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    pintsizedmallrat got a reaction from Spinoza in An Ode To Cauliflower   
    You can make "wings" with cauliflower! Roast florets in the oven until they have some color and toss them in sauce (if you can handle spicy do buffalo style or there are low sugar bbq sauces out there). I was extremely skeptical but they absolutely have that "meaty" texture and scratches that bar food itch!
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    pintsizedmallrat got a reaction from Esi in Clothes shopping weirdness...can you relate?   
    It is so weird and frustrating going clothes shopping.
    For a couple years, I avoided shopping for clothes like the plague, ESPECIALLY trying them on because, as probably a lot of morbidly obese people feel, it was exhausting to have to dress and undress and have to strain to take my shoes off, nothing fit, and walking out of there feeling like a defeated fata$$, etc. Even worse, because I am short, even at my heaviest I was in that dreaded "gap" between plus sizes and straight sizes so I never quite knew which department I should be shopping in, and that would change depending on the store.
    I still have a lot of anxiety about trying on clothes because my brain's concept of what size I am and what my "new" body is capable of doing has not caught up with reality (I am about 50 pounds heavier in my head than I actually am.). I ordered a hoodie online and guessed at the size and I am SWIMMING in it. I am terrified to shop for jeans and have been living in leggings and track pants since I shrank my way out of my old clothes.
    I'm sure this will resolve over time; it's just such a weird feeling to walk through the mall and look in the windows of all those cute-girl juniors' stores and still get that wistful "Must be nice to get to shop there" thought, then realize I actually CAN wear clothes from that store...I still feel like an impostor even going in there.
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    pintsizedmallrat got a reaction from summerseeker in Clothes shopping weirdness...can you relate?   
    Up until this point I had been revelling in how my formerly tight clothes had become loose and oversized because I hadn't HAD the luxury of getting my clothes "oversized" in so long...but I'm now getting to a point where those clothes have gone from "stylishly flowy" to "looks like I'm a child wearing my mom's clothes" so I HAVE to get some new stuff and I'm just...dreading it.
    My favorite place to shop right now no joke is a leggings store that only sells two sizes: One Size Fits Most and One Size Fits Most Plus.
  4. Like
    pintsizedmallrat got a reaction from Esi in Clothes shopping weirdness...can you relate?   
    It is so weird and frustrating going clothes shopping.
    For a couple years, I avoided shopping for clothes like the plague, ESPECIALLY trying them on because, as probably a lot of morbidly obese people feel, it was exhausting to have to dress and undress and have to strain to take my shoes off, nothing fit, and walking out of there feeling like a defeated fata$$, etc. Even worse, because I am short, even at my heaviest I was in that dreaded "gap" between plus sizes and straight sizes so I never quite knew which department I should be shopping in, and that would change depending on the store.
    I still have a lot of anxiety about trying on clothes because my brain's concept of what size I am and what my "new" body is capable of doing has not caught up with reality (I am about 50 pounds heavier in my head than I actually am.). I ordered a hoodie online and guessed at the size and I am SWIMMING in it. I am terrified to shop for jeans and have been living in leggings and track pants since I shrank my way out of my old clothes.
    I'm sure this will resolve over time; it's just such a weird feeling to walk through the mall and look in the windows of all those cute-girl juniors' stores and still get that wistful "Must be nice to get to shop there" thought, then realize I actually CAN wear clothes from that store...I still feel like an impostor even going in there.
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to ClareLynn in VGS after many abdominal surgeries   
    I have stage iv endometriosis with multiple laparoscopy surgeries and so much adhesions you can feel them through my skin. I had to have physical therapy to release the worst ones.

    The surgeon wasn’t concerned about them at all and did my surgery with the davinci robot (7 incisions).
  6. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to BigSue in Clothes shopping weirdness...can you relate?   
    Oh yeah, totally relate! I'm so used to looking terrible in everything and dressing to hide my body that I don't really know how to shop for clothes now. I've spent my whole life only being able to shop in plus-size stores that now I don't even know where to buy clothes because there's such an overwhelming number of options -- and I'm too small to wear anything from Lane Bryant. Sure, it's a "good problem" to have, but still a bit of a problem.
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to DaisyAndSunshine in Chickpea "Pasta"   
    I haven't tried chickpeas Pasta, but I did try "Yellow Lentil Pasta". You should try it. It tastes a lot like regular pasta.
    I have also purchased "red lentil pasta", which I have yet to try.
    I am still in month 2 so pasta doesn't sit as well and feel heavy. So I tried it once but I'll try them more may be after month 3.
    I purchased "Vita Sana organic" brand. Do give yellow lentil pasta a shot. They may taste even better.
  8. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to Creekimp13 in Chickpea "Pasta"   
    Good carbs with lots of fiber keep my gut microbiota in balance, and are a hell of a lot healthier for my kidneys than ketosis.
    I eat good fats, good carbs, high plant protien, moderate animal protien, high fiber.
    Sustained goal weight for over 3 and a half years eating a metric feckton of a carbs:)
    I'm extra careful with my refined carbs, though. Very little processed sugar or white flour in my diet now (huge change from before). Almost all my carbs are from whole grains, whole fruit, Beans, potatoes, other whole veggies now....but I do eat a lot of them.
    The occasional treat of refined stuff, but not too often. Maybe 200 calories worth once or twice a week.
    Carbs are not the enemy
  9. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to ClareLynn in Back to ER   
    Aaaand I’m back in the ER. I got what I thought was a Migraine today. When I took my meds I got sicker and anything I drank, even just 2 sips are being thrown up.

    Every ER in the area is full. So I’ve been sitting here for 5 hours waiting. They gave me fluids but refuse to give me any meds through the IV like Tylenol or anti nausea meds so that I could go home.

    They want a CT scan since my stomach hurts. I was throwing up a bunch so it’s not surprising it hurts.

    A bunch of people have been here for 8+ hours only to give up and go home. I feel like I can’t since I am not sure I can keep fluids down yet.

    I spent all day yesterday at the emergency vet with my cat, and now after two days of low access to Water and food, I feel awful and weak…
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to Amy Braun in What do non-cooks eat in the 4th month?   
    Thank you, but I specifically said I do not cook, so recipes are not helpful for me. I did find an earlier post of some options for people who don't cook. I know I would be more successful it I enjoyed pouring over recipes and making stuff, but I just won't do that.
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to MistySkye in Is Breakfast The Most Important Meal of the Day?   
    Breakfast is a must for me. …more so after surgery, because I need to eat when I take my Vitamins. (Only time I have had nausea - is when I took my vitamins and didn’t eat)
    pre-surgery - if I skipped breakfast, I ate more throughout the rest of the day.
  12. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to lizonaplane in Wth have I done to myself panic…   
    It's normal to have "buyers' remorse" after surgery. It took me 3.5 months to finally feel comfortable enough that I didn't regret my surgery.
    It's definitely not the easy way out. I had lost 100 lbs a few years ago "on my own," and this is definitely harder. There is so much to adapt to. But I gained that 100lbs back and there's a good chance I will not gain the weight back after surgery.
    I too have had tiny pieces of cakes and other sweets. I have to be careful though, because these foods "slide" right down even if I'm full.
  13. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to GradyCat in Wth have I done to myself panic…   
    WLS is NOT the lazy easy way out. Get that out of your head. It's not a miracle cure. It's only a tool. You still have to do all the hard work. Second, it's only been a week. The surgery released hormones in your body and you're second-guessing what you did. You're healing. Life is changing. It's all normal to feel this way. Talk to the counselor at your surgeon's office and deal with some of these issues.
  14. Like
    pintsizedmallrat got a reaction from GreenTealael in Skin   
    I've lost 75 pounds in a little under 4 months--I have some minor excess skin on my neck and under my arms so far. I had a LOT of excess weight around my chin, neck, and shoulders (I feel like I have a neck for the first time in years!). It's already starting to tighten up as my initial dramatic weight loss has started to slow and my skin can catch up. I want to lose 40 more so it'll be interesting to see what happens over the next year or so.
    I'm 39 and my weight gain was very gradual over a period of about 20 years, so I hadn't been at my "high weight" for very long, maybe 3-5 years, for background.
  15. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to grruss in Vaping after Surgery   
    It is a nicotine delivery method, if you choose to use nicotine. Leading up to my VSG, I have gone to zero nicotine. It is NOT smoking. No leaves are being burned, hence no tar, arsenic, benzene, etc. etc. Many think I'm splitting hairs here because of what vaping looks like, but make no mistake. It is NOT smoking.
    Allow me to be frank right along with you. Nicotine is NOT a carcinogen. It is a mild stimulant, much like caffeine. There is evidence that it could slow the post-surgical healing process, which is why most docs want zero nicotine tests before doing surgery, but it's many other chemicals in cigs that cause cancer, not nicotine.
    The thing is, unless you have a vested interest, you would never do your homework. Most people just take the information fed to them by main stream media as fact. The facts are much different, and I can support everything I say. I'm with you! Most don't do their due diligence because it's so much easier to criticize something that looks like smoking. It's not like they care or anything.
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to SAD HATTER in Vaping after Surgery   
    As a former smoker, I took up vaping to rid myself of the bad crap in the ciggies. I have gone 0 nic with my juice leading up to surgery. IF I ever go back to nic, it will be really low. Unless you have smoked, you just don't know how hard it is. Plus, vaping is not as bad as people make it out to be. In the end, very low nic is about as harmful as caffine.

    Darth Vaper
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to nunya-got-sleeved in Vaping after Surgery   
    I am not on here to debate with anyone. I am only here to give STARS my feedback of personal experience.
    I started Vaping last year after quitting smoking for 30 years. I did not quit nor will I.
    I have done my research and you should too. I do know it does not hinder your progress of WL from surgery.
    My only concern is extra dehydration and dry mouth. Vaping in and of itself dehydrates you. WLS dehydrates you. I guess combined I get doubly dehydrated which in turn I drink way more than recommended. Do your homework and
    Stay Calm and Vape!
  18. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to shelleylester in Vaping after Surgery   
    I am a vape queen. I gave up cigarettes the day of surgery after 30 years too. I love vaping and it gets me through the torture of recovery. Unless you have a dog in this fight you should really save your comments to things you know about.
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to Michelle B7 in Vaping after Surgery   
    It’s okay there is no tabacco or Nicotine involved it’ll be fine as long as you are doing a mouth to lung hit it’ll bypass the stomach it is only flavoring and vegetable glycerin VG is found in almost everything consumable cakes, all other sweets, all canned Beans as well. It is the nicotine which is the hardest to quit.
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to ms.sss in Cranky, and irritable with my spouse   
    I realize this is an older thread, but i’m with @The Greater Fool on this one.
    Just because it comes “easy” doesn’t mean it is isn’t real / deserved / worthy / earned.
    If I get an A in Math without studying, is my A not really an A because my classmate stayed up all night most nights this semester to get the same A?
    If I had the best trainers and access to facilities growing up, with an small army of people to support me, is my gold medal at the Olympics not really a gold medal?
    ….and if I lost weight with the help of WLS, or plastics, or whatever, am I not really skinny?
    Spoiler alert: I am.
  21. Congrats!
    pintsizedmallrat got a reaction from csrouse in “Real” food vs Bariatric foods   
    I am 3 1/2 months out, I don't eat any bariatric or Protein infused prepared foods and I have been consistently hitting my protein goals. I eat a lot of cottage cheese and marinated grilled chicken among other things. It can be done but it involves planning and it helps if you know how to cook so things don't get boring.
  22. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to Sleeve_Me_Alone in “Real” food vs Bariatric foods   
    I am just over 3 months out and most days I am able to get all of my Protein from whole foods. I always eat my protein first, then veggies if I have room. At this point, I'm still not eating any starchy veggies or simple carbs, simply because I don't have room for them after my protein & fibrous veggies. Occasionally, my restriction is higher which further limits how much I can eat, or if I'm out and about, I'll drink a shake or have a Protein Bar, but that's definitely not the norm anymore.
    As for bariatric foods, I do not and have never used them. When I decided to have surgery, I committed to eating regular, whole foods as much as possible and completely get rid of "diet" foods. I don't do keto/bariatric/low carb/low fat/whatever diet foods or substitutes. I didn't have surgery to eat crappy diet food for the rest of my life; I want to eat GOOD food. Stuff that tastes good and is good for my body. That is just a personal preference though, and lots of people use bariatric foods with great success and truly enjoy them. You have to find what works for you!
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    pintsizedmallrat reacted to FutureSylph in This surgery is bullshit...   
    It sure doesn't sound like you had realistic expectations of WLS, and I'm wondering how you were approved for it.
    Instead of cursing your surgery, though, how about investing in some bariatric therapy to help you develop some new attitudes and strategies that will make you happier as you do the hard work we all need to do to lose weight?
  24. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to Sunnyway in This surgery is bullshit...   
    Your surgery did work. By your own description, you are not working. You must weigh, measure, and log your intake and follow your nutritionist's and doctor's direction. The surgery does not work on its own, it takes the patient's efforts to make it work.
    I recommend that you read some books about WLS and get some bariatric cookbooks and meal-planning books..or you can do your own thing and continue to complain that the surgery is not working.
    Suggested books:

  25. Like
    pintsizedmallrat reacted to The Greater Fool in This surgery is bullshit...   
    I get that you are frustrated and perhaps angry.
    Honestly, it's not too late for you, unless you give up. Your surgery is still there. It will make what you still need to do easier.
    From what I see you have received good advice: Follow your plan to the letter, weigh your food, log your food, don't drink with meals. These things are what will get you losing weight.
    These are also the things you refuse to do.
    It seems you would rather quit and blame the surgery. As with all things, it's your life, it's your choice.
    Good luck,

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