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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by JayinMA

  1. YAAAY! Congrats, you must be so excited!


    How soon until you get a date??

  2. Yeah I got those feelings a bit too, what is your diet like??


    I don't have a myspace or facebook, I avoid things that require pictures, at least for now! But since surgery i'm down 13lbs, so that's great!

  3. Yep, it's tomorrow. I go back and forth between, nervous, excited and wishing my mother wasn't coming with me. She's fine with this now, but it just puts another level of stress on me, having to worry about whether or not I look scared or nervous and then that's going to make her nervous, etc.


    I'm taking off two weeks. The doctor said one week would be fine, but I can get two weeks off paid, so I'm going to!


    So far on the pre-op diet (mine isn't all liquids) I've lost about 9lbs. That was as of 1/27 at my last appointment. I guess I'll get an updated number tomorrow!

  4. After the way I ate today, I will not be weighing myself that would just be insult to injury! I go in on tuesday and I'm sure they'll weigh me then so I'm going to hold off until then. I'm not leaving without a fill!

  5. Good Luck, you're probably already in surgery and I'm sure you're doing great!!

  6. Have a good time, I've never seen that play, but I hope it's a good show and that you enjoy!

  7. Hey I haven't been on a lot in a while either. I don't know what it is, but it seems the band is just becoming part of my life and not really the big priority anymore, so coming to the site is something I can do when I have time. I had my first fill, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I got 4 cc's put in. I am down 14 lbs. My next fill is 4/27. how did yours go?

  8. I actually haven't taken the pain meds they perscribed. I've taken 2 doses of liquid tylenol. I brought 2 changes of clothes (I overpack always) a book, some chapstick, gas x strips, liquid tylenol and a blanket. All I used was one change of clothes and chapstick. They wouldn't let me take the gas-x strips or the liquid tylenol because they monitor what you take, and can only let you take what the dr. orders

  9. I hope it goes quickly for you. I'm glad your sleep study went well, they tried to make me have another one, but I kind of refused and my surgeon said it wasn't a necessity, so that's good, I go in a week from wednesday, that's exciting/freaky! I hope you get your date soon, I'll keep the fingers crossed for you!

  10. I'm feeling fine. I still haven't taken the liquid percocet they gave me. How funny, I also got rid of some clothes before I went into surgery! Only 9 days for you right? How is everything going? And who's the guy in your icon picture?

  11. I'm so excited for you! The Liquid diet is... difficult. I am not physically hungry but I really want to eat something with a new flavor and I'm severely limited on this. I have an appointment on Monday hopefully I'll be moved forward to the next stage.

  12. it did get kind of boring in there but I would usually be up for an hour or two and then fall back to sleep. I kept myself busy by trying to walk when I could and stuff. every few hours or so they come in and take your vitals so you don't get a lot of sleep beyond one or two hours at a time.

  13. My family has kind of been the same way, they keep on saying "Well soandso lost weight through diet and exercise, maybe you just didn't try that hard enough, but if you want to take the easy way out.." and stupid stuff like that. But, if they don't like the band they don't have to get one!

  14. Ok I will do sundays! I was on liquids for 10 days until I had my follow up and the doctor said I could go on to the next stage. I lasted on mushies for like five days and then i had a soup that wasn't listed on my approved foods list and I admit I've had a slice of pizza that I cut up really small and chew well.

  15. Ok remember to fill me I'm, i'm getting nervous about what the pre-op appointment is like!

  16. omg that's great!! Do you have a pre-op diet? How excited are you? I can't believe I have mine in like 5 days!

  17. Sorry, I'm not ignoring I'm just... I don't know. The weight loss has stopped no matter what I try I even put back on 2 lbs. I can (and sometimes do) eat almost anything. One of my incisions isn't healing properly so I've been going back and forth to the Dr. to make sure it isn't infected. I see the surgeon on tuesday to get a fill, I hope that helps, because I'm starting to think maybe I made a mistake. I'm just being lame. Hopefully it'll pass.

  18. They couldn't give me an exact date but said I would be rescheduled for within two weeks. I don't think i can do this pre-op diet for another two weeks, so when they call I'm going to let them know I need the first appointment available. We'll see what happens.

  19. well... my surgery was canceled. My surgeon is out of town and it's snowing here and can't get a flight back. I don't want to do this pre-op diet anymore. I don't know whether or not I should just give up.

  20. wow that seems so close, mine looks like it will be feb 4th, just two days after you!

  21. wow, what a coincidence! that's awesome, do you have a surgery date yet, mine looks like it will be the 4th!

  22. yay!!! You're going to love it once it's all over! And you'll do great, i'm sure!

  23. Yeah I just couldn't take it anymore. I had been on that pre-op liquid diet for 25 days and I was just done with liquiods. I made sure to chew everything up really good, so nothing got stuck. Plus after a few days to a week after surgery all the "restriction" that swelling had caused had gone away and I wasn't satisfied after just a few bites of jello and things like that.

  24. You have to fall asleep naturally so they can get an accurate reading. It's quite awful, and no distractions like television or an ipod or anything, so for most of the night I just lay there in a dark quiet room trying to fall asleep.

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