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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SleeverSk

  1. 6 hours ago, ScaredButReady2.0 said:

    I drank a few sips of ice tea and vodka and now I feel like there a lump in my throat and my stomach hurts! I REGRET THIS Surgery so much... why did I do this I wasn't huge the scale said that but I had a flat stomach big legs, no HBP, no Diabetes, just IBD, AND GERD! WHY I have no identity now. Eating out, at home, drinking gave me so much pleasure. I feel so stupid.

    I can't even eat more than 2 bites, I don't want this anymore. I even quit my job.

    I hate it here! My throat hurts so weird

    Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Omg you sound exactly like I did, DID being the important word here. You are going through a grieving process and denial in one of the stages. Don't drink any more alcohol until later down the track. How soon after eating did you drink ? Maybe you didn't wait long enough. Sorry to hear you quit your job was that because of how you are feeling now? I would get some counselling asap it's not an Instant fix but it will help. What you are going through is very normal for some of us and believe it or not it gets better much better. Once it starts to get better it gets better very quickly and you wish the heavy restriction stage lasted a bit longer. Hang in there ❤

  2. 5 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    A couple of weeks before Covid hit in 2020 & we entered lockdown I bought this outfit & it has been taunting me in my wardrobe ever since. Decided I wasn’t going to wait for a special event any longer so dinner wth my hairdresser current & former stylist was it. New French inspired restaurant in a small country town. My hair looked way better later as we had our regular hair appointment before dinner. The skirt is amazing. Known as the doona skirt as there is a layer of wadding inside. Still didn’t keep me warm enough though lol.


    You look amazing, fantastic outfit too

  3. 16 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Many people think the surgery is cosmetic. I’m sure that’s what it was. I had a doctor (not a medical doctor but still a doctor) ask me why I just didn’t ask them to just take more out or whatever when I told him beforehand that I worried I wasn’t going to lose all my weight as if he thought they just scoop all the fat out of you or something. I just scratched my head and laughed.

    Are you sure he was a medical doctor.......... 🤔 😂😂

  4. I too waited and almost deliberately put on weight to get me over the set BMI that would get the surgery done. If I knew I could have got it done with a lower bmi I certainly would have and I would have had less weight to loose, probably would have less loose skin issues etc etc. Good for you hope all goes well. I was 90kg when I decided I wanted something surgical done about my weight but was told I would have to be over 100kg to qualify as it was at 105 kg my bmi was 38 and only just qualified because I had sleep apnoea and high cholesterol.

  5. 4 hours ago, LaTiaV said:

    I will definitely do this, I have been interviewing doctors even if I did not realize it. Some I have never seen again. I have always felt like the requests for reviews are just for them to promote their business and not to really see how they can improve a service.

    I have a newish GP doctor since I recently move to another state. Yesterday, I was given a green light to stop taking BP and cholesterol medicines, the doctor was very happy with my tests and praised me for loosing 70 pounds and how good I look, however he said something that made me think of what has been said on this thread. He said "even your personality changed". I was like "nope", but I feel he sees my person in a different way now, which made me feel sad even if I know his intentions were to make me feel good. I still have a long way to go and if I make it to my goal I have an even harder work to maintain. It scares me to go back to the X sizes with all the X pains and health problems included. Now, knowing that if I fail, some in the health care system will see me with different eyes, it adds some anxiety.

    Maybe he meant that now you seem happier and more confident which is a personality change. I realised just the other day that even though my core personality traits are the same I am laughing more, I feel better about myself and I have more confidence going out. Others would see that as a personality change and I bet that's what your doctor was referring to, he can see you are happier and more confident and that's a good thing for your doctor to notice because it means he sees past a body shape or size.

  6. fish is considered a soft food just make sure you have some sauce on it to make it nice and moist. I would consider Pasta a soft food to but for many pasta doesn't sit well in the early stages after surgery. any well cook veggies would be considered soft too you could mash them up a bit on your plate. you're not going to be able to eat a lot at this point anyway so go and enjoy the company of your family/friends and try not to focus on the food.

  7. 9 hours ago, Tela OG said:

    Ok I really appreciate this feedback. I’ve been hitting all my Protein goals and I’d say I’ve been pretty good but not perfect on the Water. I’ve just been logging so as to keep track of macros and have a sense of what’s going on.

    I’ll let you know what the nutritionist says about exercise and check in with my doctor.

    Thanks so much.

    your Nutritionist is NOT the person to ask about your exercising and physical restrictions while healing you need to ask your surgeon, I am surprised they didn't give you guidelines when you left the hospital

  8. yeah I had odd sensations in my legs too, pain a numb type of feeling but wasnt numb to touch and my restless leg syndrome got really bad too. I don't know what it is but once I started eating normally it got less and less but if your worried see your gp or surgery

    my legs felt weird when i walked too mainly the bottom half

  9. if you don't eat, you cant **** its as simple as that. Going number 2 after surgery can be challenging because you dont get enough in to make a decent sized poop. its a wonder they didn't make sure it was cleared before releasing you from hospital anyway just keep going with your plan. if the obstruction is there still and the hospital has said it will come out on its own, it should but you might need to help it along and not eating isn't going to help.

  10. Not sure you should be doing "strenuous" workouts this early out from surgery most surgeons say no workouts other than walking for 6 weeks but that is something you need to talk to your surgeon about.

    I had no idea how many calories I was eating in the early days but the fact that you are very limited by the amount you can eat keeps it very low. The important thing is to make sure you get enough Fluid and Protein in especially if you are exercising to keep your body burning fat and not muscle.

  11. On 6/15/2022 at 11:56 AM, Erin18 said:

    Hey everyone!

    I havent had surgery yet, but I was thinking maybe it'd be good idea to get some recipes for liquid, pureed and solid stages of food. I want to do this the right way this time and follow it to a T. Also, do you all drink just Water? I have a hard time getting 64 ounces in. I'm addicted to soda. Well I only have 1 to 2 cans a day or 3. How do you avoid it? Lastly, I have a sweet tooth, what are your favorite "healthy" versions of sweets if you have any that won't really make sick. Probably best to stay away all together, huh?

    lol I like how you say I only have 1 or 2 or 3 a day lol said like a true addict ,not knocking you cause I am the same.

    so straight after surgery you are not really going to feel like having soda so that wont be an issue. the hard part will be when you get a few months down the track and you can try some soda to see how it goes and if it goes well then you really have to try and control that addiction again. which is where I am now :( . you have really answered your own question by saying its best to stay away all together for both soda and sweets. My boss has a lolly jar on his desk for staff to dip into and when I am at work I have about 200 unnecessary calories a day due to this darn lolly jar. I have asked him to get rid of it or at least hide it but he wont 😡. So yeah use the time leading up to and directly after to get these things under control and the longer you don't "try" them after surgery the better off you will be.

    With your Water just put a dash of something in it be it juice or cordial I also used flavoured Protein powers straight after surgery, it just makes it a bit easier to get down I think around the 4/6 week mark I discovered Powerade as I was just so darn thirsty and water wasn't cutting it. it was much easier to drink and has electrolytes etc in it too.

    I also used the flavoured Protein Powder in plain Greek yoghurt just gave my protein intake the boost it needed and it tasted yummy satisfied the old sweet tooth as wel

  12. To satisfy your sugar craving try having some juice, Powerade or something similar. You will be able to eat some cake for your birthday just not as much as you would have in the past.

    There are lots of threads about being regretful after surgery and what different people have gone through I was one of them and I can happily tell you now at almost a year out I have no regrets which is huge because I was shouting from the roof tops that this surgery should be banned blah blah blah which I get quite embarrassed about now lol. you will be fine.

  13. Yes all perfectly normal, a lot of us went through it. I had a particularly hard time I cried multiple times a day, I screamed and yelled (mostly when no one was listening) I had panic/anxiety attacks over doing simple things like going to the shops. We go through a grieving process and our hormones are all out of whack and then there is the unknown of what our lives will be like, I was convinced I would never eat or drink normally again no one could tell me otherwise but that was not true I now eat and drink very normally. So hang in there know this will pass, it can take time though, for me it was 6 months. I do recommend getting back in your normal routine I took extra time off work but once I went back to work I started to feel like my old self again. Find some distractions like doing things you enjoy or even just chilling out in front of the TV to take your mind off it can be helpful. Anyway hope you feel better soon.

  14. 13 hours ago, Veritas34 said:

    Thank you both for the tips.
    The feeling kind of feels mental not physical… I’m hoping it will pass.

    As far as liquids I am surely not getting enough in. I know this. I just don’t have the urge to drink …

    Yeah I went through this too, its like a grieving process, fear of the unknow and both genders suffer with hormones being out of whack too. have a good cry if you need to I found trying to hold it back made me feel worse.

  15. 5 hours ago, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    THIS is what I was hoping to hear somewhere on here. I'm really struggling with not drinking while I eat. I have dry mouth because of meds I take, so I tend to drink a lot ALL this time. It's hard to eat without drinking anything at all, but I was told it's just something I'm going to have to learn to deal with it. At least I can look forward to maybe being able to drink, even a little, with my food further down the road.

    It does depend on what I am eating and what I am going to drink ( I still love bubbles even if it's just soda Water ) but plain water and just a few sips is no drama at all. Just go slow you will work out what works for you. A Drink before eating is easier within the first 6 months, but just a small drink.

  16. 1 hour ago, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    Since you're so early out from surgery, I can tell you this is normal. Hormones are wacky because this is a MAJOR surgery. The first 2 weeks I couldn't drink very well at all. I was on an all liquid diet for 2 weeks post op and it really hurt to drink. But, and I know you don't want to hear this, but it got better. IT WILL GET BETTER. Once you get to the mushy stage, it'll be Heaven. I'm 6 weeks out, and I can eat normal foods. The trick for me, since I never lost my hunger hormone and don't have restriction, is to stick super close to my bariatric diet. But I can tell you, you will be able to eat normal foods again. Maybe not rice or breads or pasts (or if you do, extremely small amounts), but meats, veggies, etc will definitely be ok. You just gotta get there. I know it's hard, but the end results are so worth it. I've lost 33 pounds in 6 weeks (an average of 5 1/2 pounds per week). And I had a miserable 2 week stall where I actually gained 5 pounds. And since then, once the stall broke, I lost those 5 pounds plus more. So while it's tough right now, make sure you get in your Protein (shakes, Protein Water, etc), and make sure you're walking everyday. It really will get better. It took 3 weeks before all of my pain went away, but now I can do whatever I want exercise wise, and I can eat what I want as long as I make sure A) I don't eat portions that are too big B) I don't graze throughout the day C) I only eat what my stomach can tolerate (lettuce is a no no for me), and D) I stick to 60-80g of protein a day, less than 50g of carbs a day, and less than 50g of fats per day. You'll get there, and you'll look back on how you feel right now and really feel proud of yourself for how far you've come.

    Sleevediva you too should be incredibly proud of how far you have come in such a short space of time.

    I want to share what I have finally realised after months of saying I have no restriction, I am still getting hungry.

    My full feeling is no longer the same feeling it was before surgery at this point it's hard for me to describe how it feels as it can change from day to day sometimes it's just a " I don't feel like eating any more of that". It certainly isn't the hard stop eating or you will explode feeling I thought it would be. Most times it's very subtle and the further away from surgery I am the more subtle it seems to be. Now hunger omg I can get this "my stomach is an empty pit" feeling while I am eating and directly after eating it was the worst, this was happening almost every meal at one point it also happened to my surgery buddy we discovered that if we had a small drink before eating (10 mins ) and a few small sips after eating this helped. we then tried to drink more during the day this also helped so we figured this feeling was thirst related. Head hunger is the hardest to over come my head hunger is triggered by time, you know look at the clock oh its lunchtime and the obvious see something yummy and want it. So now I stop and think does my stomach need food or is it just my head. Most times it's my head my true hungry stomach feeling is a weird growly feeling and if I am honest I eat before I feel real physical hunger most times.

    Snacking/ grazing is something that is getting harder to get a hold of as it gets easy to eat and drink food so much easier. 😫.

    Anyway my point is our full and hungry cues after surgery can be very different to what they were pre surgery we just have to work out what they are for our bodies. I hope this helps.

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