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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BandedCG

  1. I'd stay away from the bones. LOL

    I've only had one fill so far and it really made a huge difference. I haven't tried eating pickles or popcorn. But I did try a few bites of a steak biscuit from Bojangles (minus the top of the biscuit) and thought I would die!:biggrin:

    I'm loving my band overall, though!

  2. No...I haven't started an excercise program, yet. But I need to! I keep letting things get in my way...the rush of the Holiday season, being busy with housework when I get home from work, etc...

    I have a great place to walk at work. My plan is to eat my lunch then go out in the warehouse and walk.

    Best of luck to you!


  3. I can tell a HUGE difference since my first fill. I had it done the week after Thanksgiving and now I eat a lot less. I never got to that "elephant sitting on my chest" feeling before the fill. I try not to eat too much because I don't like that feeling at all.:cursing:

    I dropped 5 lbs the week of the first fill!

    The actual fill was not painful, it was just a little strange-feeling. The dr. had me sit up in the bed and drink some Water while the needle was still in me...that made me feel a little sick. Oh...and he was in a good mood because he came down the hospital hall singing "I'm in The Mood for Love". :huh2:

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Turns out I really had nothing to be worried about. Everything with my surgery went wonderfully!! I'm doing great and have lost 33.5 lbs so far. My surgery was Oct. 6 at Davis Hospital in Statesville. I've been to my first support group meeting there and it was very helpful. I've also had my first fill and BOY did things change for me after that! For the good...but wow, what a difference in the amount of food I can eat.:huh2:

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!

  5. I can tell it's time for my fill. I'm waiting on the appointment time right now.

    I have been a lot more hungry this week. The nurse said it's because my swelling from surgery has gone down, therefore making my band more loose.

    It's a relief to hear and read that it's not that bad.:tongue2:

  6. Hey!:lol:

    I am doing great since my surgery on Oct. 6. No complications at all. I had my follow-up appointment with the surgeon yesterday and he's scheduling my first fill that he wants to do at the hospital instead of at his office.

    As of today, I'm down 24 lbs!:tongue2:


    Hope everyone is well!

  7. I am getting so excited just reading stuff on these forums. I hope to be part of this "smashing pumpkin" group!!! Please help me pray that I get approval from the insurance. Friday will be 2 weeks since the info was sent. I have had my psych exam and seen the nutritionist (as required by my surgeon in Statesville, NC).

    Now, all there is to do is wait and get a date! I can't wait!!!


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