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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by micromanage

  1. PB can occur because your not chewing your food well enough or because your eating to quickly and unable to tell when your stomach is full, or you might be to fight with the fill. You really need to talk to your doctor about this.

    If you are not losing weight it could be from so many causes. If you are not doing so already, track your calories and measure your food. Increase your Protein intake so your full, avoid slider foods, and exercise. If you are aleardy exercising then increase your work outs.

    Good luck!

    Is there a list of acronyms someplace? I don't know what PB means. Thanks

  2. Well, for those that are following: I did end up getting a VSG. I couldn't keep the weight off on my own. But the good news is that I LOVE my VSG - it is working much better for me than the band ever did. I now weigh less after one month with my VSG than I ever did with my band. But that's just me...a lot of people do have good luck with the band; I wish them well, but unfortunately, it wasn't the greatest tool for me.

    Good luck to everyone out there!

    What's VSG? Can you tell me where there is a list of acronyms for this forum please. Thanks Marylyn

  3. I've had the band for several months but only got a big fill for the first time on Monday January 26th. Up till now I could eat pretty much what I wanted without any problems (except for carrots and dry chicken that is) but now the doc has added 1.5 more of saline and I can't eat anything without it getting stuck.

    Tonight I made Pasta with meat sauce. I drank some Crystal Light with it, I didn't remember that I shouldn't do that. Halfway through dinner, the pain was intolerable, and I started to wretch. I forced myself to throw up all I could to relieve the pain but it kept up and I felt like my stomach and back were being pushed from the inside. I have never had this pain so I was shocked at the reaction I was having.

    I was in pain for over and hour, and now I still am afraid to eat. I still feel sick four hours later. What should I do and/or what did I do wrong? Thanks Marylyn

  4. Just an F.Y.I. if you're interested in going to a support group. St. Peter's University Hosp. in New Brunswick is having one on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m.

    I believe they are also have an introduction to the lap band at 7 p.m. that same night.

    Hi I live in Monroe Township, exit 8A, and I wonder if anyone is going to this meeting. Thanks Marylyn

  5. I had my surgery on June 27th and up until now everything was going well.

    Now I am having these sharp pains in my midsection like I have been wearing pants two sizes too small. I even have a line across my belly where I never had one before. I mean a deep indentation as if my belly had been constricted with a belt for days.

    Is this normal. I too notice I am completely swollen. I eat regular foods like berries and farina. Could this be the problem? I called the Doc and all he said was he'd see me in three weeks, five in total from the surgery.

    Thanks for letting me join your group. I know I will be posting a lot.

    Thanks Marylyn

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