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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crystal525

  1. crystal525

    Latest Fill...

    I didn't realize it until someone posted relating getting stuck with possibly not being filled enough--like if you are not filled enough the hole is big enough to let food get in there but not pass all the way through (hence "stuck")...and not small enough to allow food to sit in the pouch and make you feel full. Then I went back over it all in my mind-- You might want to get some taken out--you don't want to go too far in either direction! Good luck.
  2. Wow--this perfectly describes me between fill number 2 and 3. And I even GAINED during that period. Since fill number 3 I noticed this doesn't happen nearly as much (only when I'm starving and scarf something down...). I never related the "stuckness" to not haveing enough fill ... but this description makes perfect sense! And--I went to the dr. today and I was down 10 pounds from fill number 3 (after NOT getting stuck so much)!!! Thanks for getting this info to those of us experiencing this. I would never have thought of this fact. Crystal
  3. I've been reading alot (and have posted on the very same topic recently as well) about "us" being very upset at "only" having lost 20 pounds in 2 months, or 40 pounds in 6 months. I just had the realization that I need to check my attitude. Did we get the band for a quick weight loss? No--if we did we would have gone the other route. We all know that the weightloss on the band is slower than the bypass. From what I've read, the weightloss with the bypass within the first year usually compares to the loss with the band over TWO+ years. If I'm down 16 pounds since November 13 (which, by the way, I am--very disappointing...but "I" could have done better). That's an average of 4 pounds lost per month (without being at my sweet spot) and a potential loss of 48 pounds in a year and 96 pounds in 2 years...that is 2 pounds MORE THAN my goal. How else can you do that? Okay- other than bypass or being on The Biggest Loser--which by the way me and my best friend, LBT member Shaedie, applied for? My reasoning for getting this was #1--it was not cutting anything out, less invasive, shorter surgery, etc. But #2, and just as important to me, was for the slower weight loss and trying to avoid the plastic surgery that often comes with rapid weight loss. I would have GAINED 16 pounds thru the holidays and spent January and 1/2 of February trying to take off the pounds that I put on. Then--I would have fallen right back into old habits after shedding a few pounds ... and still most likely about 10 pounds heavier than the same time last year. Happens every year. This year is different. I have a little help. I have my friend, the band. I chose him because of the assistance he can give me in conquering my food addiction. This is a lifetime plan, not another diet. I think my problem was that I began to believe in the same false expectations that many of my friends and family who don't know any better believe--that this is a quick fix. That you'll "lose a ton of weight in no time" and think that you'll lose only because "there's no way you can eat that much"--all of which I have heard. They don't know about waiting for restriction, bandster hell, and all the other issues. Until I actually had this surgery and have actually experienced it, I too am guilty of having the belief that I would be able to "eat all my favorite foods, just less of it" and still lose weight. Yep--I have been able to do just that...but my slow loss shows it. I am now working together with my band and hopefully my loss at my next dr. visit shows that as well. We all have lots of reasons for getting the band, but the one thing we all have in common is that we did it for our health. OK--Now that I got myself in check...bring on the weight loss... :biggrin: This was really a pep talk to myself. But -- I thought someone else might benefit from it. Crystal
  4. crystal525

    E-Food Journal

    I have used FitDay and the Daily Plate. I have found the database on the Daily Plate to be larger--that's what I use now! Any of them are good though. Good luck!
  5. I'm down 2 pounds ... well I was as of last Saturday. That's my official weigh day. During the week I've been weighing (I'm a scale whore too) and I'm up and down every day--but I don't count that!!! :smile2:
  6. I have AETNA open access and was allowed to do the 3 month behavior modification program rather than the 6 month diet. However, it was still about 10 days from submission to approval! They are really great--they are one of the only insurance companies where the requirements can be found online. If you've met them, I think you are good to go! Good luck--you're almost there. Crystal
  7. crystal525

    Anyone From Southern MD??

    Nope ... No luck yet. Anyone know of a local support group?
  8. I'm always wondering this same thing. Our bodies are all so different so people the same height and same weight can wear different sizes. I was an 18 at 260, and I'm an 18 at 231.5. I haven't tried anything else but I'm still wearing the same clothes--they are looser, but not so loose that I can't wear them. My last significant weight loss, I was about 220 before I could wear a 16. I can't wait to see when I can wear them now...maybe I'll go straight to a 14...???
  9. crystal525

    Considering breast reduction- advice?

    And I'm still a DD. The dr left me with plenty in case of weight loss...she thought ahead thankfully.
  10. crystal525

    Considering breast reduction- advice?

    Best thing I have ever done. Except for the band of course. Mine were size F. I just wish I waited til after the band. But didn't know i was doing the band. Mine were so large I didn't have much sensation. Now they are extremely sensitive and I love them! I had a reduction and a lift and so far they r still up there! Very painful but worth it!!
  11. crystal525

    Bad decision?

    I was banded November 13, 2008. I have only lost 20.5 pounds. I was getting very discouraged. When I went for my last fill at the beginning of March I had only lost about 8 pounds (I gained in 2 of the months...). But, with my last fill of .7 bringing me to 5.2 in a 10cc band, I finally felt restriction. It helps to eat right and eat less when you are restricted. My first 10 days following this most recent fill were great...I lost about 10 pounds. Now--must be because of the weight lost--I still have SOME restriction, but no where near what I was earlier this month. But--give it time. Some people get restricted sooner than others. Here--check this out...you are not alone. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/we-need-get-ourselves-check-me-included-89526/ Give it time. Good luck to us all. We will get there. We just have to believe.
  12. crystal525

    goofy signals you are full.....

    I do the weird hiccup/burp thing. I swear it just comes out without warning. I know the people who sit near me think I'm such a pig!!! :cursing:
  13. I have normally always donated old clothes. I may still do some. But now we also have a plus size consignment shop here in Maryland. I bought some stuff there last year. Now I get to take some in, as well as get some new cheap stuff! Can't wait!:huh2:
  14. I'd just like to add that I'm extra careful at work but have had an occassion where I had to make it to the bathroom VERY quickly. I just went into a stall and hoped no one else was in there. There was...thankfully there was no heaving and I was able to cover up the sound with the flushing of the toilet. Not fun. Then I just waited for them to leave before I came out... :huh2: I don't want everyone to think I became anorexic to lose weight!
  15. When I drink and am stuck the liquid doesn't usually stay down... It's not even like it's throwing up....it just has no where to go but fills the space and just "comes back up". Sometimes I'm lucky enough to get the stuck food up too but not always. If not, it's even more miserable. I get stuck less often as time goes by. It becomes "normal" to chew and chew...Not that it will help in your most recent circumstance. I think I've heard drinking a mix of meat tenderizer and Water works--if you can get it to stay down. I'm sure someone else can comment on that since I don't have any experience in that area. Walking makes it better too...but I don't think anything is really quick. I think it's just a side effect we will have to learn to deal with on occassion. Good luck!
  16. crystal525

    trouble with chicken?

    For me white meat chicken is never tolerated well. Boneless skinless thighs are about the only chicken I can eat. Unless the chicken is so tender and with something to dip it in...sometimes that won't even work. I usually avoid the white meat. But--I am a dark meat girl anyway!
  17. I had both prior to surgery. Hernia fixed at surgery and no heartburn or reflux since. My upper gi did not show my hernia but my doctor said that sometimes they don't. That was a huge plus for me to not have heartburn since I was used to having it daily. Keep s posted!
  18. I'm in! 15 pounds for me...that'll put me below 220. We can do this!!! :ohmy: Crystal
  19. I have only lost 18.5 pounds since November. Today made 4 months since my surgery. I too was feeling pretty bad about it. But we have got to stop thinking that we will lose 10 pounds a week with the band. If you have lost 31 pounds in 3 months, that is an average of nearly 3 pounds per week. That is FANTASTIC. Think of it in terms of what it means over the next year...next 2 years. Read my post earlier this week about getting ourselves "in check". You need to make sure your expectations are realistic. How much did you think you would lose the first 2 months. You have made tremendous progress....you need to be proud and not ashamed. You made a decision to get healthy. Stick with it. Why give up now? Because you only lost 31 pounds? Say that out loud... :scared2: Did you ever think you'd lose 30 pounds in a few months? Stay on the horse. Trust me...I know it's hard without restriction. I gained 6 pounds at my 2nd visit and 1.5 pounds at my 4th (most recent). I now have 5.2 cc's in my band (4th fill) and I finally feel like I'm eating the amount I should be--usually less than a cup at each meal. And I have just started eating "WHAT" I was supposed to. The restriction helps with that. Talk to your surgeon. Print out your post and take it with you. Give it time. Don't let fear of what others think hold you back. We have all done that for too long. Keep us posted.
  20. crystal525

    Worried about slip...

    I'd call too. But, as an FYI, if you are exercising strenuously it's possible that the muscles are just sore around the port. I shoveled snow last week (we got a foot) and I was sore up until a couple days ago... I mentioned it to my doctor on Friday and he said it was completely normal when exercising and using stomach muscles. Keep us posted!
  21. See I knew there were lots of us feeling this way. I'm glad I could remind everyone to go easy on yourself--we have already done so well. Jenn--you are so correct--we need to stop comparing ourselves to each other. Now that I think about it-that was actually a major thing making me feel so inadequate in this journey. Reading everyones losses and feeling like mine were "nothing". So thanks for adding that! I think I spent so much time prior to surgery reading the PRE-Lap band posts, the Insurance Approval posts, and the complications posts that I didn't think to read the POST-Lap band posts about how people recently banded were dealing...that might be a good post over in the pre-banding area... After my little pep talk I have walked 30 - 35 minutes every night this week and logged all my foods (while eating the right way) and I'm down 2 pounds this week! Stress can add pounds too, well stress can at least make you hold onto them (did you watch TBL last night...OMG! Mandi worked her butt off and she GAINED a pound). So everyone, relax and allow the band to work with us. Crystal
  22. Got my fill last Friday (.7 ccs)--he had .8 in there and had to pull .1 out as he felt it "push back". Bad news, I am up 1.5 pounds--Geez (although they have come back off since then--think I was holding onto water). That was the motivation in my thread "we need to get our heads in check" posted earlier this week--I was very down about my pounds being up. In any case, as of right now I am very much restricted. Most mornings can't even get down a 1/2 cup eggs. In the evenings I get more hungry and can eat more, but I do not even finish a sandwich plate. I am committed to logging all my food intake (good & bad) and have been under 1000 most days since and exercising. I have walked 30-35 minutes all week so far! I was eating a ton (well not a ton...) of oranges and the dr. said I need to cut waaay back on those--berry fruits instead. So according to my scale at the beginning of the week I'm still down 16 pounds... So--again--good luck to us all. On another note--Is there a thread that has everybody log their surgery date/fill amount so we can see how we all progress and how it relates to our fills? If not, maybe we should do that. I'm just now at 5.2 and just had my 3rd fill (my dr. made me wait 2 months before the first one). Hopefully this is my sweet spot. Crystal
  23. I really appreciate everyone's responses. I genuinely JUST realized today that my expectations were not in-line with how I KNOW the band is supposed to work and that I needed to really put forth more effort. That I was looking at the band like I didn't know what I was in for. It's more complicated than I thought (but as with many things in life...experience is the only teacher and you will never know until AFTER banding...I read everything and still expected it to be different for me!). I was expecting too much of myself and of the band. And just like with everything else, our expectations have to be attainable or we will ALWAYS be disappointed. Sometimes it just needs to be "broken down" in a way that makes sense. It makes sense to be realistic...and healthy. We are better than we were. We are on a journey that will last a lifetime and not a year. Remember we chose to be the turtle! :biggrin:
  24. crystal525

    Feeling the squeeze?

    Are you exercising harder? After shoveling snow this week, mine was sore. I was banded back in November so I thought this was odd. Told the dr. about it at my appointment today and he said it was normal--just like muscles getting sore! It's really the area around it getting sore. Hope this helps!
  25. crystal525

    Anyone From Southern MD??

    I'm here in St. Mary's ... grew up in good old chuck county! I work in DC and get my fills during lunch hour! I see Dr. Moazzez (in Dr. Afram's office in Georgetown). I'm in search of a local support group! Welcome all!

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