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    huskymama reacted to XtinaDoesIt in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Wearing shorts without chaffing... much 😁. I cant wait not to chafe at all!!!
  2. Like
    huskymama got a reaction from Christy Comeaux in What I wish i knew before I had surgery   
    I was the same way with Water but I found after surgery if I made sure to have ice in my water it actually made my tummy feel better. I’ll be 6 weeks out this coming Tuesday and I can easily drink all my water. It took about 5-7 days to really feel like I was ok drinking more. Another trick I did in the liquid stage is get Gatorade sugar free and do 1/2 water 1/2 Gatorade. I also keep a glass of water in my nightstand if I wake up to put the dog out or use the restroom I drink it. Two YouTubers that helped me - My level 10 life - she has food preps etc and Fairytale Family - she has a few good videos not as much as the level 10 lady. Hope these help
  3. Like
    huskymama reacted to ShellbellaRN in What were some of the first solid foods you tried?   
    I cannot wait until I have sushi again😩 I am 2 weeks post vsg surgery
  4. Like
    huskymama reacted to Ngotsleeved in Potatoes 5 weeks out   
    I have made the decision to avoid white potato, I did try sweet potato mash (I too am approx. 5 week out) and it went down like a lead balloon, I was in agony.
    No potato for me, and to be honest, I don't really miss it.
  5. Like
    huskymama reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in Potatoes 5 weeks out   
    I didn’t eat potatoes at first, but over a year out I eat them now. Not every night, and I’m not getting fries at fast food, but tonight for dinner I’m planning on making a potato and chicken sausage fry. I don’t have a ton, but I really enjoy the meal.

    Carbs are a tricky subject on these forums. Some people avoid them for life, and some have zero restrictions on anything. Personally I try to be reasonable with carbs- I don’t need candy or fast food, but I do have small amounts of rice and potatoes if it’s a part of a meal that is more heavily weighted to vegetables and/or Protein. It works for me.
  6. Like
    huskymama reacted to Chris10Mariah in Potatoes 5 weeks out   
    I eat potatoes like they are going out of style. Mashed, roasted or baked… I do eat the skin and if I am craving them, I will make it a meal with some kind of meat on top with cheese and a little sour cream. I have always tolerated them just fine.. however, there are a bunch of other things I don’t tolerate well - rice, breads, etc.
  7. Like
    huskymama reacted to cheryl o in What I wish i knew before I had surgery   
    I had gastric bypass, Nov 1st. What i wish i knew was how bad and frequent the Constipation is, because of the high Protein. And the pain it causes in your chest if you eat one bite after the other. And spacing out your Vitamins. But i dont regret it, after surgery you look at food differently and everything you were taught with the dietician makes sense.

    Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    huskymama reacted to liveaboard15 in What I wish i knew before I had surgery   
    Go on youtube. THere are so many of these videos. I probably watched 20 of them from different people who made a video regarding this exact subject. Was very informative.
  9. Like
    huskymama reacted to SarahMan80 in Small NSV   
    I had a small NSV today. I put on a size large t-shirt and it actually fit! This is surprising to me as I am a slow loser and thought it would take longer for this to happen! I've had other victories but this one stuck me as the shirt I tried on has been in my closet for years....and I can finally fit into it!! I can't wait until I shrink into the rest of my clothes!
    Many best wishes and small NSV's to you all!
  10. Like
    huskymama reacted to GradyCat in Small NSV   
    I had a NSV yesterday. I had set aside 5 pair of pants for "when I get down to that size again" and I've been working hard and have lost 25 pounds since October, so I thought I'd try them on. They fit! Now they go back on hangers into the closet rotation! Yay!
  11. Like
    huskymama reacted to LandaF in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    I’m abt 6 weeks post op as well. I’m am able to tolerate foods. Just the Water. I tried the crystal like wild strawberry and was able to tolerate a full bottle of water. I’m afraid of becoming dehydrated. I’m doing okay with my Protein but liquids are very hard!! I hope you get better as well.
  12. Congrats!
    huskymama got a reaction from Kris10_78 in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    Ok doesn’t look like anyones been here for a bit except me lol. I have a question - I’m down 30 pounds and 29.75 inches. Last week I finally broke a stall and went down 3 pounds. Weird thing is I actually should be down 37 inches but gained inches in my biceps and one thigh - weird I know I think it’s lump Fluid because I had the lump nodes removed from that groin as a teenager. I’m 4 weeks one day out. Has anyone else had similar changes in inches? Loosing and regaining? I’m thinking my arms may be muscle because I have been doing some arm weight exercises just 2 pounds. TIA
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    huskymama reacted to Glenda medley in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    Do t be terrified! The surgery is easy. Just follow your doctor orders and you will be fine. I had the bypass December 17th, and have lost 20 lbs since then.
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    huskymama reacted to Jenn21 in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    Hi, I had my sleeve done on Dec.27th. In 2 days I will be 4 weeks post-op. I've been walking more and more. I was wondering if anyone did anything else besides walking this early on? I was in the mood to play my Just Dance games on Xbox and WII but don't know that I should yet. Any comments or suggestions would be very much appreciated!!
  15. Like
    huskymama reacted to Frazzled in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    I'm in about the same boat.
    Starting weight (on day or surgery): 300.5
    Current weight: 305
    Eating regular food but have completely stalled for nearly 3 weeks now.
    Have been walking up to 2 miles per.dsu, 3.times per week. Would do more.byt this darn RA flare is killing me.. But I know when I lift, I lose fat
  16. Like
    huskymama got a reaction from Lee Kalka in Waiting to go down   
    I’m sorry you couldn’t have visitors my husband stayed in the hospital in my room the entire 3 days I was in. Sleeved 12/2021. I’m glad he did I threw up all night and was glad he was there to help me and get the nurses for me it was scary
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    huskymama got a reaction from armartin98 in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    Today I am 5 weeks 1 day post op and I have to weigh and measure weekly as per my surgeon and nutritionist. Today is that day. I’m loosing 2-3 pounds a week and I’m 70 pounds from goal. I’m on regular food now except crackers raw veggies etc. I’m just bored and not interested in food. Here’s my stats - I’d love to hear how you Dec surgery buddies are doing!
    I get to start the gym on Sunday! I’m walking 3 miles a day around the house right now. So ready to go to the gym and see if I can start loosing more than 2-3 pounds a week! 
    SW 227
    Current weight 195
    Inches lost total 32
    5’6” my height 52 YO
    Sleeved 12/22/2022
    Stalled for 14 days 10- days post op
  18. Like
    huskymama reacted to EsojLabina in Insomnia After Being Sleeved?   
    Completely understand I still have issues falling and staying asleep after surgery
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    huskymama reacted to favoredone in Insomnia After Being Sleeved?   
    I need to do something... I've been up over 20 hours!!!!! I don't know what to do!!!! I'm miserable!!!
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    huskymama reacted to happy1957 in Insomnia After Being Sleeved?   
    Hello everyone, I bought the Melatonin, but the last two nights have been so exhausted, I slept like a baby without it. I went back to work on Monday about 10 days post op. I have a physically demanding job of standing and walking a lot all day, so my body had had enough by Wed/Thursday and I have slept so good, it also may have something to do with eating regular food and the energy it takes to digest it, but after that wears off an I have to rely on a sleeping aid, I will let you know.. As I said, my sister is 4 months out and still has this terrible sleeping pattern.
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    huskymama reacted to happy1957 in Insomnia After Being Sleeved?   
    Hello everyone, unfortunately my Dr's visit was a fast one and I didn't get all my questions answered. The Dr was 40 mins late and in a rush. He wasn't my Dr. but a fill in. I spoke with the dietitian today. She said it is common and Shea you are correct, it has something to do with Ketosis. and should go away eventually . In the mean time, I can try Melatonin, but the pharmacist they work with said my sleep pattern is a good candidate for Ambien CR, but I am trying to get rid of prescription meds. So I bought some today, 10mg. I will let you know how they work. Thanks for all of your comments.
  22. Like
    huskymama reacted to Shea in Insomnia After Being Sleeved?   
    I did have the same issues right after surgery. I think I read somewhere that this is an effect of being in Ketosis but I'm not positive.
  23. Like
    huskymama reacted to Deevah in Insomnia After Being Sleeved?   
    Wow! I thought it was just me! I was sleeved on 8/31. At first, I was sleeping well. But, pretty soon after I started feeling physically healed (about a month out) I started suffering with insomnia. I, too, have sleep apnea. Even with the CPAP, I am literally up and down all night. I can go to bed at 10pm and I'm back up at 2 or 3am almost every night. Then, I'm trying to force myself to get back to sleep until I have to get up at 5am for work. I've been exhausted for months! If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears.
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    huskymama reacted to CCWriter in Insomnia After Being Sleeved?   
    I was sleeved Dec. 27, and I have sleep apnea. But I've been waking up even using my CPAP and have been lying awake several nights.
    I confess I took a melantonin one night and it knocked me right out. I wouldn't hesitate to take another if I needed to.
  25. Like
    huskymama reacted to blackanese25 in Insomnia After Being Sleeved?   
    i definitely feel u on the insomnia...and im tired... it seems i can't fall asleep before about 4 am then i sleep till noon.. but i wake up every few hours... so im all ears as well for suggestion.

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