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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BandedCG

  1. I got the band because I was sick and tired of being fat. And tired of failing at every "diet" coming and going. I just needed an extra "tool" to help me and after much investigation, felt that LapBand was the best option for me.

    When I found out that my insurance would pay, that settled it for me!

    I'm so glad I had it done!:laugh:

    I look forward to my yearly "girl's week" at the beach next summer when I'll look HOT in my bathing suit. I'm ready to feel good about the way I look!

  2. Welcome!!!

    I was also banded in October.

    I hope all goes well w/ your foot surgery. I've had episodes with that heel pain and have had cortisone shots in the past (ouch). I have to get my butt in gear and start exercising! I've asked my son to bring my recumbent bike from the basement...I figure if it's in front of the tv, I'll be more likely to use it.

  3. Congratulations....That is great! Loose jeans are wonderful! Mine are getting loose now, too! I haven't had to go shopping for a new size, yet though.

    Yesterday, I did try on a skirt suit that I had bought on clearance back in the summer. It was too tight when I got it home from the store, but now it fits!!! YAY!!!

  4. Hey! I'm doing great. I haven't had any complications at all since the surgery. And my first fill went really well. He put in 4 cc's and I could tell a HUGE difference after that. I was scared at first that I was too tight, but I'm okay.

    I didn't lose anything this week, but I think it's the bites and nibbles (Christmas snacks) that have caught up with me.

    I feel great, though!


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