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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SCTexasGirl

  1. Okay so the BCBS that I have does not cover any bariatric anything. I had my band done under insurance through my last job. I lost my job, went on my husbands ins, he switched jobs and now we have BCBS again. You would think that they would still cover bariatric conditions if you were covered before. I wrote an appeal letter. They said that they would cover pre existing conditions. I called them and they said that because of the place my husband works for has an exclusion for bariatric treatment at all, that is not concidered a pre-existing condition. What do I do now??????? I am so lost and I don't know where to go from here. My Dr wants this thing out because it is not working and they don't want to do it. He wants to do the sleeve while he is in there and they won't do that either......I truely hate insurance cos! So what do I do now?:D

  2. I am new on the site but have been a member of LBT for 2 years. I have not lost any weight since the inital month of the post op diet since being banded. They would do a fill then have to take it out due to not being able to drink liquids. I was doing that for like 2 years. I am livid!!!! I hate that this stupid thing is in my body not doing what it is supposed to. I have switched insurance due to my husband getting a new job. My new insurance has an exclusion stating that they will not cover anything to do with bariatric whatever. So I have written an appeal to the insurance company and have gotten a response saying that they are going to need a certificate of coverage from my old insurance co. I called to get that. Now what.... I have this stupid thing in my body that doesn't do what it is supposed to do and now I can't even get it out!!!!! I am so frustrated!!!!! What is up with me? Why didn't the stupid thing work? I tried to go on to LBT and see if anyone else has had this problem and of course everyone wants to tell you that you need another fill.....HELLO! I have had fills and unfills for 2 years now.....So the reason that I am posting on here is that maybe I can get this stupid thing out and hopefully get the sleeve put in. I am still considered morbidly obese because of my height 5ft 2in. I just need some encouragement and nobody telling me to get another fill (I have nothing in there now).

  3. I feel the same way that you do and have lost 50 lbs since 10/08. I was filled under flouro and was told that would probobly be the last time I would have to get filled. Well 5 days later I was back at the Dr. office getting a complete unfill because I couldn't swallow anything. I am as frustrated as you! Now I am back at square 1 and this stupid band thing is bringing me down! The new bandsters don't have a clue what we have been through. I have been seriously thinking about taking the band out and having the sleeve done, if my insurance will pay for it! Keep your chin up, get a slight unfil, because if you don't your stomach can errode, and take an acid reducer until then. Good luck!!!

  4. Okay so I have been banded since Oct 29th of 08 and I am at a stand still. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have had to be unfilled 3 times and gained weight during those times. I am going to have to get another fill in 3 weeks. I am not eating as much and I am still gaining/maintaining weight. I don't eat bad things, I chase after and clean up after 2 young children. I had surgery on 2/24 (hysterectomy) and I am still not losing weight. What am I doing wrong? I am soooooo pissed! Can anyone help me?

  5. I have been banded for almost a year and I have not gotten to the weight that I want to be. I have had a unfill because the last fill I had was too much, couldn't tolerate liquids. I was brought down from 8.5 to 6.25cc's. I am still in bandster hell and I am getting discouraged. I know that I should at least have some resriction but I don't. I know that I shoud excercise, but I don't have the time for me to do that. I am going to start taking time for myself starting tomorrow and walking like I was doing. I just don't understand why I am not feeling restriction. I am getting discouraged about not feeling restriction. I am not eating anything unhealthy but I am eating too much at a sitting. I don't go back to get seconds and I don't eat as much as I used to but, I just want to be restricted. I need some encouragement.

  6. Okay so I have been banded since the 29th of October of 2008. I have lost 50 or more pounds since then. I am sooooooo down on myself lately. I have had a lot of stress since the begining of August. I like so many other people, have lost my job. This was an added stress on top of all the other things going on. I had surgery for a deviated septum got back to work and was told that my position was done away with. I went for a adjustment on the 19th of August. I was too tight but tried to work with it. In the meantime I got a sinus infection. I finally had enough when I was trying to get my antibiotic down and puked it up. I called and got an appointment a week later to get some of my fill out. I had about 8cc in my 10cc band. They took me down to 6.75 and now I feel better but I am still eating tooooooo much. I was supposed to eat 2-2-2 for the days after my unfill. I went strait to Zaxby's and ate a boneless chicken tinder snack with fries. I know that was not good but I was soooooo hungry. I haven't eaten since the morning of my fill. I had enough trouble getting my Protein Drink down. I lost 8 pounds in 7 days. I was deprived of nutrients. After my fill for a few days after, I was eating everything in sight. I was starving!!!! I have since then staved off the hunger. Maybe I have gotten over the hunger thing. IDK. Anyway, I know that 3 days ago I gained back 3 pounds of the 8 that I lost and I have not gotten on the scale since then. I am bored out of my mind and need some time with adults without my children!!!! Sounds mean I know, but everyone needs a break. When I was working, I got a 8 hour break everyday! I guess that now I need to get into a groove of being a stay at home mother for a while. I am just stressed and discouraged about my weightloss. I have no idea if I have lost anything in the past 3 days or if I have gained more. I feel like I have gained but I really haven't eaten anything to make that happen. I am sorry but I just need to vent and get some encouragement. Thanks for listening!!!!

  7. Okay so I had my 5th fill last monday. I had trouble getting my Protein down that night, never feeling that much restriction before. I got over that and thought that the trouble might get better. I got sick with a sinus infection in the meantime and I thought that might have something to do with not being able to eat, because of all of the mucus. I have been getting stuck on nearly everything. I am having trouble getting broccoli cheese Soup, extremely watered down, down. I have no idea if I am too tight or not. I have all ideas that I am. I just didn't know if I should go with the tightness or if I should get a slight unfill. I tried to eat a few bites of chili mac tonight and it got stuck. I was fine for a while with it being stuck. I sat at the computer and then I felt the sudden urge to puke! Of course I feel better, but now even the soup is not going down too well. I just wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this. I want to know if I am too tight. Please let me know so that I don't have to be in this much pain any longer. Any feedback is welcome!

  8. So I had a fill yesterday, my 5th one, and I was on liquids yesterday. Today we had a cookout at work and I had 3/4 of a hamburger patty with cheese and a small spoonfull of chili. I know that I wasn't supposed to eat it but I had to look somewhat normal in front of my co-workers that have no idea I had this done. Did I screw up big time or is my band okay? I just want some opinions because I feel guilty now.

  9. I sure hope so too! I have been trying to restrict myself since the begining. I would love to tell other people that don't have the band and don't have to worry about weight loss that the band is not the thing that makes you lose weight in the begining....it is you and only you. It is your choices that you make and I am sure that as soon as you get to that sweet spot you can start reducing your caloric intake and amount of food that you eat. How many pounds have you lost since your 4th fill 2-fly?

  10. 2fly-you are lucky I have been banded since Oct 29th 08 and I still don't have restriction. I have been gaining and losing the same 3 freaking pounds for the last 7 weeks. That is with another fill. I have 5.5 cc in my 10cc band. I am going for my 4th fill in May and I pray that I can feel restriction then. I have no time to do anything for myself because I have 2 children under the age of 3. By the time I get my children to bed I am exhausted and can't do anything. I have lost some since my surgery but I have done it all by myself. The band is not restricting me at all. I am not blaming anyone. I have eaten pretty good and I do get up and do something when I can. I try to do something for at least 20 minutes 3 times a week. Hopefully I can feel some restriction soon!

  11. Hey!

    I have never heard of stretching your pouch. Why do they think that you have? When were you banded? How many cc's do you have in your band? I have 5 1/2cc's in my 10cc band. I have little restriction if any. I am not worried about it because my dietition says that it may take another fill before I get there. I know that it isn't much help but I really wouldn't worry about it. You will see people that have been banded for a year and haven't lost much more than what you have already lost. Good luck! We share the same birthday!


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