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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SleeverSk

  1. 2 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    I am 14 months out. They never had me on anything and I didn’t have any issues early on. It has been going on for a while though. It was just once in a blue moon at first. Now it’s a couple times a week and i realized it is after I eat. I only had heartburn like twice in my life prior to surgery and it was from spicy foods.

    Have you noticed what foods trigger it, the 3 main triggers are coffee (caffeine), chocolate, and Carbonated drinks. other people find food like orange juice, tomatoes etc. I find the first 3 I listed are triggers for me especially if I have all 3 on the same day :( . Mine is controlled with 20mg Nexium daily.

  2. 7 hours ago, liveaboard15 said:

    Time to schedule an endoscopy. For me it was only in my chest but that was just a few days after surgery.

    I dont think its time for that just yet, it can be sorted by finding what foods are triggering it and avoiding them, something as simple as renny's, tums or the equivalent could also settle it down. If that doesn't work meds like a daily Nexium.

  3. So I am guessing your main concern is the slowing down of your weight loss? At this point I am going to say its very normal for weight loss to slow down at the 6 month mark ( depending on your start weight of course) so dont worry about that. You do however need to sort your nutrition and gastric problem out. Sort that out then once you are all good there then concentrate on loosing more weight if you need too.

  4. 14 hours ago, Healthy4longerlife said:

    The snacking has been creeping up too much on me lately as well, chocolate and candies :(

    The problem is I am 5 month post OP and lost 55 kilos = 122 pounds, So i feel like im doing great. My goal weigh tis still another 18 kilos away so I need to be careful. For me i need to stay way from smoking week. I smoke 1-2 tiInsert other media mes a week after a long day of work or or on the weekend, and I get the muchies, not a good combo :)

    Wow 55kg that's awesome !!!! Just be mindful of how much you eat like yes have a piece chocolates but not the whole block. I am having to stop myself from eat a packet of chips tonight been out all day didn't eat or drink much now I am starving . Eating slider food while waiting for dinner to cook another bad habit I need to break, picking while cooking

  5. On 4/9/2021 at 5:10 AM, rjan said:

    There's several reasons I've heard for not losing right after surgery. One is that you lost beforehand - but sounds like that isn't you. Another is Water retention. If you're only two weeks out, there could still be an awful lot of swelling in your abdomen. The incisions you can see are probably small, but there's a huge incision on your stomach! In fact, part of the reason your stomach is so, so small at the beginning (only 1/4 cup for some people) and gains capacity over time (more like a cup after 6 months) is because it starts out very, very swollen.

    You're going to lose. Trust me. Physics does work.

    I'd actually suggest something that may sound counterintuitive - eat more - but make sure that what you add is mostly Protein. If you want to eat a piece of chicken, eat a gd piece of chicken! Keep in mind that your body is healing now, and Protein is one of the things it needs to build all that scar tissue. Your body is telling you that it needs something. We are so used to not being able to trust our bodies, but the surgery really does rebalance things so that we can start to trust its signals more and more over time.

    Not everyone is like this, but my experience is that I was hungry right after surgery until my protein intake increased. That's when I relaxed into a groove, with easy to control hunger and pretty regular weight loss (though with stalls, of course, because everyone has stalls.) My calories were actually pretty variable after surgery. Some weeks I was more like 600, other weeks I was up to 1200. I still lost just fine over time. This is a marathon, not

  6. I am at the 10 month mark too, I haven't lost anything for 3 months. I find myself being able to eat " normal" serving sizes. Sometimes it's a bit less sometimes a bit more. But I must admit snacking has crept back in and it's something I really need to get control of.

  7. 9 hours ago, Nikki@50 said:

    Thank you , you've made my day! Just knowing it will improve makes it easier. At what point did u notice the improvement in smell? I'm 7 weeks post op.

    Sent from my SM-G980F using BariatricPal mobile app

    Probably around the 4 month mark but everyone is different it maybe sooner for you or as long as the 6 month mark but it does get better 😀

  8. 5 hours ago, Queen ApisM said:

    Oh, gosh, the super nose. My sense of smell was ridiculous for the first 3-4 months. It has backed off a bit in the past few months. It still more sensitive than it was in the beginning. I basically turned into a bloodhound and could smell everything.

    Yes the super nose I forgot about that bit 😅

  9. I have a lululemon jacket that I bought for a trip to nz 13 years ago and it was too tight. I always told myself I would fit it one day and now I do in fact it's loose these days but I still can't wear it cause it's to hot where I live so a trip to somewhere cold where I can wear it along with some beautiful boots would be a great reward for me .

  10. 14 hours ago, lizonaplane said:

    Actually, because I was dealing with a lot of hunger, my surgical center said it would be okay for me to eat plain, non-starchy veggies between meals, but because of my travel (and also my dental issues!) I have had a lot of trouble doing that.

    It's been drilled into me so well not to graze, so I think I've just been eating a lot at meals (Not A LOT, just ... maybe 3 oz of meat, 3 oz of veg, but it still hurts, especially fruit and salad, which I love). I am going to try to slow down some more, see if that helps.

    The other thing I'm struggling with is how nauseous I get from my Multivitamin. I would say about once a fortnight I will actually throw up. I've tried three different brands, and the best I've found is to take it with a heavy snack before bed. This week it's been low sugar trail mix, which I never ate before surgery, but seems to work well for me now.

    I gave up my Multivitamins once I started eating normally all my bloods come back fine and I feel much better for it.

  11. 15 hours ago, Tony B - NJ said:

    That is what I do. I eat and then eat a little something later to deal with the hunger. I find little Snacks that are sensible really help a lot between larger meals. And...of course...water first to make sure it is just not thirst.

    I was going to suggest the same I find on the days I don't drink much I can eat all day and feel very hungry but the days I drink plenty I feel full faster and it lasts longer

  12. On 4/16/2022 at 5:20 AM, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    My weakness is anything sour, tart, salty. I don't have a sweet tooth so I don't care about that. I also don't like bread. But Dt Mt Dew and Dt Coke...oh lordy....out of everything, that's gonna be the hardest to break. I was told the caffeine isn't an issue as long as you stay well hydrated (they said caffeine can dehydrate you) but the carbonation is a big no no because it can irritate and stretch the pouch.

    I drink carbonated drinks no problem now. 9 months post op.

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