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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jazie

  1. jazie


    Don't worry about it, but don't expect restriction on your first fill. I just had my 5th and I finally feel restriction. My dr goes slow but it has finally paid off. jazie
  2. jazie

    3rd Fill, Maybe too Tight

    We went to the movies the day after my fill and I could not believe how easily the popcorn went down. This is my 5th fill and for the first time I have restriction. But popcorn? That was a surprise. jazie
  3. jazie


    What about liquid Benedril? I took it and it really helped. jazie
  4. jazie

    port problem

    No, I only one more surgery after mine flipped. I have had two fills since and all went well. I think I did something to tear the sutures. I started riding a stationary bike after 6 weeks, and after Hurricane Ike, I went to the only store in our small town to help the owner try to clean and I think that finished it off. I felt a pain and some burning when I knelt down to clean the bottom shelf. After that, I didnt do that again but the damage was done. The recovery was almost the same as the first surgery. No lifting or strenous exercise for 6 weeks. Dr didn't have to tell me twice, I sure didn't want to have a repeat. I was back on liquids for a shorter time and so on. Dr also did my fill while doing the repair. No problems since. jazie
  5. jazie

    downsizing wedding ring?

    I actually had bought another band when my old one didn't fit anymore, so now I am in the first one and it is getting loose. Maybe, I will get another ring when I reach my goal. That would be nice if my husband thinks of it but I don't want to have to ask. jazie
  6. jazie

    FREE Nutrition advice

    After my surgery on July 1, 2008, I was stuck on a 17 lb. weight loss. I couldn't understand why, but now I am sure I was not eating enough. Some days it was hard to eat more than 750 calories and as soon as I started eating more, I started losing. jazie
  7. jazie

    Common Problem Foods

    I think this is the hardest thing for me to do. It seems like I am so thirsty when I eat, I try to wait 30 mins like advised but sometimes I snitch a small drink before that time. jazie
  8. Good Luck is all I can say. I finally got it but I can't tell you how I did it. Someone did walk me through it but it took a while even with that. jazie
  9. jazie

    Fill the port?

    I wonder how a dr decides where he will put the port. Is it the dr that taught him how to do it? Mine is on my left side, under my breast and half way between that and my waist line which I just found out I had. Love this band! jazie
  10. jazie

    Fill the port?

    I am 5 months out and mine has only become more noticable to me at least. It is a lot better than the fat though. jazie
  11. jazie

    Stomach Flu?

    Maybe you should ask your dr for some Phenergen in case you do get it. I am worried about that too, although I am 5 months out. But before I caught anything that came around. Also, someone on this site said they take Acidophilus for intestinal health. It is a natural thing and I hope it works. I have been on it for about a month now. jazie
  12. Was your port installed on your right side? I know everyone (Dr) is different but mine is on my left side. Just wondering about it. jazie
  13. jazie

    flipped port/twisted port

    Mine was after I had already had 2 fills. When I went in for the 3rd, I had flipped. It was torn away from the muscle. When he did the repositioning of the port, he also did the third fill. I could tell the stitching was tighter than the first one. jazie
  14. Just wondering if anyone has this problem. I do water aerobics 3 times a week and at least 3 of the other days I walk 2 miles a day. I seem to be having trouble losing my belly. Is it because of the port? When I lost weight the thousand times before, I didn't have as much trouble with losing my fat belly. At least it would shrink some. Jazie
  15. jazie

    flipped port/twisted port

    I am with you on this. Mine flipped and I had to go back in for surgery, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. jazie
  16. jazie

    My port has moved and we know why...

    My dr never told me that either. Mine flipped, when I went in for my 3rd fill it was flipped over. I havent done crunches but I was riding a stationary bike and that is the only reason we can think that it happened. My dr had never had one to flip. Went in right away and had it repositioned. He said it tore from the muscle in 2 places on the same side so it was allowed to flip. jazie
  17. Most definitely, but someone on here may have the answer. Dried apricots. They seem to be helping me, at least for now. I have tried prunes, shredded wheat, and Miralax. I still do the first 2 with the apricots and I don't go every day but it is a lot better. Maybe we just don't eat enough to go every day. jazie
  18. jazie


    Byetta was the first med I got off of after my band. In fact, Dr took me off it right after and thank God, I have never needed it since. That was the worst side effects I have ever had, and I stayed on it 1 year. My sugar has not gone over 100 in months. I take 50 Januvia and have cut insulin down to 40. Januvia was at 100 so all is good. jazie
  19. jazie

    Does anyone notice this?

    Thanks for the encouragement. I think in time it will get smaller. jazie
  20. jazie

    New here from Louisiana

    Where will you have your surgery? I am from La. also. Near Lake Charles. I had mine on July 1, 2008. 45lbs so far. jazie
  21. Thanks so much. I will be on my way to Walmart tomorrow, I have a support meeting and it is close by. Thanks again. jazie
  22. Prunes are just not working for me. I tried the apricots for the first time this morning. Just wondering if all the dried apricots have the fuzzy skin on them. This is the first time I have had apricots, dried or fresh and I was not expecting the fuzz still on them. If they had been peeled, the taste would have been great. If anyone has bought the peeled ones please let me know where. Thanks jazie
  23. I love prunes and they always worked before but NOT now. I will try the apricots. Hope it is a miracle for me also. I even eat shredded wheat every nite for supper but only sometimes does it work. jazie
  24. jazie

    Does anyone notice this?

    Maybe it is just me, I just want it GONE too fast. I had the lapband on July 1 2008 lost 44lbs so far. I am too impatient i guess. jazie
  25. I don't know where my post went but I am wondering if anyone has had to have their port repositioned? Mine has flipped and I am wondering if you know why? Had a good reply today that it was the dissolving stitches that may have caused it. If that is true, I sure don't want the same thing again. Would love to hear from any of you. Surgery scheduled for Thursday. jazie

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