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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mom2twoboysinfl

  1. mom2twoboysinfl

    GQ DH

  2. mom2twoboysinfl

    New Puppy

  3. mom2twoboysinfl

    Bruschi and his friend Dixie

    From the album: New Puppy

  4. mom2twoboysinfl

    Love that puppy belly

    From the album: New Puppy

  5. mom2twoboysinfl

    what? Me?

    From the album: New Puppy

  6. mom2twoboysinfl

    Bruschi loves the grass...

    From the album: New Puppy

  7. mom2twoboysinfl

    cruise 2006

    From the album: before pics

  8. mom2twoboysinfl

    most recent pic March 2008

    From the album: before pics

  9. mom2twoboysinfl

    at Disney World 2004

    From the album: before pics

  10. mom2twoboysinfl

    before pics

  11. mom2twoboysinfl

    on beach in Aruba 2006

    From the album: before pics

  12. mom2twoboysinfl

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hi Kelley-Thanks for the congrats; it was a long summer! I dropped the boys off and literally did a happy dance as I made my way home and then sat, just sat in my chaise and listened to the quiet in my house. I guess Mother Nature didn't agree with my joy and freedom as Fay made her way into the area and cencelled school for two days! Anyway its Monday and again its quite, or at least it was until my girlfriends 3 yr old arrived for 3 hours. No complain though I'm happy to help as she has done so very much for me in the past. She truly adorable and humorous to watch. So back to meeting..................I frequet Starbucks; I'm not sure what your restrictions are or if coffee is a wated venture but we can always meet at the Starbuck at Argyle and Blanding, the one in the strip there with Panera Bread and Game Stop. Let me know what you want to do, I'm pretty open as I don't work. So I went to my PCM today and he gave me the refferal I needed; called Dr. Baptista's office and I guess I have to attend the Seminar before I schedule and appointment so I moved up my seminar date to Sept. the 4th. Initially didn't want that day as my DH is going overseas again for 2 months and I wanted to be with him elsewhere. I hope the seminar isn't too long. ??? Keep in touch Kelly and let me know if you want to get together, I look forward to picking your brain. LOL Kerrie
  13. mom2twoboysinfl

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hello Jax people, I got my referal toady from my PCM, this afternoon I'm goin to may my new patient appointment with my surgeon. I am terrified but so excited at the same time. Ta ta for now...........Kerrie
  14. mom2twoboysinfl

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hey Kelly- Thanks for the "welcome"! I would love to get together. My boys are 6 and 10; we had school orientation today and they are very excited to start on Monday. I am ready for a bit of a break too. I've heard about people banded in Jax are intersted in forming a get together; have you hear more about that? Keep me informed; I'll keep reading and thanks again. Kerrie
  15. mom2twoboysinfl

    Bathing Suit Shopping - Good Grief

    Ummm Ivyrose325..............You have lost over 125 lbs.... you no longer need to fret! Yes you may feel a bit uncomfortable with your new body, but geez girl, its time for you to celebrate! Get a suit that has a "shaper" in it and get out there! Your going to need some adjustment time to percieve the new you so far, try JCPenney on line. Depending on where you are in the country you may hit a major sale too! Good luck, and many hugs and attaboys for such amazing success!!!!
  16. mom2twoboysinfl

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hi Laurinda- Wow! You have accomplished a lot of weight loss! I can only hope to be as successful as you; and I will! I am going to be seeing Dr. Baptista at Jax Weightloss Ctr. I am very much looking forward to starting this process and continuing with my life, I feel like I've been hoding back really living for so long. So glad you came to this thread I'm looking forward to meeting everybody. Thanks for the "welcome" ***Susan****! Keep me informed................. Thank you, Kerrie
  17. mom2twoboysinfl

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hello all Jax people........... I am from Orange Park too, I'm just starting this process. Attending my seminar on the 12th of Sept. Have my appt. with my PCP the week of 20th of August to get paperwork rolling, I guess he's going to help me get together my weight history and stuff llike that; not exactly certain. Well I just wanted to jump in and say "HI" I'd be thrilled to get together with you all; I don't have a work schedule so I'm flexible. Thanks so much... Kerrie:rolleyes2:
  18. Thank you SickNtied! Congrats on the sendoff of you packet!
  19. :thumbup:Hey SickNTired- Thanks for the info sheet I've downloaded it and will be prepared to fire off all those questions. My big question is, how many, exactly steps are there to this process, I'd like to tick them off, but I have no clue what they are! I have my Seminar on the 12th and I'm meeting with my PCM during the week of the 29th. Not sure what else to expect? Any info or link would be greatly appreciate. Oh and is there help for my signature photo and my ticker that I can't seem to get to appear??? I've tried the FAQ's, but I did all that already. Thanks again, I don't wish to be a pain in the touchy; but I'm serious about this and I'm lost. Kerrie:confused:
  20. mom2twoboysinfl

    Doctor's office not submitting paperwork

    :biggrin2:Lauren, what ever happened with Cigna? Cigna is my primary insurance probvider. I'm just wondering how things wen't with them; please.... if you got any advice in working with them, let me know, I am at the beginning stages of this process and any simplicities will help. Thanks..... Kerrie
  21. I am new here, have yet to even get my paperwork together; attending an informational seminar on the 12th of Sept. But I can tell you this: I am tired of being the "fat person"! When I reach my goal of -100 lbs I am finally going to start living my life again and with viggor. I have spent the past 10 years of my life miserable because I am sensative to the way people look at me. I've always hidden, avoided every photo opportunity, avoided any function at all where I was required to dress up. I won't shop with anybody family or friend I'm mortified enough, I don't need them to know my size. I don't even try things on at stores anymore because I get too upset. Thankfully I have my boys;they are the light of my life without them I would be forever miserable, with them I am comfortable and don't feel inadequate. Not to panic I am not depressed or suicidal I am just mad as heck that I have let myself be this way fo so long. So, I will not miss the stares and the costant feeling like I am not good enough because I am a fat person. :thumbup:
  22. Ok, so here's my current situation. I have been taking Phentermine for about a year now and have managed to take off just over 35 lbs. I am however still over 100 lbs overweight. Just yesterday my primary doctor Recommended that I seriously look into the LapBand. So, I've been on line virtually reading everything I can; and pretty much everything I've read talks about overeating. Well, what if you’re not an overeater? Let me explain before I go any further. Before I had my boys, I was already 20 lbs overweight, but never more than that. After having two gestational diabetic pregnancies with insulin and 2 c-sections, I went from being 175 all the way to 2 lbs shy of 300. I have worked very very hard in the past 5 years to train my brain to eat only when my stomach is growling or I've begun to get a headache. Yes, I am aware that this is very bad for me, but when I say I'm not an overeater I'm being serious. Most recently with the help of the phentermine my stomach doesn't even growl. I literally have to force myself to eat a small bowl of cheerios and a Lean Cuisine meal, and that's for an entire day! Again, I am aware this is bad for me. I already had no metabolism, not eating makes it worse. Further, I'm not supporting the Phentermine either. So, here is my question: How will the lap band work for me? Has anybody been in a situation like this? Also, when I do choose to overeat, it’s always for something sugary. I've read a lot about sugar being a big big no no; what happens if I do eat sugar? I basically ask because I don't trust myself when it comes to sugar; I truly believe it’s an addiction. Thankfully, only a once a month addiction for me. Anyway, any help, advice or information you all can provide for me would be greatly appreciated. K

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