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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Spinoza


    Oh wow, you're an inspiration! What a difference in those photos - you look amazing, and so happy. Love the T-shirt, and love the fact that your hubby got it as a surprise after 18 years together. Can't wait to join you. 😍
  2. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Oh it's hard enough without thyroid issues. I think you're doing brilliantly but I know it's you who has to be happy. 28lbs in 6 weeks is amazing. January is going to be a good month for losses, I can feel it!
  3. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I am certain that you will. 🤩 Also, are you quoting Pepi le pew?? As in le sigh, le purr, le mew? Please ignore if not and I am not losing it, just a blast from the past! 🤣
  4. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi Jenn, how have you been? And how is the weight loss coming along?
  5. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Stall is over at last! I've lost 3lbs this week. I'm back! I suspect I'm going to be a slow loser but that was beyond a joke and I needed to see a loss again. How is everyone else doing?
  6. Spinoza

    My Six Day Step Streak is in Jeopardy

    Oh well done! Would have been so easy to take the day off. 💪
  7. Spinoza

    Potatoes 5 weeks out

    I'm 7 weeks post sleeve and I have had mashed potatoes since about week 3. Like a teaspoonful at the end of my dinner when 've had my protein and veg. And I had half a roast potato at christmas. I'm Irish, I couldn't live a full life without them, but yes, even I would advise concentrating on more nutrient dense foods at this stage and having tiny amounts only as a treat food!
  8. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    It is really hard when the scales don't play ball or we don't lose as much as we want. I had a few gains over the holidays and man that is hard to take when you're pretty much sticking to the letter of the law. But - stalls and gains will always end if you stick to the plan. Slow steady weight loss is just as good as big whooshes and probably better for your body. I have lost 19lbs since the day of my surgery 7 weeks ago, and only 11 of those have been since I got out of hospital. But every other year since the dawn of time I would have gained 5lbs over that sort of time if I wasn't on one of my never ending diets. So WE ARE WINNING! Some just win faster than others and they're really lucky 😊
  9. Firstly, you have done so amazingly well this year PLUS you've seen where you're going wrong and are doing something about it, so I have no doubt at all that you will lose those last 30lbs. Everyone here has given really good advice so as a fellow sugarholic I would just echo that, especially the cutting out of all sugar, all slider foods, and going back to basics - either yes, re-set your diet with a 2 week pre-op diet stint, or straight back to 3 meals of: protein first, veg next, carbs last (or not at all) and protein-heavy snacks in between if you need them - your greek yoghurt sounds ideal. I go for slices of chicken or turkey or even ham because they are easy to carry about. Or a hard boiled egg if you're really hungry in between meals. For work lunches I love soup (heavy on the beans/lentils etc so you get your protein) or a chicken salad. Don't forget to load up on fluids before you eat and no drinking at all for at least half an hour after - if I forget and drink soon after eating I get hungry again quickly too! Best of luck - let us know how this week goes. You've already got this.
  10. Spinoza

    Waiting to go down

    Sounds like you're doing really well. Welcome to your new life!
  11. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I've been on the other side of the big feasts - going to events where I would usually eat lots and just having a little! I ate my first restaurant meal yesterday with friends rather than family (family know about my surgery - I haven't told anyone else) and it was hard to explain convincingly why I only had a little fish when before surgery I would have finished everything and helped the others with theirs! I do all the cooking at home and have no problems with tiny portions, but we do entertain a lot too and that might be harder. It's all good though.
  12. Absolutely possible (and to my mind preferable) to get all your protein from real food. I am exactly six weeks post sleeve and haven't needed to top up with any processed protein for about 3 weeks. You need to track it until you are totally confident, and you need to prioritise protein at every meal, as the others have said. My only supplements now are multivitamins and a separate B12 spray now. I won't have blood tests to check vitamin levels for another 6 weeks so may need some readjustment then, but so far so good. I am loving eating small home cooked proper food meals and losing weight (too slowly for my liking though - I know am SO impatient, LOL!!!) Sorry - having re-read your OP I see you were looking for wisdom from the people who are longer post op - feel free to ignore - I am also here mainly to learn. Good luck! 😀
  13. Spinoza

    Falling off

    It's brilliant that you have caught this lapse before it gets too serious. You've had an amazing loss over 8 months and you need to forgive yourself for straying from the path - you are human, junk food is EVERYWHERE (especially during the holidays) but can get right back on the path this minute and use that tool you went to so much trouble to get. I would agree, back to basics might be best - protein first, loads of veggies, carbs last. Cut out the obvious foods that are not full of nutrients but ARE full of calories and not feeding your body what it really needs. Track everything that goes into your mouth, be super honest with that so you can see it in black and white every day. Love yourself and forgive yourself - you are so worth getting back on track for.
  14. Spinoza

    47 years, Time to Grow Up...

    Thanks for sharing so honestly. I wish you all the very best on your journey.
  15. This is really helpful. I've had dreadful upper backache for the last couple of weeks and I never thought of muscle imbalance but of course there's less of me now so that makes sense. Also definitely investing in some new bras. Thanks all!
  16. Spinoza

    I hit goal today!

    Best christmas present *ever*!!! Thank you for sharing your story and your photos, it's such a help and inspiration to know that people really do do this!
  17. Thanks for the tips. This is my first holiday season post op and I think you're right - I need to tool up beforehand with answers to those nosey well-meaning but awkward questions I am bound to get! Gonna adapt some of your suggestions for sure. I am in the nice position of knowing there's soup for starter and traditional turkey and ham for main course, so I will have loads to choose from. No wine because I'm driving, so that nips that potential calorific Armageddon in the bud. I hope everyone has a happy holiday season!
  18. Spinoza

    1 Month Surgiversary

    What a difference already in those photos! Well done on the big loss this month and wishing you all the best for the months ahead. Sounds like you're getting great advice from your team.
  19. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Oh you're having some big losses here - that's lovely to see, makes the whole thing worthwhile. Meanwhile I am still crawling along - one more pound off this week. I know it's a loss and all that but it means I have lost a total of just 9lbs in 5 weeks. I need to lose at least 100lbs and am hoping that this is just a long 'stall' and I start to see some decent losses soon. I am doing everything according to plan and I'm not really looking for advice at the minute - just checking in with my November buddies, as I like to do. Keep the faith my friends!
  20. Spinoza

    Pain after GS surgery

    LadyH does this mean that it went ahead this time? If so I am so happy for you!
  21. Spinoza

    weight loss

    I had my surgery a week before you and I have lost 16lbs so I think you're doing amazingly well! Keep up the good work 💪
  22. How awful Lem! I hope you recover quickly from the second big op and that everything goes really well for you from here onwards. Babin.jessica too.
  23. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi everyone, it's now just over a month since my surgery and I am feeling pretty much back to normal. I'm having some trouble slowing down my eating - I tend eat the first three-quarters of a meal really quickly and then kind of remember I'm not supposed to and slow right down. I'm still having a bit of a problem with getting enough fluids - I really need to prioritise that more. What tends to happen is I get hungry (and sadly I do get properly hungry several times a day) and start eating immediately, when what I should really do is drink a glass of water first to make sure I'm up to date with fluids. Repeat this 3 or 4 times a day and there are several hours when I can't or don't want to drink anything because I'm full. Otherwise it's full steam ahead. After a long stall post-op I have now lost 7lbs since I came home exactly 4 weeks ago. I'm hoping to see a bit more next month - averaging 600-700 calories a day, definitely no more and sometimes a bit less. How is everyone else getting along now?
  24. LadyH do you have an update please? Absolutely everything crossed for you!!!

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