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Everything posted by huskymama

  1. huskymama

    Uncontrolled Nausea

    I was given a stomach acid reducer by my surgeon it helped me the most call your Dr I still get nauseous and I’ve check my blood sugar which is usually high as well so maybe blood sugar is part of the issue?
  2. I never had diarrhea but didn’t have a bowl movement the first 10 days post op it was terrible. My Drs discharge papers said to call them if I have diarrhea longer than 5 days. So I’d call your Dr especially if your not getting in all your liquids
  3. huskymama

    How to Break a Stall (Step by Step instructions)

    I stalled week 2 for 5 days finally off it yesterday so these are great and I needed it today! You guys are awesome
  4. huskymama

    Potatoes 5 weeks out

    I’d try switching to sweet potatoes if you really want a potato or cauliflower mash. I wouldn’t eat regular potatoes.
  5. huskymama

    VSG scheduled 6/8/22

    Chapstick of some sort and your hairbrush. My mouth was so dry the first day and night until I could drink something my lips were dry and cracked I was so glad I had my lip balm it made a world of difference that’s for the hospital I would get a food scale and a food processor I also got some 1 cup Pyrex bowls with lids comes in super handy 
  6. huskymama

    What are some exercises I can do in bed

    Sometimes they can get physical therapy out to your house to work with you and teach you how to do exercises safely. I would call your dr and ask if you could get a referral for PT
  7. If you are having trouble getting back on track I would see a nutritionist they are great help and maybe therapy that can help too Hot teas are a great sweets replacement I love the Apple Cinnamon one it really helps the cravings 
  8. huskymama

    Waiting to go down

    I’m sorry you couldn’t have visitors my husband stayed in the hospital in my room the entire 3 days I was in. Sleeved 12/2021. I’m glad he did I threw up all night and was glad he was there to help me and get the nurses for me it was scary
  9. huskymama

    cottage cheese

    I love to mix yogurt (all flavors) with cottage cheese. It ups the Protein but it’s really good. You can also add some sugar free yellow or pudding mix (powdered) I love it with pepper and I eat green onions with it like you would a carrot but I can’t eat those right now.
  10. You look amazing!!! I can’t wait to be cleared to work out!!! I’m walking 2 miles a day and just over 2 weeks post op. This was so inspiring thank you for sharing it!!!
  11. huskymama

    What is your why?

    I was always underweight and never had a problem my entire life. 5 kids and still perfect weight could eat whatever until 2018 I was in a bad accident had emergency surgery on my neck and was on steroids for a year. Got up to 245 - 100 pounds heavier than I had ever been. I went raw vegan and lost 20-25 pounds then Covid hit and I was scared to eat raw vegis. I live in the Rocky’s so really can’t get outside year round and we moved in the middle of nowhere and I couldn’t go to the gym every day. I have myself this year to get under 200 and I tried and tried. Ended up with type 2 diabetes and Sept 1 I said enough is enough and called a weight loss surgeon. The rest is history. I’m hoping this works I miss riding horses, bikes, hiking in the mountains and all the things I loved all my life. This was not an easy choice for me but my dad died of type 2 diabetes at 59 he was thin and active. He had 2 brothers that were juvenile diabetes. It is strong in my family. I want to be here for my 5 kids and 6 grandkids longer than my Dad was here for us. I turn 53 next month. My husband of over 2 decades wasn’t happy with it but in the end he supported me and stayed with me 24/7 in the hospital. He has been my biggest supporter and tells me daily I’m a hottie. I know it was hard for him to have this athletic wife who was active and thin and see me almost die and watch me struggle like I have for the past 4 years. I’m so glad we have this group because it helped me decide that the sleeve was the best choice for me l. This wasn’t about vanity or the easy way out this for me was a choice to live or die. I want to live and this will help me get there and be here for my loved ones.
  12. That’s is so awesome! I love the updates! I’m down a total of 27 almost 28 since I started liquids to today. I’m at 200 today so excited to see the scale out of the 200s!!! I love reading your updates!
  13. I’m so sorry - I’ve heard this is not uncommon. I would seek therapy ASAP to try to work out why your an addict at all. I know we all have childhood trauma and I’ve been work through mine. It isn’t easy but every day is a bit better. The first step is admitting you have an issue - you have already done that so that’s great! I wish you only the best life has to offer you.
  14. huskymama

    Chocolate cravings!!!

    I have an entire package of Belgian chocolates my hubby bought me that’s been sitting in my kitchen since I started the liquid diet. The last few days they do seem more tempting not sure why
  15. huskymama

    Bucket lists — where to begin?

    ms sss love it! I wouldn’t mind a pool at a nice resort in a warm area for sure!! My sons, age 17 and 19, are going with me. I may not be able to hike the entire AT trail but I’m gonna try as long as I can then I’ll really need that R and R by the pool lol
  16. I’ve been driving for 2 days so post op 12 days all o was told was as long as I wasn’t on pain meds which I never was.
  17. huskymama

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    I turned 52 this year and just hit menopause it’s coming and so far it’s been wonderful not having monthly periods they were hell all my life
  18. 14 days post op today I just can’t believe it has already been 14 days! I finally started loosing again. I did a 4 day stall. My sister had bypass 25 years ago and her daughter did too 5 years ago thank god because even though I had the sleeve I don’t know what I would do without my sisters help and wisdom! I am down 11 pounds since surgery which my sister said is really good especially since I only had 80 to loose preop. I guess I am more impatient than I had ever realized lol I hope everyone’s doing good - feeling way better today but my port site above the belly button still hurts a lot for some reason. - I am going to only weigh in and do measurements on Weds from now on. Btw - I was 41 inches in my waist preop and today I was 35 inches in my waist! I think I’m pretty sure where I lost most the weight from! Have a great week everyone!
  19. huskymama

    Bucket lists — where to begin?

    I’ve wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail since I was 15. 2023 will be my year - anyone else want to join me? A group of us doing it together?!
  20. Question - I was loosing .5 a day average post op. Today I’m out day 13 and I haven’t lost anything since I started purée phase 4 days ago. I know a stall at a normal around week 3 but is this normal? I’m eating tuna because that’s all I seem to tolerate. Anyone else having this issue? I’m walking daily and have an appt on the 13th with the nutritionist hoping that’ll get things moving.
  21. I was sleeved 12/22 I’m on purée I drink a protein shake for breakfast and that helps make it to my protein goal. I bought a 64 oz water bottle and fill it every morning I just pour from it into a smaller glass. I’ve been getting in my water most days. Just sip sip sip all day set an alarm if you need to. I was a big water drinker before surgery so maybe it’s easier for me because of this Idk
  22. I just got hives on my side today I ate eggs for the first time since the sleeve. I had an issue with them all my life and milk but never hives so I assume it’s the eggs
  23. huskymama

    Prep recommends... I'm six weeks out

    I was sleeved 12/22 ate eggs today and broke out in hives. I’m glad for this site because any help in what to eat is beyond wonderful to me at this point
  24. huskymama


    Stay hydrated! I’m so sorry you have Covid best wishes to a speedy recovery
  25. I’ll have to try that!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
