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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Smanky reacted to Arabesque in How long after gastric sleeve are you at risk of getting Dumping Syndrome ?   
    As @catwoman7 said dumping is very uncommon in sleeve patients. If you avoid sugary, greasy/fatty, or rich foods you’ll reduce your chance even further. But on your diet you wouldn't be eating these types of foods anyway so you have even less chance of experiencing dumping.
    Yes, your tummy can be sensitive & fussy for a little while after surgery and certain foods can upset you but it’s pretty minor & passes quickly & nothing extreme like dumping (nausea, cold sweats, rapid heart rate, diarrhoea &/or vomiting, very tired, hours to recover). Often it’s just it tastes awful. Start with plainer, simpler foods & don’t be surprised if you can eat something today but tomorrow you can’t. It is temporary.
    You may experience the foamies at some point which usually occurs from eating too much or too quickly or eating foods that are too coarse/dry. You’ll feel like something is stuck. Produce a thicker saliva & may regurgitate what was too much for you. I also cough. No cold sweats, no heart palpitations, no nausea, no diarrhoea, no vomiting. Foamies pass very quickly too.
    The longer you take to start incorporating a variety of foods into your diet the harder it will become. Plus you may be missing out on essential nutrients.
  2. Like
    Smanky reacted to catwoman7 in How long after gastric sleeve are you at risk of getting Dumping Syndrome ?   
    dumping syndrome happens to about 30% of bypass patients. It can happen with sleeve patients, too, but it's much less common than it is in bypass patients.
    if you eat a lot of sugar or fat in one sitting and then start getting sweats, chills, heart palpitations, dizziness, and sometimes diarrhea and vomiting, and it goes on for hours, then you'll know you get dumping syndrome. But again, it's not that common in sleeve patients.
  3. Hugs
    Smanky reacted to summerseeker in Dreaded hair loss - question   
    It's great to here that your hair is growing again. Mine is in the middle of the loss cycle. There is so much falling onto my clothes. For the first time in my life I have short hair. I think I like it, my husband is less sure . My scalp is so itchy, does anyone know of any product that will help ? TIA
  4. Like
    Smanky reacted to Arabesque in Extreme Appetite   
    You’re not alone in this. Cravings are emotionally driven so you will need to identify the feelings, situation, etc. that are behind the craving. It’s not real hunger.Your body is not wanting food to function. Your head is wanting comfort. A lot of people gained weight over the past two years during the pandemic. People experienced more anxiety, fear, frustration, anger, boredom, etc. then ever before & they ate to comfort & soothe themselves.
    Were you referred to a therapist during your pre surgical process? If so, I’d reach out to them & ask for their help to support you to identify what’s really driving your cravings & discover ways to manage them. If you weren’t, ask your surgeon for a referral.
    All the best.
  5. Like
    Smanky reacted to Orinskye in Alcohol use   
    The concern for them was that the food addiction would be lost and that the addiction would then move on to something else (alcohol).
    i was questioned about my alcohol use when I did the psych evaluation. But I didn’t really drink prior to surgery and I can’t drink at all after surgery (the alcohol of a heavily juiced mimosa… with very little alcohol in it…. Can get me buzzed )..
    The interview was really interesting, she tried to trio me up a few times.
    Her:“when was your last drink?”
    Me: “two years ago? I don’t really know it’s been that long”
    (she was disbelieving that I hadn’t touched alcohol in years which sent up red flags for her).

    so then she asked me things about holidays and what kind of get togethers we have and if food it an integral part of the celebration…. Which led into what drinks are available ….
    (I told her honestly that my family does buffet off to the side where everyone grabs their own food, we eat wherever during these celebrations but mainly just socialize. Soda Drinks are available and alcoholic drinks are available but I usually just stick with Water, coffee, or tea).

    i passed the evaluation so I guess she didn’t find anything seriously wrong with my answers. But if you try and lie about it other questions may be asked where your evasiveness about drinking may come to light. So it’s best just to be honest.
  6. Like
    Smanky reacted to FarfelDiego in ONEderland!   
    Congratulations! Yay! Well done! I’m so happy! Someday this will be me!
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    Smanky got a reaction from LaTiaV in ONEderland!   
    I hit Onederland without realising it a couple of weeks ago. 196 pounds and counting. Being metric, I had my own metric milestone a while back getting under 100kg for the first time in a good 20 years - now I'm well below and into the 80s, with 14kg to go until goal. Which sounds crazy to my ears, yet here I am. Super happy to reach this point in the journey. One more BMI number down and I'll finally be out of the obese category and into just "overweight".
  8. Like
    Smanky reacted to Ephemeral in ONEderland!   
    It's never too late to celebrate! Congratulations to you! It's all "downhill" from here 😁 I can totally relate with that BMI number! I can't wait to change categories as well- I've always hated the word "obese" and "morbidly obese", they sound so negative and final, don't they? Those words make "overweight" look so good! lololol.
    Thanks for sharing your Onederland milestone achievement with us ♥ Keep going!
  9. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from LaTiaV in ONEderland!   
    I hit Onederland without realising it a couple of weeks ago. 196 pounds and counting. Being metric, I had my own metric milestone a while back getting under 100kg for the first time in a good 20 years - now I'm well below and into the 80s, with 14kg to go until goal. Which sounds crazy to my ears, yet here I am. Super happy to reach this point in the journey. One more BMI number down and I'll finally be out of the obese category and into just "overweight".
  10. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from LaTiaV in ONEderland!   
    I hit Onederland without realising it a couple of weeks ago. 196 pounds and counting. Being metric, I had my own metric milestone a while back getting under 100kg for the first time in a good 20 years - now I'm well below and into the 80s, with 14kg to go until goal. Which sounds crazy to my ears, yet here I am. Super happy to reach this point in the journey. One more BMI number down and I'll finally be out of the obese category and into just "overweight".
  11. Like
    Smanky reacted to Tony B - NJ in Literally crying right now   
    I think part of the problem as I see it is that you should deliberately regulate yourself as well as relying on a restriction. There is no way a second piece of chicken ends up on my plate. The one piece of chicken provides the Protein needs you need to have and any room left in your stomach should be used for vegetables which we don't get enough of. Remember....first protein then vegetables.
    You should be using a very small plate that would only allow a piece of protein on 1/3 of the plate and the rest should be vegetables or maybe a small amount of starch.
  12. Like
    Smanky reacted to SleeverSk in Literally crying right now   
    your nerves are still healing, that's why it is important to stick to the post op diet until you are fully healed because the nerves may not give you the signals to stop because they haven't healed yet. you are only 19 days out you really shouldn't be eating chicken as yet. Try drinking more I found when I wasn't drinking enough I would be hungry and had this empty pit feeling even after I ate. Drinking more did help with this. also i wouldn't be to concerned with exercising just yet I did Zero exercise and it didn't effect my weight loss. weight loss is more about what you put in your mouth, in fact exercising could be what is making you hungrier.
  13. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from catwoman7 in Let’s talk about… skin   
    I'm someone who won't be able to afford to get my excess skin removed (it was a stroke of luck that I got the money together for the surgery itself). I'm just learning to love myself with the loose skin regardless, and seconding what Arabesque said: I'd much rather tuck some loose skin into my pants than be 130kg again.
  14. Like
    Smanky reacted to Shhuijon in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    My husband can wrap his arms fully around me now and I have so much more space in bed! It's pretty awesome 😊
  15. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Bullying post op   
    Some people are garbage and love to announce to the world that they're garbage, like the sh*tgoblins in that car. You wouldn't want their approval even if you could get it. I know it's hard when you're feeling low, but don't let complete strangers bring you down. Don't give them that power. The only opinions that matter are from people you like and respect, not shouty randos who are probably just college kids.
  16. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Vassarini in When/How to buy new clothes   
    To date, I've gone from a size AU/UK 24 (US 20) to an AU/UK 16 (US 12), so I can now buy from most "regular size" stores. But because I'm still losing, I've been buying second hand jeans and pants off Ebay. I'm able to wear the smallest clothes I had in storage from before my obese years, so it's nice finally giving those (now vintage) items some love before they too start to look too big on me.
    I've given a metric tonne of clothing to goodwill, and will be pretty much sticking where possible to buying second hand stuff until I reach maintenance. Then I plan on doing the whole sustainable capsule wardrobe thing, along with thrifting.
  17. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from catwoman7 in Let’s talk about… skin   
    I'm someone who won't be able to afford to get my excess skin removed (it was a stroke of luck that I got the money together for the surgery itself). I'm just learning to love myself with the loose skin regardless, and seconding what Arabesque said: I'd much rather tuck some loose skin into my pants than be 130kg again.
  18. Like
    Smanky reacted to Arabesque in Let’s talk about… skin   
    Unfortunately, you can’t prevent loose skin & you can’t control how much you end up with. You can’t even predict how much you end up with. If you’re young & still have lots of elastin in your skin it will bounce back some. If you only carried the bulk of your excess weight for a short period of time you may not have as much. If you’re blessed with good genes you may not have as much either. Where you carry your weight can affect what you end up with too - more in your abdominal region then you will have more loose skin there.
    The only way to get rid of it is through surgery. I don’t have much (more than a pinch but less than a handful) & decided it wasn’t worth surgery. I can hide it very successfully under clothes even in fitted body con dresses without need of any support garments. I feel I’ve earned the loose skin after working so hard to lose my weight. Rather have some loose skin that may flap a bit than my fat body.
  19. Like
    Smanky reacted to Tufflaw in Blah...my first stall...   
    I'm constantly stalling. As long as it picks up again and the general trend over time is downward it's not a big deal.
  20. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from jdardenhill2 in Alcohol 3 weeks post sleeve op.   
    For what it's worth, all my friends are big drinkers. Social events are always boozy. I was a bit unsure how my first social gathering post-surgery would go being the only sober person and... I still had a great night! I sat on fizzy Water with fresh lime all night, felt like I was having a "fancy drink" because bubbles, and I honestly didn't miss the alcohol. Friends got drunk around me, and I laughed along with them.
    So the dry route isn't a terrible one.
  21. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in So impatient!!!   
    Yep, sit on your proverbial hands until you're physically cleared, otherwise you'll injure yourself and set yourself back even longer.
    Even though I was patient, at 4 months out I started the None 2 Run program and screwed up my knee, which is still giving me grief at almost 8 months out. And I weighed less this time than I did when I did the same program way back before surgery when I last lost weight the old-fashioned way. So I was not only nursing an injured knee, but confused as hell as to why a lighter me couldn't nail the program like I did when I was heavier! But the answer is easy - I lost a lot of strength in the pre-surgery months when I was at my absolute heaviest. Everything hurt, so my activity was almost non-existent). Post-surgery recovery took a long time, and I lost even more tone during those weeks. So I bruised the bone jogging on weak leg muscles.
    So now I concentrate on the gym, doing low impact cardio and weight training to build strength. My partner and I had to run the other night to catch a show we were running a little late for. The run was fine on the night, but the next day, my knee was tender again. I want desperately to run, but may have to accept that it's going to take some time with physio to do it.
    So small steady steps. Enjoy the other small victories as they come. The process is a long-haul.
  22. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from learn2cook in How many stalls have you had in your journey?   
    I've lost count, and I'm almost 8 months out. The longest has been about three weeks? I have them so often I'm just used to it now. Another one just broke this week. Another one will inevitably start in another week or so, and 'round and 'round I go.
    Not from a year+ person, I know, but I'm clearly never going to stop stalling.
  23. Like
    Smanky reacted to liveaboard15 in Over The Shaming   
    Its not something i ever let bother me... I personally dont care about other peoples opinions. If they wanna shame me... ok... have fun. I will continue on with my life.
  24. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Bullying post op   
    Some people are garbage and love to announce to the world that they're garbage, like the sh*tgoblins in that car. You wouldn't want their approval even if you could get it. I know it's hard when you're feeling low, but don't let complete strangers bring you down. Don't give them that power. The only opinions that matter are from people you like and respect, not shouty randos who are probably just college kids.
  25. Like
    Smanky reacted to Arabesque in Achieving your goals and rewarding yourself   
    Some people get tattoos, go on holidays, buy jewellery, etc. as rewards but they weren’t for me. Clothing, shoes & bags are my passion.
    I didn’t reward myself as such I just shopped. Not that I needed an excuse. 😆😆 I so loved being able to buy the clothing labels I’d always wanted to buy or had bought when I’d been at a lower weight. I’d kept some of those clothes. (The old one day I’ll fit into them again thinking.) I was so excited when I was able to wear some of them but unfortunately about a month later they’d be too big. Or I simply missed my window to wear them.
    I would suggest you wait to buy a big ticket clothing item until your weight is stable. I have several high end pieces I bought at goal that are one or two sizes too big because I continued to lose. At least that’s not an issue with handbags except some of my old bags are too large for my smaller frame now.
    I do want to see pxt of you in your coat when you do buy it @fourmonthspreop & your LV handbag @SleeveDiva2022.

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