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Everything posted by Dougster

  1. Could be that the person was slim when they met and emotional abuse led them to overeat as a comfort. Could work either way? I guess if you have a happy relationship beforehand then it really shouldn’t raise any issues. The 85% figure must mean that there are a lot of unhappy relationships. I guess seeking out surgery means you’re seeking to rectify things which aren’t working in your life and weight is perhaps just one of those things. I wonder if any research has been done on this? It would make for an interesting topic. I also wonder whether it’s the patient or the spouse who initiates the divorce? I assume it’s the patient. I might be wrong.
  2. Dougster

    Anyone else terrified?

    I had all the same worries. Think of it this way, what are your chances of dying early if you don’t do it?
  3. I wonder if the 85% divorce rate is due to the fact that the obese person was undervalued in the relationship? Once they regain their self esteem they are able to explore options which weren’t available to them previously.
  4. The magic of the procedure! I ate massive quantities before surgery. I’m 6 days post- op and I could honestly just live on water now. It’s such a relief to not be a slave to your stomach.
  5. You look great! I bet it helps with loose skin too! Once I recover enough I’ll be incorporating some weight training for sure.
  6. Dougster

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi! I had a RNY on the 18th. Feeling good now! Lost 3.5kg.
  7. Dougster


    I’m from Australia. When I was in the ward post-op they had no problem with me having caffeine? I tried decaf but got a bad headache so I switched back.
  8. Dougster

    Headaches after Bypass Surgery

    I got a bad headache around my sinus. It was caffeine withdrawal. I had some coffee and it went away.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
