight loss is the furthest from my mind at this point...I'd like to make it through a day without dry heaving gas!

    Thanks for letting me vent...Kerrie:cursing:

  10. thanks guys...I appreciate all the support..thankfully I have some Chamomile and Green tea, going to go make some...as far as walking goes...I can not do anymore..I am seriously exhausted from walking a lot. I will also look into the muscle relaxer too, not certain how to take pills, I know we have to crush everything, but will the larger pieces after crushing dissolve?

    Oh, and about the weight loss...that was all pre-surgery pre-liquid diet...I appreciate the support, this is just a long road and I have to get comfy for the long long ride!

    Thanks again, Kerrie

  11. Please help:

    My gas situation is NOT getting better, in fact I think something is wrong with my stomach. I am unable to burp at all, and I'm totally not kidding, I can not get any gas out of my abdomen. Yesterday, after having my 2oz. of Breakfast and 2oz. of lunch, both consisting of mothing more than broth and Protein shake, I can barely get down the 2oz. at a time. Well, I put a total of 4 oz. in and no gas came out, neither end..if you know what I mean..and I ended up at 4PM dry gas heaving in the weeds next to my son's soccer game. I was totally mortified.

    I mean really, I'm 5 day's post op and I can't eat but 2oz. at a time. This just doesn't seem right to me and I've gotten to a poing where I'm like...does anybody else want to give me another obstacle to effect my weight loss? I did 2 weeks of liquid died, didn't cheat once, I'm now 5 day's post op and all in all I've only lost a total 8 lbs.

    I'm just so frustrated.....I know I shouldn't focus on the wieght loss...but HELLO is this not the reason I'm doing this?

    I am suffering through all us this with the worst gas pain ever...I totally need a break here. Somebody please tell me what to do about my tummy gas..

    Thank you, Kerrie


  12. :w00t: Ok, I am 3 day's post-op, and I am having a hard time trying to figure out my abdoment. I know this sounds strange, but I can't decipher what is a hunger pain and what is gas! Seriously I am so full of abdominal gas it is really really bothering me. It's rather painful too....iv'e tried gas-x and that did nothing at all...I finally had my first BM today and thought that would help with the gas, but no such luck...I have had to talk my self out of vomiting like 2 times each day and wonder why this is not subsiding? My incisions are rather painful and I can not imagine having to actually throw-up. I still have that feeling that somebody kicked me in the chest too....I'm kind of scared of this pain, is it normal? Anyway getting to my point....How long is this feeling of no hunger, way too much gas and abdominal discomfort going to go on for...???

    Any help comment, suggestion will help....I'm going to speak with the doctors office tomorrow but thought any advise tonight could only be a help...thank you, Kerrie

  13. I am on my second day of the pre-op diet. I have to say its a struggle to not grab food when I get board or hungry. I'm gonna stick through until the end, but boy my stomach sure is growling:) I'll be having my surgery on the 16th. I am so excited but nervous about the pain. I have no problem admitting that I am a baby when it comes to pain. I'm hoping all goes well and that first week slips by fast and comfortably.

    good luck everyone

    svsparkle....I too struggled with the pre-op diet, but i can tell you that day by day the growling slowed and eventually stopped. By the second week I was actually looking forward to SF Jello/popsicles, broth and the Adkins Advantage shakes were like a treat to top it all off...these are most important becuase during your liquid stage this is your only Protein. I ended up going ahead and having all 6 a day and it was just enough to keep me going. I used to take on of those insulated bags that some new moms use for baby bottles and putting a few shakes in it with the ice pack almost everytime I left the house...saved me so many times of wanting to stop for something.Also, I found 2 days before my surgery that you can go into a Nutrition store and they actually have chilled Protein Shakes that you can just grab and go...I hope this helps..you can do it...email me or message me if you need some help..good luck..


  14. I just got home from the hospital, my surgery was yesterday 3/9/09. I'm feeling pretty ok, have a lot of gas pain so need to start hitting the Gas-X. walked around as much as i could last night to start the gas moving and it did help a bit but not enough. my incisions are quite sore, my surgeon Dr. Fielding at NYU has a new method where he only does two incisions so I only have two but they definitely hurt. Am trying to take it easy and recover. Good luck to everyone who's surgeries are coming up!

    Hello Ait-

    My surgery was also 3/9 and I arrived home from the hospital yesterday as well. I am feeling kind of "stuffed", if you know what I mean. My surgeon, Dr. Stankard in Orange Park FL, used 5 incisions, one rather large one that is about 5". I am doing ok, just continuing Clear Liquids, planning on adding 1-2 oz. of Protein Shake today..the worst part is definetly the gas pain. I can't seem to shake it all...tried the GasX, can't tell if it worked or not. I just want the days to go by in fast forward so I can get on with the weight loss part.

    I'm planning on having my husband take some pictures and going out for a scale today..just so i can keep track of progress without having to go to the doc's office. Keep in touch if you can..would be neat to keep track of eachother...good luck...Kerrie:thumbup:

  15. :thumbup:Hello again...my lap top has been out of commision for a few weeks...anyway..tomorrow is the big day..i'm being banded at 7:30 am at Orange Park Hospital. Got to go scrub with the gross soap the hospital gave me, both tonight and tomorrow morning...I will check in again in a few days..I'm certain I will have many questions.


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
