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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beckbat

  1. beckbat

    Christian bandsters

    Hi new2me, I'm new here too and also a mother of two girls. I want to say that you aren't alone in your concerns, but ultimately God is supreme and He will work everything out for our good. I think for you and I, the decision to get lap band surgery is a gift to our children. We are being proactive about our long term health so that we can stick around a little while longer. True, you may have to supplement with formula or even have to give up breastfeeding altogether, but I don't know of any infants who have suffered because of it. They still manage to grow up healthy and beautiful no matter what the breastfeeding police say! ha ha. I couldn't breast feed my first and did my second and they are both just fine. So, don't let Satan take you on a guilt trip. He's nothing but a cockroach and a drama queen!!!!! As for fear of not waking up after surgery, if you are completely secure in your eternal destination, then there should be no fear. Yes, we have the concern of leaving our children behind, but God loves them more than you or I ever could and He will certainly watch over them. On an earthly note, this surgery is one of the safest out there. In over 5,000 surgeries by my doctor's practice, there was only one death and it was with gastric bypass and there were so many other contributing factors that it was hard to say it was the surgery. My sister's dr also has the same statistics. You have a better chance of walking out your front door and getting hit by a car than dying in surgery. We will all be praying for each other and lifting each other up on surgery day. We can do this!!!!!
  2. beckbat

    Vegas Bandsters - Support Group

    Thanks Dandy75.
  3. beckbat

    Vegas Bandsters - Support Group

    Thanks, George. So far all I've come up with is that Dr.Atkinson and Dr. Teng both charge around $16,000. I'm just biting my nails. My sister said that that sounded high compared to what she paid . She couldn't remember the exact cost of her surgery, but she thought it was around $12,000. Although she hasn't said that she would refuse to pay if the surgery ended up costing that, I feel like she was taken back with the cost. I just want this part to be over with and move on to weight loss. I can't imagine another year feeling this way.....
  4. beckbat

    Vegas Bandsters - Support Group

    Hey everyone! I'm new also and waiting to get banded. What I want to know is which DR did everyone go with and what was the average cost. My insurance will only cover 80% up to $8,000. My sister is pitching in the rest for a b-day gift. I'm trying to get an average cost with pre-op, surgery, and post-op. So far, I've had two quotes for $16,000 which didn't include pre-op stuff. Thanks to anyone who can reply....

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