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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SleeverSk

  1. SleeverSk

    Home from surgery

    Hope all went well and goes well
  2. SleeverSk

    Shoe sizes... aargh!

    I guess what they mean is the bones dont shrink but if you have fat feet and you loose weight of course they will get smaller just like your hands /fingers do
  3. Yes go back and read all my posts,I was a mess, i am 5 months out its getting easier but yes a lot of people go through what you are going through. ((Hugs))
  4. You sound alot like me. I gave the same advice. If you cant stick to the short pre op are you really ready. I am guessing the surgery date for the OP has been and gone. I wonder how they are going ? OP are you out there? Update?
  5. I dont think that was dumping, you just ate to much to fast and made yourself vomit. You need to slowly move to solids. 3 weeks is early to have hair loss are you taking vitamins etc?
  6. I wouldnt worry to much seeing how you were only required 1 week of pre op i am guessing you are at the lower end bmi, i had hungry jacks 2 nights before surgery and didnt stick to my pre op 100% but i should have seen that as a red flag that i wasnt ready 😞
  7. You need to see a dr, free clinic an option or contact your surgery, surely follow up appointments were part of your package ?
  8. Yes check in with your team
  9. I got dumping in the lesser degree no mad rush to the toilet or cramping. I thought i was having panic attacks until my surgeon said nope its dumping no more shakes for you . He said it might improve once i went to solids which it did but i havent been game to have shakes or smoothies again
  10. Don't feel bad you weren't ready and what you did was the right thing for now. I wish i had have listen to my instincts.
  11. SleeverSk

    Other Protein Alternatives

    I find some of the flavoured ones can cause reflux
  12. I wish I had have had the balls to do that.
  13. At the end of the day its your choice, i didnt tell anyone because i didnt want negativity to make me change my mind, when i got to the hospital i was scared and basically changed my mind. The nurses and surgeon treated it as pre op nerves. I wish i didnt do it. I am 5 months out still tired, feel unwell most days struggle with what to eat most days but i have lost weight although that has stalled already. I also find myself slipping back into my old habits....so for me I should have tried good old fashion diet because the habits that got me fat arent going to be stopped by the sleeve. Sorry i know you wanted positive encouragement but i think its important to know all possible outcomes. At the end of the day its your choice and you will be anxious about no matter what anyone says. I had no negativity before but i still freaked out. Sorry i am probably not helping i will delete my comment if you want.
  14. So every now and then I experience pain, not bad pain but enough for me to wonder is this normal? It can happen after being active which atm isnt very much as where i live its over 40 degrees Celsius outside and i work 12 hours shifts sitting on my now pancake butt 😐 anyway back to the pain it can be short stabbing or last awhile in my tummy area and some near the incision scars. Could it be scar tissue? Or should i be concerned i also have left shoulder pain but not sure if its an old injury flaring up or referred pain from whatever is going on inside my tummy. Oh and sometimes its a kinda burning pain 🤔
  15. didn't they advise you that your anxiety could increase? I didn't have an anxiety prior to surgery but it went through the roof after. I wasn't pre warned either but I didn't have a history of anxiety. it will most likely be your hormones and if you are of an age where peri-menopause is possible it will defiantly be hormones. I ended up going on HRT to settle mine down.
  16. not a lot of pain once you get out its more uncomfortable
  17. Yes I totally understand it can be very hard, I still struggle with what am i going to eat and half the time dont eat and then i get miserable. i guess its just a case of tasting things as see how you enjoy them. I have found also that one day i might really enjoy something and think yep I will have that again and then not like it the next time I try it. Maybe you could cook together there would be no harm in him eating better food you never know maybe he might loose a few pounds too. I know you said you dont like to cook but have a look on pinterest I searched meals for gastric sleeve and easy lunches for sleevers a lot came up, lots of keto foods came up as well they looked amazing and were food most people enjoy, it might give you some inspiration and I am sure your hubby would enjoy them too. I have found simple meals like a piece of steak and a few veggies or salad its quick and easy or chicken breast and that is stuff you could do for both of you or even your hubby could cook.
  18. YES!!! I just realized that reading your comment, being able to cut/ paint my toes nails comfortably
  19. I dont know if you have these over there but here we have kids sized frozen meals. I had a few of those perfect size and nice and soft
  20. I am hearing you !!! My friend said go on pintest which i did I got so inspired lots of yummies but sadly i haven't been motivated enough to cook any yet. But I do this for work I call it roast beef sushi 😁. Get some sliced deli meat my go to is roast beef, cut carrot, cucumber, capsicum and celery into sticks. Get some cream cheese ( light of course 😉) spread on the beef and then add something like mustard or whatever you prefer. Then get one of each of the veggie sticks put at one end of the beef and roll it up 😃 roast beef sushi !! At about 14 weeks I could eat 2 and a bit for lunch. But yes its hard I havent had lunch yet today and racking my brain what to have for dinner tonight. Do you have anyone to cook for? I wish i did or someone to cook for me 🤣🤣
  21. SleeverSk

    This surgery is bullshit...

    You have offered great advice on many thread threads so I hope you dont think I was referring to you, but there have been quite a few people that have come off as being self righteous. in the original post he /she said they werent good at tracking what they are eating, yes doing that would be helpful but some people arent cut out that way. some commenters also worded it in such a way that if you didn't track there is no way you would succeed and you are a lesser person because of that. Which isn't helpful either.
  22. SleeverSk

    This surgery is bullshit...

    wow, its just not in some peoples nature to track, journal or keep a diary and for those of you who this comes easily good for you but there is no need to be little those that don't. Maybe people should be looking at these surgical teams that approve the non trackers/ meal preppers/ planners and ask the question why were they approved if it is such a crucial part of the "journey". some of us encountered sleeve and leave surgeons with no support and it is bullshit. the OP is right some of you people need to get down off your high horses and stop looking down your noses at people who's road they travel on for this "journey" is different to yours
  23. SleeverSk

    I hate that I had this surgery

    i was the same, I am now nearly 5 months out and finally feeling so much better( I got that bad I was put in hospital on suicide watch) then sent 6 weeks on my sisters couch. It gets better I didnt believe it when people would tell me that but it doe. your hormones are most likely going haywire ATM too. given the choice again knowing what i know now would i do it again probably not but we cant turn back time but in saying that i would still be over 100kg instead of 77kg. I still have bad moments/days but it does get better. P.S. I too am wondering about the OP hope she is doing ok
  24. I still get niggling pains now and yes I still have a moment of panic about it, but never feel embarrassed about getting checked out. its better to get it checked and you be fine rather than not get checked and it be something. take notice when it happens too. I find when i am active i get random pain and i guess its because i did nothing but be curled up in a ball on my sisters couch for 8 weeks after surgery ( yes I was that bad ) that in healing i now may have scar tissue that now gets aggravated when i do any activity
  25. SleeverSk

    Listen to your sleeve…

    what are the foamies exactly, I have heard several different explanations

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
