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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by JayinMA

  1. aw i'm sorry the sleep test is no good, but maybe you'll do better than I did. They honestly had me lights out at 10 p.m. and that's so not me. I also have done the psych eval, it was kind of b.s. though if I really had a psychological problem I don't think the psychiatrist would have found out about it and I don't think the appointment would have helped if I needed it.


    The Upper GI was gross, but over in half an hour so I guess it wasn't too bad. I didn't have an ultrasound, but maybe when I have the pre-op. I hope I don't have to ride a bike, it's been so long since I have! Did you have to take your clothes off for that? I really am not a fan of having to take my clothes off at these appointments!

  2. But to answer your questions Jay is short for Jason, and we have a torrid around here, some of my friends shop there for plus size clothes that aren't made for old ladies. I've actually never shopped at a regular store, I've never been thin so this is all very exciting!


    When i went to the pre-op appointment I had them weigh me and I lost another 5lbs, so the chinese didn't do any harm! I'm so relieved about that.

  3. Don't be silly I already hated you! nah, I'm kididng of course. I'm not a judgey person.


    And personally if it doesn't work and I don't lose weight I'll go insane and be institutionalized.. so it's good that you have someone like that in your life. My friends are fine with me at any size, but I sure as hell have had enough of this being fat b.s.

  4. I actually live with my parents (i'm sure that contributes to my comforting myself with food) My mother is currently helping me. But in reality I can do most things on my own. I'm currently having carnation instant breakfast (those count as meals) and for liquids i've been having sugar free jello (i've never liked jello but after the pre-op diet, i'm actually excited about the fruity flavor of jello) and I think i'm going to have some broth for dinner. I had a sugar fre popcicle earlier too. At the moment I cant tell the difference between stomach soreness or hunger so it hasn't been bad. But carnation instant breakfast helped me feel full during the preop so I'm sure it will help during hte post op too.


    I put so much thought into getting this done and now that i'm done I'm sitting here thinking, now what? Not that I don't know what to do, but I read up on everything about the surgery and I didn't do much research on the post-op. i'll be doing that today!

  5. I am on mushies, but I must admit, I'm not sticking to it all that well... I pretty much have a few things not on the list and just make sure I chew them up well. I know I'm not supposed to but... well there's no good reason but I did go off the plan.


    as for weighing myself, I have been weighing myself everyday, but i need to stop that. I should stick to one day a week, maybe I'll make it sundays too!

  6. I am on pre-op and they say it's to shrink your liver down (which sits on top of your stomach i think) and if it's smaller it's easier to retract and less chance it will get damaged during the surgery.


    I might put some pics up once I can see weight loss, until then.. i'm not sure.

  7. i don't have an official date yet, but I talked to my surgeon's assistant and she told me she'd submit to insurance, when I log into my health insurance web page i can look up my authorizations and it has the lap band there with a status of "approved" so if it's true then the approval only took 2 days. But we had discussed the 4th so i'm assuming if it's approved it will be then. So my process was very easy, at least as far as insurance is concerned.


    The upper GI was gross, and the sleep study I totally hated.


    how has your process been?

  8. I experienced the same thing, only I weighed myself right when I left the hospital and I had gained 11lbs. However, I had to go to the bathroom every 2 hours it seemed after I got home, so it does leave you rather quickly. I'm glad you're feeling better!


    I currently have a cold and I strongly encourage you not to get one. I have been coughing and sneezing and it has made my stomach so sore. I can barely move. But, I did get the date for my first fill, March 17th, so that will be exciting!

  9. I got moved to the 12th now. my goodness! But i'm ok with it, everything will work out.


    and this might sound mean but I think the people who this doesn't work for aren't committed to the change needed to be taken. You and I are both young and not so set in our ways, plus they still make hot clothes for thin people our age, so we will have that as inspiration. We're both committed to this and have a lot ahead of us, some of the older people have a lifetime of bad habits to break through. I think we will definitely be ok!

  10. I got this program called calrorie king and it helps me track my daily calories and everything else, so I've been trying to keep it to 1500, but that was really hard, so I upped my allowance to 1700. It's still less than I would have been eating so it's ok.. i guess. I just like being able to keep track of things so they dont' get away from me.


    How are you doing? are you still losing?

  11. I haven't seen the sleep doctor yet, when you go for a sleep study you go into a room that looks like a hotel room and a nurse puts all these electrodes on you and monitors your sleep. There's also a camera and intercom in the room and they watch and listen while you sleep. I didn't really sleep that much because someone watching me sleep is creepy to me! I go on the 20th for an appointment with the dr. to get the results, but on my insurance website I looked up my medical history and they had updated it with "sleep apnea" as diagnosed by sleep health centers on jan 2nd. So i'm guessing maybe I do have it. I hope I don't have to get a machine, I don't want to sleep with a mask over my face.


    I have Harvard Pilgrim insurance.

  12. I keep looking at armani exchange. I like their clothes. But really I'm ready to shop anywhere that doesn't have the words "big and tall" in the title. I'll also be staying at the hospital, hopefully this thursday. I better not get pushed back again!


    I'm having a hard time staying on the diet, tonight i had some Chinese food. Not as much as I would have had usually but I've been on this pre-op diet now for 23 days and I couldn't take it anymore. Now that i've eaten it I regret it, and will stay on track 100% for the rest of the time.


    I have another round of pre-op testing (the new surgery date is at a different hospital, so even though they're affiliated hospitals and my sugreon works out of both, I apparently have to have more pre-op tests done.) so tomrorow when I go for the pre-ops, I will have them weigh me and as long as things are going well (still losing weight) than I won't be too worried, if I gained, I don't know what I'll do!

  13. I keep looking at clothing websites picking out looks that I like, by the time I can fit into them i'm sure the styles will be out of date lol.


    Have you been watching any youtube videos about the surgery? I was nervous about the hospital stuff and I found this girl who taped a lot of the hospital stuff and I found just knowing what it was like helped me get over some nerves. YouTube - italian03babygrl's Channel

  14. I started early also and boy did that come back to bite me when they had to reschedule the surgery Lol!


    Enjoy the sushi, and it won't be for the last time, you'll still be able to have (less of) it after the band

  15. I'm also staying overnight, I'd kind of prefer to stay overnight than be rushed out. Plus, I'll be able to just take it easy and worry about msyelf and my recovery.


    For fun, I typically would eat, so now maybe I'll move on to shopping for fun when i can finally fit the clothes! I'm not in school but I do work at a college, so kind of lol. No boyfriend for me, not many people I feel comfortable naked in front of at the moment.


    I'm kind of nervous to go in tomorrow. Mostly nervous about things that are so small compared to actually surgery, Like when I go into the bathroom I think the nurse comes with you... um that's private time and I like to be alone!! Also, I'm worried about the gown, I don't want my ass all exposed! When I started looking into this back in October, who knew that these would be the things I'm worried about!!


    I'm heading out at 4:45 a.m., I have to be there for 6. I'll send you a message when I get back! I hope your pre-op apppointment goes well!

  16. I'm glad I didn't need it, I would have taken it if needed, but I narcotic pain medications make me feel out of my head and I don't like it. But I don't like pain more!


    is Mike being supportive and just as excited for your new body?

  17. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you I went back to work this week and I am exhausted!


    I'm so excited for you and I know you're going to do great!!! Let me know how it goes!

  18. I'm sorry to hear you're in pain, did they give you perscription medication for it? The good news is most people see great improvements each day with pain, so it'll only get easier!! I'm so proud of you, and excited to start dropping the pounds with you!


    I'm doing alright, thank god it's the weekend, I might've gone back to work too soon, i'm exhausted!


    Hope you feel better soon! Congrats on becoming a Bandit!

  19. if you have the sleep study they really do make you sleep, I think I only slept a total of 3 hours, about 45mins-1hr at a time, I guess it was enough but it was not fun at all.


    currently I weight 359, so hopefully i'll see some good numbers dropping, I'm 6'3" and a guy so I hope to be down in the low to mid 200s ideally.

  20. My pre-op is actually not that bad, I don't have hunger pains, it's mostly just annoying that if I want to go out anywhere, I have to plan so much in advance to make sure I have all the right things ready at the right times.


    Tomorrow I have the follow up with the sleep doctor, so that will be interesting, and I'm going to go to a lap band support group meeting at the hospital i'm being banded at. I'll most likely end up meeting some people from the this board there, they all say they're going too.


    I can't believe my date is only 2 weeks from wednesday, I've been so focused on jumping through all the hoops I didn't really have time to think about how close it was getting. I'm really excited!


    Good luck on your sleep study, I know it might be considered against the rules kind of, but I wish I hadn't slept well the night before my sleep study, maybe if I went in there tired, it would be a lot easier for me to fall asleep!

  21. Ok, I am back home. Actually i got home yesterday afternoon but spent the day either sleeping or being gassy. I'm really not in much pain at all, mostly just sore, and while I do have a fair amount of gas, I don't have any gas pain, so I'm hoping that stays away! I didn't have to go to the bathroom with the nurse! they let me go alone! I was so excited. Although they made me urinate in a plastic bottle to measure how much I had gone, how humiliating, but not as humiliating as having someone in there before.


    I don't even know what else to write right now so if you have questions feel free to ask!


    How did your pre-op go?

  22. Ooh i got stuck today too! It was so weird because at lunch I had mashed potatoes, something I've had a few times while on mushy stage, and I ate it and then it just... stuck. And Usually if something has a little trouble going down I just pause for a moment and can feel it pass. Not this time. I had to get to the bathroom and have a few dry heaves and then all i could get up was a bunch of saliva. It wasn't pleasant. I don't know if I should tell the Dr. cause he might not give me a fill!


    this will be my second post op appt. I had one 10 days after surgery.

  23. sorry I haven't responded in a couple days, they've had me running around like you wouldn't believe! On tuesday I had to go to another pre-op appointment, they took more blood and asked more questions. Later that day I had some heart palpitations so I called my surgeon who told me that I have to contact my primary care and he won't do the surgery unless she sends in a letter saying my heart can take the surgery. I shouldn't have said a damn thing!!


    So today I had to go to the primary care and have an EKG and then she faxed that in and now it all seems to be a go. Thank goodness.

  24. they say if you're still hungry on liquids make sure you're getting all your liquids including all your daily water, also you could try adding fiber powder like benefiber.


    You're supposed to wait for mushies because even when the swelling goes down the stitches could still rip. When you eat food that needs to be thoroughly digested your stomach churns, when it does that, it can rip your stitches. I know all that and I still cheated, I'm an idiot.


    I have lost about 40lbs since my first consult in october, about 17 since surgery

  25. Well my new date is feb 11th. So just another week, I can do another week.


    How are you doing?

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