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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to Jen-ny in what surprised you?   
    I was surprised that I have no restriction. 8+ weeks now and I’m fully on solid foods and still have no restriction. I’ve even pushed it a few times to just see what I can eat and it’s safe to say I have no restriction at all. I’m also hungry. I’m nauseous off and on and I just feel like the surgery hasn’t been a success at all. I was NOT prepared for that.
  2. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to sweetsmith78 in Vitamins required or not?   
    I'm about 2 years out from gastric sleeve. I have done my routine blood work. "Maybe not as much as I should have." From day one I never took supplements I pretty much eat a clean diet. But not really strict. My blood work for Vitamins have been perfect. I'm not sure why the drs push vitamins ?
    Everyone is different!
  3. Like
    SleeverSk got a reaction from KimA-GA in 6 weeks post op ZERO WEIGHT LOSS AND DEPRESSED   
    Yeah I wonder, no way I could eat a cup at that stage and no way I could eat that many calories either. Those sorts of calories are what you have to maintain your weight not loose
  4. Like
    SleeverSk got a reaction from KimA-GA in 6 weeks post op ZERO WEIGHT LOSS AND DEPRESSED   
    Yeah I wonder, no way I could eat a cup at that stage and no way I could eat that many calories either. Those sorts of calories are what you have to maintain your weight not loose
  5. Thanks
    SleeverSk got a reaction from Spinoza in Goal!   
    Well done !!!
  6. Like
    SleeverSk got a reaction from KimA-GA in 6 weeks post op ZERO WEIGHT LOSS AND DEPRESSED   
    Yeah I wonder, no way I could eat a cup at that stage and no way I could eat that many calories either. Those sorts of calories are what you have to maintain your weight not loose
  7. Like
    SleeverSk got a reaction from KimA-GA in 6 weeks post op ZERO WEIGHT LOSS AND DEPRESSED   
    You must be doing some intense workouts to burn that many calories are you sure you should be doing that this early after major surgery? Burning almost the same as your in take is not a great idea. If your figures are correct you should be loosing weight fast. Can I ask how you are measuring your calorie intake and what you are burning during exercise?
  8. Like
    SleeverSk got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in 6 weeks post op ZERO WEIGHT LOSS AND DEPRESSED   
    But you have lost a total of 21 pounds in 6 weeks so that is normal and good, I didn't loose that much.you will have weeks where you don't loose much it's part of the healing process and the journey in general
  9. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to MistySkye in How much can you eat?   
    It’s all about what you eat that will determine if you can feel your restriction. If you eat slider foods - then you can definitely over eat.
    if you eat chicken - I guarantee you can’t over eat. I’m 15 months p.o. and the restriction is definitely still there. I always focus on Protein first.
  10. Like
    SleeverSk got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in My tips and why I Don't recommend Sleeve surgery for long term   
    I don't think you are talking about the same thing,well I don't think I know you aren't 🤔
  11. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to liveaboard15 in liking this lol   
    LMAO nah. talking to my coworker right now. hahaha. Lets see how that one goes. Funny part tho is she is 8 years older than me. Thats a first for me haha.
  12. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to liveaboard15 in liking this lol   
    So The majority of my adult life i have been single. Mainly because i didnt want to even try dating being so big. Living in Florida most girls love the beach, pools, waterparks ect... Heck i love jetsking, boating and the beach. No one really has shown any interest before which i was fine with. Now that i am almost 100lb lighter i have girls hitting on me all the time. Even at work several customers have given me their phone numbers without me even asking, My coworker will joke with them and be like "Hey my coworker is single" lol and so far that has worked several times. Even my own other coworker has been showing interest and we been hanging out now. Gotta say.... I like it. haha. Now if only there was a surgery to make me taller. HAHAHAHA
  13. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to Arabesque in Food Before and After Photos   
    Niece #4 had a sleepover last Friday. We went to see a performance of niece #1’s first choreographic work. Made her scrambled eggs & bacon for Breakfast. I made some for my dinner on Saturday night without bacon after I took her back to the coast (was beautiful day). No pxt of mine just hers. First time I’ve been able to eat 2 eggs since surgery but I was starving. Hadn’t really eaten much of the day.

  14. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to Arabesque in Food Before and After Photos   
    Pork sausages with fresh tomatoes, celery, onion & mushrooms in gravy. I cheated & used Gravox - LOL! Only use the fat pork sausages from the butcher in my home town. They are the best. Every so often I buy some when visiting my mum then freeze them in packs of two for when when I want to cook them.

  15. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to Sophie7713 in Food Before and After Photos   
    Goodbye lunch with friends at the New Grand Bohemian Hotel in Greenville, SC 
  16. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to summerset in Food Before and After Photos   

  17. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in August 24!   
    Very encouraging update, after a lot of tingling I am able to feel pressure on my lower arm again. It’s kind of muted but it’s there. The improvement has given me a lot of hope. Still can’t feel like a pen being dragged lightly on the surface but any improvement is so encouraging.

    I’ll be six weeks next Wednesday. My surgeon said I can be released fully at that time. I tried a light jog for literally one minute yesterday and wow my stomach was not appreciating that. It just mostly felt really stiff. I didn’t have muscle repair so likely the incision up the middle isn’t happy with the jostling. I can now do climbs on the spin bike so that’s nice…released from the drudgery of low impact classes.
  18. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in August 24!   
    One month in. The bottom part of my left forearm is still completely numb. I think it is nerve damage since it’s been this way since surgery and hasn’t improved at all. 😞. I haven’t lost any function in the arm, just sensation from wrist to elbow on the bottom half of the arm. It’s really annoying and I wish it would come back but I am starting to think it is permanent. Not much to do about it but it’s a possible rare outcome, and looks like I’m the lucky one who got it.

    Drain hole closed up, FDL and breast lift scars are doing well. I’ll post pics of the arm lift since that’s something I can do without disrobing, haha. This is one month to the day healing arm lift scars.

  19. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in August 24!   
    I feel like my shape is about the same as before, just the hanging skin on the front is gone.

  20. Confused
    SleeverSk reacted to Usseent in My tips and why I Don't recommend Sleeve surgery for long term   
    1. You can get a sleeve if you want to, but it's not necessary.
    I've had my left arm amputated twice before and have been able to live a normal life without any problems. I don't think it's necessary to have a sleeve. If you do choose to have a sleeve, make sure you're getting one that fits properly. There are some sleeves out there that are way too big and cause a lot of pain. Also, make sure you're having it done by someone who knows what they're doing.
    2. You'll need to learn how to use prosthetics.
    You'll need to learn how your prosthetic works and how to care for it. Make sure you know how to clean it, oil it, and adjust it. You'll also need to learn how to put it on and take it off.
    3. You'll need to find a good prosthetist.
    Make sure you find a good prosthetists who specializes in amputees. Most people who have a limb removed end up going to a doctor who does general orthopedics. These doctors aren't trained to work with prosthetics. A good prosthetist should be able to help you figure out what size socket you need and where to place it.
    4. You'll need to buy new clothes.
    If you decide to go ahead with a sleeve, you'll probably need to buy new clothes since you won't be able to wear your old ones anymore.
    5. You'll need to get fitted for a new prosthesis.
    This means finding a prosthetist who specializes in amputee prosthetics. Once you find him/her, make sure you tell them about your situation and ask them questions about your options.
    6. You'll need to start taking medication again.
    When you have a sleeve, you'll need to start taking medications again. Your doctor may prescribe you different types of drugs depending on what kind of amputation you had.
    7. You'll need to deal with depression.
    Depression is something that many people struggle with after losing a limb. Make sure you talk to your doctor about ways to combat this problem.
  21. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to MountainClover in No medical support   
    I understand and that is probably the reason for that dr's terrible behavior but you werent asking for drugs you needed fluids! For him to refused fluids is just asinine!! I hate drs like that!! He was just very unprofessional. He really should be reported.
  22. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to The Greater Fool in My tips and why I Don't recommend Sleeve surgery for long term   
    I was wondering who drew the "That Guy" chit this week.
  23. Like
    SleeverSk reacted to pintsizedmallrat in My tips and why I Don't recommend Sleeve surgery for long term   
    I think sometimes it's easy to forget that the surgery is a *tool*, not a substitute for self-control. The most important weight loss tool any of us have is between our ears.
  24. Confused
    SleeverSk reacted to strawberryga in My tips and why I Don't recommend Sleeve surgery for long term   
    Iv'e had BOTh the ruen-y bypass surgery that was successful FOR over 10 years, after having a baby, gaining weight back and having Vitamin deficiency issues I had a revision to a gastric sleeve. The sleeve has been a joke, there is no stopping me from over eating sweets or fried foods, I was sick when I ate those things with a ruen-y. I had an upper gi last week (I am 7 years post op of revision) Dr says my stomach looks like any other non surgery stomach he sees. So much for my surgery dr saying stomachs dont stretch.
    1.Ruen-y is more evasive but it keeps you from eating sweets/fried foods without becoming so ill you have to lay down for 2 hours. (not dangerous, just very uncomfortable)
    2.If you have weight loss surgery be SURE to have Lipo suction after you've lost most of y our weight. Once you grow a fat cell you NEVER loose it unless you have it removed by having lipo suction or cool sculpting. A fat cell will lay flattened until you have extra calories that need stored then they pop right up. Get rid of them b&&*$ right away, you can still grow more cells if you over eat but it takes time to grow them new, old cells are like little saboteurs waiting to fill up again.
    3. If you don't like aerobic activity try chill-aerobics. Sit somewhere cold.. shiver and ur body burns fat. 15 min. of shivering equals 30min,. of aerobic activity. Your body will burn fat to try and warm you up. (it's actually opposite in a polar bears body)
  25. Thanks
    SleeverSk got a reaction from Spinoza in Goal!   
    Well done !!!

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