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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BandedCG

  1. I'm sorry you are having problems. I have gone through the "too tight", then "not tight enough" stages, too and it is frustrating.

    There've been times I wish I had not even messed with it and just left well enough alone -- and not tried to get tightened.

    Hopefully you will hit that "sweet spot" and start losing again soon.

    Hang in there.

  2. I was banded in feb 08. I have lost next to nothing.

    I did drink when I eat. I didn't exercise as much as I should have.

    I am starting over. I need to find a fill doctor, but I gave up so long ago I don't even remember the rules of a good bandster.


    Your band isn't going to work for you unless you utilize it.

    • Find a fill doctor.
    • Do NOT drink with your meals.
    • Talk to a dietician if you are not sure what to eat.
    • Move your butt. (*I've had trouble with this one and recently started walking daily.)

    You can do this. :smile2:

  3. I say if you are having trouble getting Water down, that you are a bit too tight.

    At my tightest, I could not stop puking. I couldn't swallow and I was miserable -- and that was a little over 7 cc's when the doc thought I had a little over 5. That lasted one night and I had an emergency unfill. Now I'm not tight enough. I go back next Tuesday for another fill.

  4. Take it easy a little while and consult your doctor on how soon you can start excercising. Along with the shoulder pain, I later had some side cramping (sort of like the cramps you get sometimes when you walk). The doctor said it was normal and my body was just adjusting to the band.

    Hang in there! :-)

  5. The best way I can describe the "feeling" is...you know if you take another bite, you will puke. You literally can not eat another bite. You will know it and understand when your band is at that right tightness.

    I've had mine too tight before, and it was no fun at all.

    I didn't understand all this that others were talking about either until I experienced it myself.

  6. I recommend that you go contact a surgeon and attend an information session if they have them. I know mine did and I learned a lot! You can even go to support group meetings with bandsters before you even have surgery.

    I'm down 75 pounds today and I have no regrets whatsoever...unless you count wishing I had done it earlier!

    I feel great and wish you all the best.

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