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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crystal525

  1. For me, If I consume too few calories for too many days in a row, I will not lose. I lose best consuming 1100 to 1200 per day. I realized when I was eating 8-900 calories, I wasn't losing anything. So--consuming too few calories can put you in "starvation" mode--it depends on how many you expend per day. I know the pouch has nerves that signal the brain that you are full, but I haven't heard of the stomach signaling the brain not to go into starvation mode--I'd like to hear more about that. Hope this helps. Crystal
  2. You may be too tight... But before you decide to unfill--are you absolutely sure you are chewing as well as you should? When the fills first start to work, it's hard to get used to chewing, chewing, chewing because you've gone so long without having to worry about it so much. I know for a fact that when I pb --usually on the first bite where I've eaten too fast/too big of a bite because I'm so hungry, or on the last bite that I should not have taken but ignored the signs because it was good.... Try egg salad, canned tuna or chicken (with light mayo of course) for foods that are good in Protein but may be easier to get down. Good luck and keep us posted. Crystal
  3. I'm starving and just had fill number five 3 hours ago! I'm starving because I've had no real food today. broth is not doing it for me. You will not know about restriction until you eat real food...liquids pass thru the pouch. I know I already had some restriction, so I'm sure I'll be quite restricted when I finally can eat mushies tomorrow.... Hang in there. You may or not feel any restriction -- everyone is very different.
  4. Very nice dress. For me, when I got married, I was a size 18 and had to order a size 22 and have everything massively taken in to accomodate my boobs. :thumbdown: That did not make me feel good. I have since had some of them removed!!!
  5. With your weight loss as of now, how many sizes have you gone down? I would guesstimate going down a size for every 2-3 months if you average 6-8 lbs lost per month (it's been almost 30 pounds for me and I'm still wearing the same size...well I CAN still wear the same size). If you order a 16 you can have it altered down to a 12 or a 14. Or if you've been losing well and have gone down a few sizes since surger, order a 14. Just remember the smaller you are, the quicker a loss will show in your clothes. This is only my opinion! :thumbdown: I just want to buy a 16 dress for my son's graduation at the end of the month. I just got another .4 cc fill today so maybe that will kick-start things. I've lost 16 pounds since March 6, after not even losing 15 pounds in the first 4 months total! So--maybe that's a sign that I'll be able to get into a smaller size by then...??? Let us know what you decide! Crystal
  6. I did not meet my goal, but I did lose 6.5 pounds --I'll take it!
  7. crystal525

    After Band eating questions

    Honey Nut Cheerios... I've always been able to eat cereal until this last fill. Maybe I'll try very little milk and see how it goes. I love my cereal. It's always my standby when I want something sweet. Just a little 1/2 cup usually does it. Very painful right now though, unfortunately.
  8. crystal525

    After Band eating questions

    I'm at the point where I CANNOT drink too soon after eating or everything comes up. I guess that means my pouch is working and is full... I have not even tried steak yet--have a hard enough time with chicken. I only usually eat boneless skinless thighs now. I am a dark-meat eater anyway, thank goodness! I do love it and when I get up the nerve, will marinate overnight in Italian dressing and keep it medium. Surprisingly, I will pb on Cereal with milk now...I'm not happy about that. That was my favorite Meal Replacement... :thumbup:
  9. I haven't had a really bad pb...just usually a quick reflex style pb when I've had 1 bite too many. I'm usually finished that meal. But--when it's time for my next meal, I eat a standard meal. When I have pb'd on my first bite after not chewing well, I usually wait a few and then re-start without problem.
  10. Whenever I tell myself I can't have something, that's a sign that I'm going to crave it until I cave... pizza is not so easy for me and I can only eat one piece, so it's rare that I eat it, but I do love it and will have a piece once in a while. Pasta I eat whenever I serve it for my family. Goes down easy for me and I just limit my serving (which I have to do anyway!!!). And----If I wanted to do a diet for a lifetime, I wouldn't have had the band. So--if I want something I eat it, not all the time, but in moderation. Good luck!
  11. I can't seem to shed anymore right now. On a positive note, I did lose 16.5 pounds since March 6... I'll update my grand total on Tuesday morning! Maybe I can get a few off in the next 4 days. Oh well. 15 pounds in 6 weeks is alot when I hadn't even lost 30 in 5 months! But I'm happy I've started to lose!!! Good luck everyone!
  12. 20 lbs in the first month is wonderful--you're ahead of the game, not behind! Keep us posted.
  13. crystal525

    Have you used CURVES?

    I love CURVES. I lost inches while not even adjusting my eating habits--pre-band. Very low impact, and only 20 minutes 3 times a week. It does work! Hey...maybe I should go back... :biggrin:
  14. It's so easy to return to what we know is bad for us when our "assistant" is not assisting! I would like to tell you that it does get better. I was banded in November and had to wait until January for a fill. Lost 10 pounds first month, gained 6 in the second, only lost 3 or 4 in the third, and so on...you get my point. I finally felt restriction with my 3rd fill on March 6--it only lasted 2 weeks, but I got another on April 3 which is still working. Since my March 6 appointment I have lost about 15 pounds (+/-). I am so thankful that I now have restriction--I am at 6.1 ccs in a 10 cc band. My dr. was not worried, he said it takes some more fills than others. The average number of fills he gives before getting to the sweet spot is 4 to 6. He said I was doing great. BUT--I did increase my exercise--that is still a very important part. It's much easier with restriction though--even if you eat something you shouldn't, you don't eat very much! And seeing the pounds makes you want to exercise to get more off. Just keep track of EVERYTHING you eat--good and bad. For me, I also have to make sure I get at least 1000 calories...less than that I don't lose either. Good luck--we'll get there!
  15. Oh--I'm so excited. Down another 3 lbs on my weigh in on Saturday!!! Total lost for challenge 5.5, 9.5 to go! Might not make the goal...but I'll be happy if I lose 10!
  16. crystal525

    Considering breast reduction- advice?

    I totally agree. Make sure you pick the right surgeon. My dr. is the head of plastic surgery at Washington Hospital Center. I checked her out and looked at her results. She's been in ps magazines... I had to have my nipples completely removed and I still have no problems with sensation. And...she thought ahead--she said she had done a reduction and lift and the person lost 100 pounds and she then had to turn around and do implants. She made sure she left me with enough to "lose" if I lost 100 pounds! Although I've lost about 25 pounds -- none of that has been in the boobs! Now--I'm hoping that the lift portion stays!!! This was without a doubt the most painful thing I have ever experienced, but would do it again in a heartbeat! Mine too were VERY uneven. Actual breast size and nipple size. Now I feel like they are perfect-- Good luck with whatever you decide.
  17. I'm down another .5 pound--total of 2.5 down (yep--counting every portion of a pound). 12.5 to go....
  18. crystal525

    Considering breast reduction- advice?

    I too am ultra-sensitive now--they were so big before they "did nothing for me"... Now I love them!!! :sneaky: I just hope they stay up when I lose more weight... Mine was covered by insurance so I don't know what mine cost. But a friend of mine had a tummy tuck and a breast reduction/lift and for both it cost her $12,000 total (in Virginia).
  19. crystal525


    I can feel my port right below my bra line under my right boob. You'll find that you'll feel it even more when you get your first fill -- the doc tells you to lift your head and tighten your stomach which makes it poke out even more. I think you should follow up with your doc about the throwing up (assume you were at home and it was the first day -- nausea happens with the meds), but you can almost always feel your port so I would not worry too much. I had serious belly pain for the first 4-5 days following surgery--that was gas. Good luck.
  20. crystal525

    Latest Fill...

    After my 2nd fill, everything got stuck. Gained 1.5 pounds. After my 3rd fill, great restriction, nothing got stuck unless I waited too long to eat and ate too fast. Very easy to eat right! Lost 10 pounds first 2 weeks, then loosened up and lost nothing else before my next fill. ---> I think the first two weeks I was at the infamous "sweet spot." :thumbdown: Had my 4th fill last Friday and it feels like I can eat everything just fine. I am taking small bites and chewing well, but even without "concentrating on every chew" don't feel like I'm going to get stuck. Know what I mean??? It's hard to explain, but when I got my 3rd fill, I felt it going down and knew I had to be careful. So--even though I am still eating small portions (i.e, 4 small frozen chicken wingettes and some cauliflower with ranch dressing), I am afraid that without the "fear of being stuck" I won't be restricted enough. It's sort of like the fear makes me eat better. I guess it could also be that the restriction makes it easier to be satisfied eating better. I don't know... Now that I've had restriction, I'm afraid of not having it and gaining. Anyone understand? Or am I alone in this crazy way of thinking??? :confused: If I'm pms'ing could that be an explanation? Cravings??? I know that while "on", I normally feel more restricted. Thoughts? Advice? Crystal Am I being weird, or am I just getting used to the way we are supposed to eat without the fear of getting stuck???
  21. crystal525

    This is SO Confusing! Aetna in Virginia

    Make sure your height is correct. I thought my bmi was going to be too low or borderline at 5'5". Turns out I'm 5'4" and my bmi was 41. Aetna will approve Pretty quickly if u meet their conditions. Approval took a week once paperwork was submitted.
  22. crystal525

    Haitil Hernia

    I didn't know I had one either (even with an upper GI). But-before surgery I had to sign a form okaying the repair "just in case"... it is just something that is very common. I had heartburn daily for years and told the person doing the upper GI this and he still didn't find anything. No heartburn since!!! I don't think my recovery was any more difficult. I did have bad gas pains, but that comes with the surgery anyway. Good luck with your surgery!
  23. I can't seem to get the 2 lbs. I was down for the challenge to stay off... :glare: But it is the week before my you know what, so I'll wait to update until my monthly friend comes and goes--unless I see a drop anyway. I am determined to make this goal. I see everyone is doing well. Keep up the good work. Maybe I'll get to post a loss even with the monthly visitor.
  24. crystal525

    Food Obsession

    I am exactly this way. I hope one day it will change. This actually came up in an e-mail to a friend of mine the other day who just had her band put it...I'm posting it below--you'll see exactly how it relates. I even say this was a good topic for the boards!!! For me, I know it's a head game, but food has always been there--whether you're happy and you're celebrating, or you're sad and it makes you feel better... I know it's supposed to be just fuel... I'm down to 231.5. I think I could use a portion of a fill...??? But I don't know. Sometimes I can only take a few bites of Protein but I can eat all the "slider" foods in the world. I guess that's why they say protein first.... Like last night for dinner I had 1/2 bbq thigh (can't do white meat well), broccoli (maybe 1/2 cup), and a spoon of mashed potatoes. Was full but I'm still looking for that really full feeling that we don't get anymore... You know that feeling when you go out to dinner and you can't eat another bite--you just wanna smoke a cig and kick your feet up? Doesn't exist anymore. I miss it even though it was miserable. The full feeling I have now is different. I just now realize how bad my food issues were. Food makes you feel good. and David's ass --he'll be like OMG this is sooo good. We actually argued one day when I told him to stop talking about food (I couldn't even take more than 1 bite of a chickfila nugget--it got stuck and he was all "mmmmm"). I don't think it was purposeful--he doesn't do it all the time (like twice) and it just pissed me off that I can physically only take 2 bites!!! [this is a good topic for the board.] So see---you are definitely not alone when it comes to food obsessions. :glare: It'll get better. Crystal
  25. crystal525

    Time of the month

    My doc actually specifically addressed this at my last visit. He said don't worry if when I get my period I become more restricted -- it's normal. I think he told me that because last month I lost 10 pounds and really felt restricted for the first time.

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