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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ccarter8219

  1. Hey Long! I have lost 76 pounds since my banding on June 9th, 2008. I hope all is well with you. Crystal
  2. ccarter8219

    Need help understanding insurance coverage

    Go to the following link: www.unitedhealthcareonline.com then choose: tools & resources - Policies & Procedures. Then choose: Medical Policies ( on right side of screen under Policies) then read & agree with their terms and conditions. then choose: Bariatric surgery. This should give you all the info you need. Coverage Rationale Gastric bypass (Roux-en-Y; gastrojejunal anastomosis), vertical banded gastroplasty (gastric banding; gastric stapling), adjustable gastric banding (laparoscopic adjustable silicone gastric banding), biliopancreatic bypass (Scopinaro procedure), biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, and laparoscopic bariatric surgery are proven in adults for the treatment of clinically severe obesity as defined by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) who are: 1. Morbidly obese (BMI of 40 or greater) 2. Severely obese (BMI 35-39.9) with at least one of the following obesity related comorbidities Cardiovascular disease including stroke, myocardial infarction, stable or unstable angina pectoris, coronary artery bypass or other procedures Hyperlipidemia uncontrolled by pharmacotherapy Type 2 diabetes uncontrolled by pharmacotherapy Hypertension uncontrolled by pharmacotherapy Moderate to severe sleep apnea with a respiratory disturbance index (RDI) of 16 to 30 (moderate) or apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) >30 (severe) as documented through the completion of a laboratory based polysomnography. This is just a small amount of their information. If you live in maryland they have specific criteria just for them. You can e-mail me if you have any questions. my e-mail address is ccarter8219@live.com
  3. ccarter8219

    Need help understanding insurance coverage

    The requirements are not always posted in your certificate booklet. Call your insurance company and ask them to mail you a copy of the requirements. What insurance company do you have?
  4. ccarter8219

    On My Way!!

    Usually if the employer does not cover WLS there is usually no option for an appeal. As you know there are always an exception to any rule :smile2:. The exception to this rule would be that usually when a group is self insured through an insurance company. The employer can adjust the benefits as they want see fit as its their money. When a group is self insured, it usally means they are using their own company money but the insurance companies administers the benefits & pays the claim out of the employers money. Hope this helps, Crystal
  5. ccarter8219


    I think what the poster is trying to say is that the hernia is causing a "lap band" sensation. That was what I understood. Is this correct? Crystal
  6. You may e-mail me at mike.carter8299@hotmail.com if you have other questions. Crystal

  7. • Evaluation by a multidisciplinary team within the previous 12 months which includes the following:

    1. an evaluation by a surgeon qualified to do bariatric surgery recommending surgical treatment

    2. a separate medical evaluation recommending bariatric surgery

    3. clearance for surgery by a mental health provider

    4. a nutritional evaluation by a physician or registered dietician

    hope this helps. Crystal

  8. cont'd

    Programs such as Weight Watchers?, Jenny Craig? and Optifast? are acceptable alternatives if done in conjunction with physician supervision and detailed documentation of participation is available for review. For individuals with long-standing, morbid obesity, participation in a program within the last five years is sufficient if reasonable attendance in the weight-management program over an extended period of time of at least six months can be demonstrated. However, physician-supervised programs consisting exclusively of pharmacological management are not sufficient to meet this requirement.

    Continued…see next post…Crystal

  9. cont'd

    1. Active participation within the last two years in one physician-supervised weight-management program for a minimum of six months without significant gaps. The weight-management program must include monthly documentation of ALL of the following components:


    current dietary program

    physical activity (e.g., exercise program)

    continued...see next post...crystal

  10. cont'd

    CIGNA covers Bariatric surgery using a covered procedure outlined below as medically necessary when ALL of the following criteria are met:

    • The individual is ≥ 18 years of age or has reached full expected skeletal growth AND has evidence of one of the following:

    1-BMI (Body Mass Index) ≥ 40 for at least the previous 24 months.

    2-BMI (Body Mass Index) 35–39.9 for at least the previous 24 months with at least one clinically significant comorbidity, including but not limited to, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, or pulmonary hypertension.

    Continued...see next post...Crystal

  11. Alisa, I am not sure what cigna's requirements are, but the standards are but I googled cigna and obesity requirements and this is what I found.

    Effective Date............................9/15/2008

    Coverage Policy

    Bariatric surgery is specifically excluded under many CIGNA benefit plans and may be governed by state and/or federal mandates. Please refer to the applicable benefit plan document to determine benefit availability and the terms and conditions of coverage.

    Unless excluded from the benefit plan, this service e is covered when the following medical necessity criteria are met.

    Continued...see next post...Crystal

  12. Did they give you an approval letter prior to the surgery? If they did, they should honor the approval letter. Crystal
  13. ccarter8219

    Anthem Blue Cross approved in 2 days!!!

    Is your provider participating in the BlueCross Network? If so they cannot balance bill you for the difference. They sign a contract with BlueCross/Anthem that they will accept what insurance pays. You should only be responsible for your deductible and any co-pay / co-insurance. Crystal (Nurse Reviewer for an insurance company)
  14. ccarter8219

    7 lbs shy...HELP!!

    Speaking as an insurance company nurse reviewer, most of us either have been there or are there, but it is not up to us to make those decisions. We have a guideline to follow and if it does not meet the guideline we are required to send it to the medical director to make a final decision. If it was up to us we would probably cover anything and everything, but then insurance premiums would be so high no one would be able to afford it. If we ignore the guidelines and approve things that do not meed the criteria, then we would lose our jobs. Crystal
  15. Jaundice is the yellowish staining of the skin and sclerae (the whites of the eyes) that is caused by high levels in blood of the chemical bilirubin. The whites of your eyes are yellow because your liver is having a hard time filtering your blood. This is called Jaundice. Please contact your doctor and let them know about your situation. They may want you to come in for some blood tests to make sure your liver is functioning correctly. Crystal Carter
  16. ccarter8219


    Hey, I had my surgery on June 9th as well. I have lost 65 pounds as of Dec 29th. It is truly a life changing surgery. I am now able to do the things my kids always wanted to do. Like go for a hike, and ride bicycles. :party: Life is not a piece of cake, I still have to work hard, eat the right food choices and drink enough Water. But is is so worth it. Crystal
  17. ccarter8219

    restaurant card

    Down here in Columbus, GA it is not honored by Ryan's or Golden Corral. :biggrin: I have had it honored at IHOP. Crystal
  18. ccarter8219


    Jeremy, Alcohol (hard Liquor or beer) alone will erode your esophagus and stomach lining without the lap band. :eek: Having the lap-band only makes it twice as bad because it sits in your pouch before going down. I am a nurse and have seen people who drink 1 beer a day and state they are not alcoholics but it did not keep them from dying from erosion of the esophagus and intestinal bleeding. Please be careful and don't take any chance of harming yourself. You may only be 23 but you do want to live to see 24. God bless and take care.
  19. ccarter8219

    Notice to all employees (post-election)

    Here Here!!!!! Well said! :rolleyes2:
  20. ccarter8219

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I too was going to be banded by Dr. Ponce's group, but the $1000 is a program fee (used to pay for their website, and their support group) they stated that they would not bill the insurance company as it is non-covered by the insurance company. I refused to pay it because I don't live in TN and would not be attending the support groups there. I live near Auburn, Alabama. I had surgery in TN becuase that is where my family lives. I had surgery on June 9, 2008 by Dr. Robert Sass and felt that he was wonderful. He was very attentive and accessible. He is also a part of the Memorial Weight Management Center, but he did not charge any program fees.
  21. Sometimes it is a safety issue. When you have surgery, they may use a cautery machine and if you are wearing anything metallic it can cause a spark to jump from the surgery site to other areas on the body. :biggrin:
  22. ccarter8219

    My Fill is too Tight

    I always seem to be tighter during my cycle. It seems to be a hormonal issue. Crystal
  23. ccarter8219

    TriCare help? Total confusion.

    It sounds like your insurance company thinks you have other insurance that is primary. Do you have any other insurance? If not, then just call your insurance conpany to update your file to show you have no other insurance and they should adjust the claim. Crystal
  24. ccarter8219

    Bandster Rules ???

    My doctor gave me a handout regarding the 10 important rules for lap band: 10 IMPORTANT RULES 1. Eat only 3 small meals a day, Breakfast within 1 hr of getting up and your last meal 3 hrs before you go to bed. (Skipping breakfast is a bad idea; your body needs to have sufficient protein. If you are tight in the mornings, try a shake, or yogurt.) 2. Eat slow & chew thoroughly, 15 – 20 times a bite. 3. Stop eating as soon as you feel full do not challenge the lapband, see how little you can eat and be satisfied. (It's even better if you eat until you're not hungry, don't eat until you get a full feeling. That might be too much.) 4. DO NOT drink while eating. (30 min before and 1 hr after) No carbonated drinks. Avoid gulping, sip. 5. Do not eat between meals. (Only rarely should you have healthy Snacks if you are getting hungry between meals. Or try a healthy liquid shake of some sort.) 6. Make good choices. Eat only good quality food. solid food is more important than liquid food. The lap band will have no effectt if you only consume liquids as it will pass right through. (Protein is especially important. If you don't consume enough protein, your body will actually store calories as fat. You need to eat to lose weight!) 7. Drink at least 6 – 8 glasses of Water a day. 8. Drink low calorie or zero calorie liquids. 9. Exercise daily You eat daily so you need to exercise daily. 10. Avoid doughy or sticky foods like white bread, pop corn, coconut, dried fruits as they can obstruct your band hope this helps, Crystal :eek:
  25. ccarter8219

    Dual insurance coverage?!?!

    I am not sure excatly what you mean. If your state insurance is the one that excludes WLS, then when you quit your part time federal job and that insurance ends, then the state insurance would not pick up if WLS was excluded as this probably would include the fills. You would need to contact your customer service for the state insurance to see if it would cover it. thanks, Crystal

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