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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Spinoza

    Caffeine After Surgery

    There was no restriction to caffeine intake on my programme and boy was I glad - am a caffeine addict and that would have been the final nail in the coffin. Really nice to see you back posting SunshinePrincess - we're all here to support you on your journey. Hope everything is going well for you.
  2. You are SO allowed to think, re-think, over-think and then whatever-think this decision. It's a biggie for sure. I hope you can get to wherever you need to be OP. Also - oh wow Tufflaw you are my surgery date twin! And look at our stats - mirror images!!!!!
  3. Spinoza

    Best Vegetables To Start Eating

    My first veg were carrots or else broccoli, cooked really well. Then probably onions and leeks and mushrooms. I am so lucky - I can eat absolutely everything now, it's just a matter of prioritising the space! Good luck - sounds like you've really missed your veg.
  4. I'm still tracking everything and I'm not sure I'll ever stop - I'd be afraid to. No defined calorie limit - for a few months I was having to sure I hit at least 800 calories a day but those days are gone. It just keeps me aware of what's going in. I weigh daily too and again I suspect it'll be at least weekly for life.
  5. Spinoza

    Blah...my first stall...

    Meanwhile I GAINED two pounds this week. Not the first gain and I suspect not the last, but irritating. I will borrow your zen for a few days...
  6. Spinoza

    Blah...my first stall...

    Aw I saw you had just posted and I was hoping it was this. Well done for keeping your sanity!
  7. So pleased for you Erin. I hope your journey goes well and that you don't have to wait too long
  8. Spinoza

    Regrets ?

    None, none, none, none, absolutely none. Good luck!
  9. You can add more calorie dense foods like butter, cream, oils, cheese, nut butters etc. to your cooking if you need to immediately halt your weight loss. Then longer term maybe you can think about your protein/good fat balance? I cannot wait to eat avocados without having to balance the entire rest of my day around that. My stats are very similar to yours although I had my surgery a month earlier. I for one am riding this train as far as it will take me but I know we all have our personal goals!
  10. Spinoza

    Dreaded hair loss - question

    Um, nothing you put *onto* your scalp will ever stop hair loss because that's not how it works. Hair is dead keratin-based stuff, like fingernails. Your scalp skin is an organ with many jobs to do. How on earth would bathing that scalp skin in anything after hair has already extruded from the scalp help it not fall out? It's what is going on at the roots (or what went on there many weeks ago actually) that determines that I had been so happy not to have lost hair after my surgery but this week it has been falling out in handfuls. I've had this many times in the past after doing VLCDs etc. It's annoying but it'll grow back eventually. I hope that everyone who has a hard time with this (for whatever reason) sees it pass very soon xxx
  11. Oh well done you! I cannot imagine how you've achieved that so close to your surgery. I am getting about 7k steps a day reliably 6 months out from mine and thinking that's fab (for me!) Please can I also say that Arabesque has a world of experience to share and is one of my absolute favourite people here because she's soooo generous with that knowledge and experience. I don't read anything patronising in her post - it genuinely comes across as 'by the way - did you know that the 10k steps thing was just an arbitrary target dreamed up by...' Which is completely true. This is not to gang up or to try to ram my opinion down your throat - I think it's just one of the drawbacks to a board like this that it's sometimes hard to judge the tone, as others have said.
  12. Spinoza

    Is this a real stall?

    You mean you don't know what your BMI is? Try this link. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/english_bmi_calculator/bmi_calculator.html
  13. Spinoza

    Getting money back from surgery

    Oh wow what a stroke of luck! Maybe they charge less for self-funding patients? No idea how things work in the US.
  14. Spinoza

    Puréed meats

    I remember being in such a rush to get through the stages but with the wisdom of hindsight they're in place for a reason. I loved the pureed phase after all the fluids and I had some really tasty family dinners put through a blender. I'm sure you'll have done no harm using your teeth as your blender but it might be best to wait till your programme permits it. Best of luck, I'm sure you'll do really well
  15. Spinoza

    Feeling a bit discouraged…

    Honestly you are doing really well. I lost 17lbs in the 6 weeks after my sleeve, if that helps at all. 6 months in and I am 27lbs from goal. Trust your sleeve, it will work if you follow your programme. Best of luck.
  16. I have had about 20 french fries in total in the last 6 months. Like one or two at a time when my family or friends order them. And they are still super nice. But one or two is all I want/can handle. Abso-flipping-lutely love that I can do that.
  17. Spinoza

    3+ month post op and eating in the morning

    Interesting! I have never in my adult life wanted to eat breakfast but after my sleeve it's more like I can't. My dietician was so persistent that breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, and that I was going to be fat forever if I didn't get myself around to breakfast, blah blah blah, that I did torture myself into it a bit. But on the few occasions that I have tried it just sits there after a few spoons. I just took it as a sign to wait longer. I'm not sure I understand the fluid thing described above but it's definitely a thing for me.
  18. Spinoza

    1 year post-sleeve -- no regrets!

    You have done so well. Thank you for the encouragement. Please may I ask whether you are still losing weight a year out or whether you're done now? Did you decide what your final goal was or did your sleeve decide for you??
  19. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Oh well done - that's an amazing loss over 2 weeks. I just came to see how everyone was getting along - we're all at the 6 month stage more or less - can you believe it?! I hit 6 months on Tuesday with a BMI of just under 28, weighing 13st 7lbs, and with 29lbs to go to my goal. I'm still eating around 1000 calories a day during the week and about 1200 at weekends. Walking (really fast walking) for exercise. I'm still losing about 2lbs at week at this point and so happy with that. I'm living in fear of my hunger returning in full force now. My stomach can hold noticeably more food than even a couple of months ago, although I don't push it at all. Still eating 3 small meals a day with a couple of snacks in between, and a couple of glasses of wine on Friday and/or Saturday night. I hope everyone else is doing well too.
  20. Two weeks here and I wouldn't like to have had to go back any earlier than that. Desk job too. I agree with @Arabesque that it would be sensible to have some contingency built in to your leave. I hope everything goes really smoothly for you.
  21. I still weigh myself most days. I'm almost exactly 6 months post sleeve. I expect when the weight loss slows down and I can finally trust I'm not going to suddenly put it all back on again I'll do it less often!
  22. Spinoza

    4 weeks out and feeling great

    It's brilliant that you're seeing such a difference already. I hope you get your bike back in working order soon too!
  23. Spinoza

    Outpatient surgery?

    I stayed a night after my sleeve and I was glad of that. I was groggy and nauseous. I had IV fluids up right until I left the following afternoon and I think they probably tided me over because I had a lot of trouble drinking more than sips in the first day or two at home. I don't think I would have come to actual harm if I'd been discharged on the day of surgery, but if I had to do it again I would still stay in hospital that first night for sure.
  24. Good topic. For me it's a combination of the restriction and the decreased hunger. I am still in the honeymoon period, just about 6 months after my sleeve. I have no idea how things will go for me long term but at the minute I am absolutely determined to use the tool I went to such lengths to get, and I am getting constant payback because I am losing weight. It's the speed of the loss too - I'm still consistently losing 2+ pounds a week so that's huge motivation to keep doing what I am doing. I do worry a lot about maintaining weight loss because I have never done that before. I think my chances are better this time though.

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