HW 303
SW 295
CW 259
I’m worried 😟. I’m 3 weeks post op and I’m alarmed at the amount of food (phase 2 puréed stage ) I’m able to eat. I keep reading how most people can only have a few bites of food and drink and feel miserable. I on the other hand can eat two packets of oatmeal (full 🍚 bowl) and 2 SF Jellos. Worried they didn’t cut our enough stomach or that this won’t work for me.
Is it normal that I’m able to drink 16 oz of water in a matter of minutes (with some discomfort but not much). Worries I’m doing something wrong 😑 or that they didn’t cut out enough of my stomach!!!
I’m finally feeling awesome but I’m a bit concerned at my ability to drink 11 oz Protein Plus drinks in a matter of minutes. Did they not take enough of my stomach out?😭