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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Spinoza


    And you're not even a year post op! I lost 10lbs in my second year. If you stick to your plan you may lose even more.
  2. Spinoza


    Oh yeah, that is properly weird! I briefly hit that a few months ago. Strange to think of yourself walking around with another yourself on piggyback. WLS is the best. 🤩
  3. Spinoza


    OK so you're still losing, albeit slowly. Think you might be approaching *the rest of your life*! Welcome to the far side. Keep lots of fruit and veggie snacks to hand. You have done so so well. Hunger comes back to all of us after WLS - almost always. If you've been able to change how and what you eat in the last year you should be OK. I know it's freaky to actually feel hunger again after such a lovely honeymoon period. But you'll be fine if you keep track of what you eat and why. 😍
  4. Super helpful to know! Maintaining will be just as difficult (if not more so) than the initial loss then. I so hope I can do it.
  5. OK I am not a vet so feel free to ignore. Someone with much more experience will be along shortly and I too will be reading with interest. If you could track what you're eating now, in an app of your choosing, then that might help A LOT. Know thine enemy and all that. If I was in your shoes (and I may well be in a few years' time) then I think I would go back to protein first at most meals. Loads of veggies first at at least one meal a day too - raw or cooked. Track all of your macros. Ditch ultra processed foods and refined carbs *completely* - they are nobody's friends. For my own info please may I ask how long you maintained for following your sleeve and how quickly you regained when things got stressful?
  6. OK, are you post op? If so, how long? If you can give us some info or (preferably) fill in some stats on your profile then we will spring into action! Loads of advice awaits you, LOL.
  7. Spinoza

    How can I possibly live like this?

    Also love how you got the name babyspoons 😍
  8. Spinoza

    How can I possibly live like this?

    Kinda flamboyant delivery. Also sniffs and rubs his nose a lot. I would watch Dr Matthew Weiner's videos in preference because they seem more fact/research based rather than opinion/experience I think but no harm mixing it up once in a while so thank you!
  9. Spinoza

    How can I possibly live like this?

    Really interesting video. I've seen other videos from this doctor before.
  10. Brilliant, I'm so pleased for you ShoppGirl. Everything is lining up nicely.
  11. My partner does keto (very successfully) and has for years. He stays a mile away from processed foods that purport to be keto friendly. Ditching those allows for much more leeway with your carb goal. Cook everything from scratch and you will honestly never go wrong. In the immediate post WLS period it's hard to do full keto, or full any eating plan. Once you progress through the stages you can have whatever protein you like or can tolerate (and bear in mind that might change after your second procedure so don't be afraid to experiment!) plus green leafy veg/salad/mushrooms/cauli/broccoli/celeriac/whatever and smaller quantities of other veg (should not be a problem for you as all quantities are small quantities post WLS)! Cauli rice is fab with loads of meals. Sauce wise my partner eats bolognese/ragu - just no pasta. Curry - just no rice. Casseroles with no carbs and limited veg. I add the juices of meat or fish to the final protein part of the dinner and sometimes dress that up with a little cream or spice paste.
  12. Spinoza

    Struggling to stop losing

    I've seen people here have plastic surgery who only lose weight in the single digits of pounds. Think any more than that might be the exception - maybe for people who started out biggest?
  13. Spinoza

    So much soup

    I was lucky because I cook for four people so I usually ended up with some leftovers that I froze and/or ate next day, but not huge quantities. I did find some frozen tiny meals months later in the freezer though and was amazed by how little they were - those were the days!
  14. Oh and I forgot! Regarding your original sleeve: I know you'll be aware that after my sleeve I had reported being able to eat bigger volumes than I had expected. This was a constant throughout all my food stages. Given my eventual regain do you think there might be a merit to reducing the volume of my sleeve when you do the SADI?
  15. Ah then my advice is write your questions down (list on phone or actual paper prompt) and bring them with you. I have done this so many times in so many processes. Never regretted it. You might look like a dork but you will leave a satisfied and well-informed dork!
  16. Honestly all you have to do is ask here and someone will do their best to help. More people will be along shortly too with much better suggestions. I cannot thank this community enough for all the assistance I have had. Given the (minimal) information given to me before, during, and after my surgery I attribute 90% of my loss to you all. I wouldn't have had a clue otherwise.
  17. I would try to keep your questions open ended. I'm interested in hearing how your previous SADI patients have progressed and where they have ended up. Have they had complications or have any of them regretted having SADI? If so, why? Would it be possible to give me a ballpark, numbers wise, of the spilt between your sleeve, bypass, and SADI procedures? Do you have to undertake special training in SADI, given that it's not a routine WLS? Please can you explain...(whatever specific Qs you have about the procedure or life after the procedure, or whatever) It would help me with my decision to know how many of your previous SADI patients were second surgeries and how many first. If you were advising a relative of yours who was considering SADI, what would you tell them? If you were in my position would you have this particular procedure? How do immediate and long term complications tend to manifest?
  18. Spinoza

    My regain story

    You are sounding so positive and forward thinking - you're ready to do this. 💪
  19. Spinoza


    Brilliant - great start!
  20. Spinoza

    My regain story

    Thank you for sharing your story. All of us who have had WLS have a fear of regain but it happens. It's helpful to hear where you went off the rails. I hope your second surgery gives you another chance to get to where you want to be. Please let us all know how you're doing.
  21. Spinoza

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    That's so frustrating. I totally get that you don't want to jeopardise your upcoming procedure. You've been 'passed' to all intents and purposes. Could you view that process as a means to an end but view a therapist completely outside the process as just for you? Even if you had to pay a bit it might be worth it in the end. I have seen so many people here having to work on their underlying relationship with food in order to get where they want to be. I KNOW you will know all of this already. There's a big difference between having a disordered relationship with food and having a diagnosable eating disorder I think xxx Lots of us have become obese because of the former and lots the latter. I hope you can get where you need to be with your surgery 💚
  22. Spinoza

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    My friend are you speaking to a therapist with relevant expertise? I know you are currently choosing your revision surgery and that's a huge decision. Please in the midst of that don't lose sight of your relationship with food and how you lost and regained weight in the past. We've all been there MANY times. Feel free to ignore me if you have all of this under control. You have done so well before and I know you can do again xxx xxx
  23. Spinoza

    Veggie advice/tips/recipies

    Honestly this is the best place I've been ever. Nobody will judge you (well unless you need a complete reality check, LOL). There is so much knowledge and expertise and people are so willing to share. I would never have got to where I am now without these guys. Do you have a date or ballpark date for your surgery? So sensible to look at your eating habits well in advance. With respect to your original query - if you can eat soup then everything will be fine. 😍

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