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About tranquil_chaos

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  • Birthday 10/04/1978

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  1. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    Hi Everyone! I don't post often, but I keep up reading this thread! I had my major goal reached this morning and I don't have anyone other than my partner to share this news with...but I reached ONEderland this morning! I can't believe it!
  2. tranquil_chaos

    Food not digesting in pouch

    I eat chicken all the time and this is the first time that it's happened. It was a really juicy rotisserie chicken too! Maybe it's just one of those weird RNY things...like one day everything is fine, next day nope!
  3. I'm still fairly newly post-op (2.5 months) and this is the first time I have experienced this and was wondering if anyone had this happen and what can I do about it? Last night around 7:30 I had my dinner which was chicken breast, about 3 oz. I went to bed and when I woke up this morning at 6AM, I immediately had to run to the bathroom and vomitted and a lot of the chicken came up. Some of it was partially digested and some was more intact. What is going on? Why hadn't it moved out of the pouch overnight? Is something wrong?
  4. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    I had my 1-month appointment this week. My bloodwork came back great, except some minor elevated liver functions which worried me, but didn't worry my surgeon. They were pleased with my progress and told me that they measure percent excess weight lost and in 1-month that was 23% and they want 30% at 3-months, so they don't expect me not to meet that goal. I'm not sure what numbers they are using because they won't tell me a goal weight, but they have to have it somewhere! I was cleared for all foods but I've been having issues with meats so we will see how that goes. I had an episode of the foamies and it was terrible. That happened with chicken. Also cleared for exercise, although I get between 7-8K steps just at work, so they suggest 45 min 3x a week for now. NSV: I had a Zoom meeting today and it was the first time in such a long time that I didn't loathe how I looked on screen! It was pretty cool!
  5. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    We all have different starting points and the more weight you have to lose, the more weight you will lose and it will come off faster. I know it's easier said than done, but it will drive you crazy if you compare yourself with others. Everyone's journey will look different.
  6. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    Hi Everyone! I was officially 1-month post op yesterday! I’ve been on soft foods for a while and they have been going fine until two days ago :( I made some grilled chicken tenders and I tried some tiny bites yesterday and was in so much pain. My nose was running and I felt like I might throw up. I tried again today and it was even worse. Again, nose running and this time I did vomit and even though it was such a small amount of food, all this foam/slime came up. It was super gross. I’ve heard of “the foamies” before but was hoping I’d never get it. Here’s a good video about it: https://youtu.be/VQSAB41VSjw Anyways, I have my 1 month appointment on Monday so it’s going to be my major topic to discuss. I’m worried something is wrong. Previously, I was able to tolerate chicken but now, no. It’s weird. I’m down 32.5 pounds since my pre-op diet (20.7 after surgery) so I’m pretty happy with those numbers. I can tell a difference in my face and how my clothes fit. Protein goals have been much easier for me on soft foods. I do a shake in the morning, food for lunch and dinner and throw in a Gatorade protein water too. Plus regular water of course. I don’t have any hunger cues anymore which is a weird feeling. I have to set timers to eat my meals otherwise I’ll forget.
  7. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    Something they didn't tell me (but they said they did tell me): about 10-14 days post-op you might feel intense pain on your left side. Like a pulling, twinging, sharp pain that gets worse when you bend over or try to sit or even move the wrong way. Totally different pain that the post-op pain. Apparently this is caused because all the swelling is gone and your stomach/intestines are no longer "cushioned" within that swelling so they move around a bit more and the internal stitches/incisions are moving around. Nothing to be worried about and completely normal (according to my office). But holy cats was it scary!!!! I thought FOR SURE something was wrong.
  8. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    Now I'm worried about going to my 1-month appointment! I get close to 7K steps just at my normal work day...I didn't know that we were supposed to be taking things even easier than that. Last week was my first week back at work and I was exhausted. I've had to do the laxative thing twice already because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have moved my bowels since before surgery. It was getting really, really dire. I was very close to going to the doctor about it. But, the laxatives worked. I'm hoping that adding more fiber will help as I add more foods into my diet. I don't want to be dependent on laxatives for the rest of my life. They have had me on miralax in the AM and stool softeners since I came home and even that hasn't been working well.
  9. tranquil_chaos


    I'm having some major issues with this too. I take Miralax in the mornings every day and 2 stool softeners every day and still NOTHING happens naturally unless every 3-4 days I go in and take a large laxative dose and/or a suppository. I'm worried this is going to be for the rest of my life and it's very depressing.
  10. tranquil_chaos

    Two weeks after surgery

    Something they didn't tell me (but they said they did tell me): about 10-14 days post-op you might feel intense pain on your left side. Like a pulling, twinging, sharp pain that gets worse when you bend over or try to sit or even move the wrong way. Totally different pain that the post-op pain. Apparently this is caused because all the swelling is gone and your stomach/intestines are no longer "cushioned" within that swelling so they move around a bit more and the internal stitches/incisions are moving around. Nothing to be worried about and completely normal (according to my office). But holy cats was it scary!!!! I thought FOR SURE something was wrong.
  11. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    On Tuesday I will be 3-weeks Post-Op! I went back to work last week and OMG it was rough. I'm still not eating a lot, so I was EXHAUSTED by mid-day. I've been taking naps when I get home...like "If I don't lay down RIGHT NOW I'd going to fall asleep driving/standing up" kind of naps. Reminds me of the exhaustion during my pregnancy! Something they didn't tell me (but they said they did tell me): about 10-14 days post-op you might feel intense pain on your left side. Like a pulling, twinging, sharp pain that gets worse when you bend over or try to sit or even move the wrong way. Totally different pain that the post-op pain. Apparently this is caused because all the swelling is gone and your stomach/intestines are no longer "cushioned" within that swelling so they move around a bit more and the internal stitches/incisions are moving around. Nothing to be worried about and completely normal (according to my office). But holy cats was it scary!!!! I thought FOR SURE something was wrong. Water goals are FINALLY reached. Protein goals are still not being reached. I can't count protein shakes towards water goals at all, they count as meals. And I cannot drink an entire shake during 1 meal...it's split between 2. Vitamins are going well except the calcium. They have me taking TUMS for the first 3 months and I cannot for the life of me chew them and keep them down. I have to call them tomorrow to see if I can switch to something else because the TUMS make me so ill that I have stopped taking them all together. Had my first little "mini-stall" right on schedule during week 2. Lasted 3 days. I'm moving down again! I'm having a really, really big problem with constipation. I'm taking Miralax in my water every morning & 2 stool softeners daily and I still don't have any poop movement unless I take a mega-dose of additional laxatives. I'll go 3-4 days without pooping, then take the mega-dose of laxatives, have a really bad evening and then start over and do that cycle again. I've talked to my doctor about it and I don't think they are understanding what a big problem this is.
  12. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    I hope everything goes well!! I had the same procedures; hernia + RNY on August 9th, so reach out to me if you have any questions!
  13. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    I lost 11 pounds during my pre-op diet. Gained 7 back after surgery. I knew this was fluids, water and swelling but it still sucked to see the number go up. After I got home from the hospital I've lost weight every single day (except today!) so I'm down a total of 21.4 pounds (9.7 of it post-op). Same here! I am very rarely physically hungry (mentally, that's different!) and when I do eat things they are either: too sweet or just gross. I have to set timers to remind myself to eat otherwise I'd go all day without eating anything. The only things actually taste good to me are (all pureed): egg salad, the ricotta bake, runny sunnyside up eggs and Fairlife shakes. Yogurts and puddings all taste too sweet right now.
  14. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    If you are in the puree stage, I highly recommend this! To add more protein, I added some pureed canned chicken. This is one of the better puree meals I have made so far. https://www.food.com/recipe/shellys-baked-ricotta-324036
  15. tranquil_chaos

    August surgery buddies!

    It’s been a rough adjustment for sure, but since I had such a long wait time for insurance reasons, I slowly cut all caffeine out over the course of 7 months. Honestly, I don’t seem to mind all that much, but ask me again when we are on vacation somewhere with really good coffee!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
