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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from ViaLia in BMI 35 and MGB   
    Hi ViaLia! My starting BMI was higher than yours at about 42, and I can only comment as someone 10 months post-surgery, but it's been a fantastic surgery for me. I'm not far off my goal and feeling very good. The restriction is strong, but I've had no issues getting my Protein, Water and Vitamins. No dumping - however I'm still very wary with the foods that can cause it. My weight loss has slowed down a lot now that I'm getting closer to goal, my appetite is easy to manage. It may be possible for some to lose too much weight, but I don't expect that would strictly be the fault of the surgery. I eat about 1000 to 1200 calories a day now. That will go up a little more once I reach my goal and begin maintenance.
    I would never have gotten to where I am now without the MGB. It stopped the self-sabotage and I couldn't be happier with how it's gone.
  2. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from catwoman7 in Severe Depression during pre-op diet- NORMAL?   
    The pre-op diet is absolutely the worst bit. No one enjoys it, but it's thankfully brief, even though it doesn't feel like it in that first week! Bear in mind that you're likely going through some manner of food withdrawal, which always hits the emotions. Anxiety is also normal before any surgery, even when it's not your first time - but as Catwoman said, you'll be fine! This is a safe surgery and you'll be in good hands. There's a whole team in the theatre with you dedicated to keeping you safe.
    Echoing Arabesque's recommendation of getting a bariatric therapist to talk to. Managing this now will help you post surgery. The first couple of months can also be challenging, especially for folks with emotional attachments to food.
  3. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from catwoman7 in Severe Depression during pre-op diet- NORMAL?   
    The pre-op diet is absolutely the worst bit. No one enjoys it, but it's thankfully brief, even though it doesn't feel like it in that first week! Bear in mind that you're likely going through some manner of food withdrawal, which always hits the emotions. Anxiety is also normal before any surgery, even when it's not your first time - but as Catwoman said, you'll be fine! This is a safe surgery and you'll be in good hands. There's a whole team in the theatre with you dedicated to keeping you safe.
    Echoing Arabesque's recommendation of getting a bariatric therapist to talk to. Managing this now will help you post surgery. The first couple of months can also be challenging, especially for folks with emotional attachments to food.
  4. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Tomo in Sleeve or Bypass Regrets?   
    I had originally wanted a sleeve but was promptly talked out of it by my surgeon because of my pre-existing GERD. I was daunted for about half a day before contacting my surgeon to tell him I'd take his advice and have the bypass instead. Absolutely zero regrets, this was the right procedure for me.
    Don't give in to FOMO. FOMO is silly! There are SO many sleevers on here with fantastic long term results. If it wasn't for my pre-surgery GERD, I might have been one of them and just as happy as I am right now. Both surgeries are super-effective tools.
  5. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from ViaLia in BMI 35 and MGB   
    Hi ViaLia! My starting BMI was higher than yours at about 42, and I can only comment as someone 10 months post-surgery, but it's been a fantastic surgery for me. I'm not far off my goal and feeling very good. The restriction is strong, but I've had no issues getting my Protein, Water and Vitamins. No dumping - however I'm still very wary with the foods that can cause it. My weight loss has slowed down a lot now that I'm getting closer to goal, my appetite is easy to manage. It may be possible for some to lose too much weight, but I don't expect that would strictly be the fault of the surgery. I eat about 1000 to 1200 calories a day now. That will go up a little more once I reach my goal and begin maintenance.
    I would never have gotten to where I am now without the MGB. It stopped the self-sabotage and I couldn't be happier with how it's gone.
  6. Like
    Smanky reacted to catwoman7 in Severe Depression during pre-op diet- NORMAL?   
    re: the fear of dying = banish that thought. You're not going to die. Weight loss surgeries years ago were dangerous, but they just aren't anymore. Techniques have vastly improved, and these have become very common, routine surgeries. They're really no more risky than any other abdominal surgery. The mortality rate on gastric bypass is 0.3 %. It's even lower for sleeve. So you have at least a 99.7% chance of not dying. Those are excellent odds. Better odds than hip replacement surgeries, and they do those all the time. Honestly, you're more like to experience complications and death by remaining obese than you will be having the surgery.
    the pre-op diet is tough - and the first few weeks post-op can be tough, too (although in many cases, the pre-op part is worse). But you'll be through this before you know it. I would have this surgery again in a heart beat. No regrets whatsoever.
  7. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Tomo in Sleeve or Bypass Regrets?   
    I had originally wanted a sleeve but was promptly talked out of it by my surgeon because of my pre-existing GERD. I was daunted for about half a day before contacting my surgeon to tell him I'd take his advice and have the bypass instead. Absolutely zero regrets, this was the right procedure for me.
    Don't give in to FOMO. FOMO is silly! There are SO many sleevers on here with fantastic long term results. If it wasn't for my pre-surgery GERD, I might have been one of them and just as happy as I am right now. Both surgeries are super-effective tools.
  8. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from ViaLia in BMI 35 and MGB   
    Hi ViaLia! My starting BMI was higher than yours at about 42, and I can only comment as someone 10 months post-surgery, but it's been a fantastic surgery for me. I'm not far off my goal and feeling very good. The restriction is strong, but I've had no issues getting my Protein, Water and Vitamins. No dumping - however I'm still very wary with the foods that can cause it. My weight loss has slowed down a lot now that I'm getting closer to goal, my appetite is easy to manage. It may be possible for some to lose too much weight, but I don't expect that would strictly be the fault of the surgery. I eat about 1000 to 1200 calories a day now. That will go up a little more once I reach my goal and begin maintenance.
    I would never have gotten to where I am now without the MGB. It stopped the self-sabotage and I couldn't be happier with how it's gone.
  9. Like
    Smanky reacted to Tomo in Does Anything Help Hair Loss?   
    Your dietician may be right about Hair loss and collagen but she is wrong about calling it empty calories.


    Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Arabesque in How did I get to this weight?   
    My golden rule is: Don't beat yourself up, but do take accountability and work to change it. I ate myself into 130kg. There were certainly external factors that influenced it - I used to turn to cigarettes in times of stress, and in the long process of quitting, turned to food instead. Got addicted to sugar. I have an addictive personality, so I'm prone to it.
    I regret getting myself there. I felt horrible, and hit really low points in the year before my surgery. It's not a nice place to be. BUT - I did take charge, I did make the steps towards my last option to fix it with getting my bypass. I'm responsible for my obesity, but I won't beat myself up about it. We're human, we make mistakes, some of them affect our health, but there's nothing that self-flagellation can fix. Instead, embrace the steps to change, and cheer yourself on.
    Your first appointment towards fixing yourself is a big step in taking yourself back - be happy with yourself for taking it! xx
  11. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from KimA-GA in Telling others   
    I only told close family and friends and that's it. Not for their support, as I was my own support and was absolutely doing this, but so they didn't ask "are you sick???" when I started to noticeably shrink. It's ultimately no one's business but yours. I like others suggestions of simply saying it's a hernia repair and when your weight loss is noticeable, you're following your new dietician's plan. And then change the subject.
  12. Like
    Smanky reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Why why why did I do this? Slow suicide.   
    My Psychologist and I have a deal. He is the ONLY one that can change my mental meds. Other doctors are not allowed to change them because even though they are doctors they don't have the training to know better. I 100% agree with the others to contact the doctor that prescribed your mental meds to see about getting back on them.

    For the past 5 weeks I've been crushing my meds (which is disgusting btw) and putting them in flavored water and chugging them like a shot. Super gross but haven't missed because so much is changing already in my body that I can't risk my head being out of whack too. I am willing to bet that getting back on your meds will help your outlook some.

    Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from KimA-GA in Telling others   
    I only told close family and friends and that's it. Not for their support, as I was my own support and was absolutely doing this, but so they didn't ask "are you sick???" when I started to noticeably shrink. It's ultimately no one's business but yours. I like others suggestions of simply saying it's a hernia repair and when your weight loss is noticeable, you're following your new dietician's plan. And then change the subject.
  14. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Tomo in Needing help   
    In the first week post-op, your stomach is swollen, sore and trying to heal, so it's normal to struggle to put much of anything into it. I could only manage fluids, and I was taking the chewable vitamins (and still do 9 months out).
    If you're struggling to drink Water, definitely contact your team.
  15. Like
    Smanky reacted to Artista in Activities for Exercise   
    Roller skating sounds like a blast. They closed down our one roller rink during the pandemic and it's been demolished. Maybe I can look into inline skates - do they still make those? Also, I remembered I have like $60 credit at my vape shop I've been saving up and now I have to quit vaping - but they recently grew and now are more of a vape/head/FRISBEE GOLF shop. AND, they just built a brand new frisbee golf course just outside my building on campus so I'm feeling like the universe is trying to tell me something.
  16. Haha
    Smanky got a reaction from Artista in Activities for Exercise   
    I wish I was running, but I have an ongoing knee problem that I really need to get an MRI for. Have a horrible suspicion it may be osteoarthritis. So my desire to return to my non-gym "happy place" has been foiled. I do love the gym, and have yet to join the new local one after a recent house move. So my new low-impact activity is bike riding. I also love a nice walk (great for listening to podcasts), and have plans to re-learn to rollerskate. Because my heart never really left the 70s and 80s aesthetically, and if I was young, I'd be all over roller-derby.
  17. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from DaisyAndSunshine in 100+ Lbs gone! 🥳   
    Such a great milestone. Go you!
  18. Like
    Smanky reacted to LookingForward22 in Telling others   
    I’m still in pre-op phase, but I knew the multiple appointments were going to trigger questions from family or others (wanting to know if everything is ok).

    I have driving restrictions so sometimes I needed someone to drive or I had to reschedule other things because of drs appointments. (My husband, kids and one or two close friends know).

    Not wanting to lie, but not ready to go into details - I decided to be … vaguely honest.

    So I answered questions as they were asked and volunteered as needed information.

    When asked about weight-loss… I mentioned I was talking to a nutritionist working with a medically supervised program. I just omitted discussion about the surgery part.

    When having tests… I just said it was regular follow up for a known issue (thyroid, blood pressure, etc) or my dr just wanted to rule something out.

    I’ll decide who gets to know what & when. I don’t want to invite negativity in and as much as I know some of my family means well and loves me (and friends) - sometimes the are not as tactful about sharing the opinion - so rather than invite that in… I just selectively share.

    If someone is curious (looking to gossip) they probably will get vague information. Or nicely told to MYOB.

    If it’s someone interested because they are considering surgery - I’ll gladly be open.

    If they are genuinely encouraging and there for me - of course I’ll share with them.

    I have had friends who shared openly and other who kept things very private. I think whatever works for you is the right way.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  19. Congrats!
    Smanky reacted to DaisyAndSunshine in 100+ Lbs gone! 🥳   
    I have been wanting to create a topic on my weight loss journey after having reached BMI of under 30 and not being obese anymore but thought to wait it out so I can cross off other aspects from the checklist.
    This morning I weighted - 133.2 Lbs. Height is 4' 10.2" (148cm). BMI 27.6.
    Heightest weight was 234 lbs, of which I lost 15lbs pre-Op and another 10 lbs during the pre-Op diet. I was at 210 lbs on the day of the surgery.
    So officially I have lost 100+ lbs of my highest weight ever 🥳
    This is the lowest I have ever been ever since I remember. Last lowest I remember was 137lbs, more than a decade ago, post Dr. Bernstein's weight loss program. But that weight loss program kick started the vicious cycle of yo yo dieting and wrecked metabolism, which I hopefully isn't the case anymore with much more controlled healthy eating habits.
    I just wanted to thank so many of the folks out here who have been extremely supportive not only on the open forum but also in DMs. During the ever so confusing beginning months, this forum came to help time and again. If not for this one, I wouldn't have known about the 3 weeks stalls. Clinic never covered this aspect of the weight loss and I definitely would have freaked if not for the knowledge I consumed out here.
    So thank you everyone for making this community friendly, supportive and helpful. I still have a bit more to go to achieve my goal and get under 25 and hopefully maintain around 22 or 23ish of BMI, but I'll cross the bridge when and if happens. For now, just enjoying the joy of my current physical and mental state of mind.
    This surgery truly has blown a new life within after wanting to give up on it time and again in the past. Truly grateful for taking in the dive. 🥰
  20. Like
    Smanky reacted to DaisyAndSunshine in Telling others   
    Only if you want to tell, then tell, otherwise it's none of their concerns.
    You can just tell them you're having a hernia repair or getting your gall bladder removed. And post surgery you're just trying to eat healthy and lose weight. That's all.
    Clearly, it can be challenging having to tell everyone. So you do you.
  21. Like
    Smanky reacted to The Greater Fool in I really hate stalls!!!!!   
    I weighed only at my monthly follow-ups mostly, well completely, because I was too large for home scales. I never saw a stall. As a result I never felt angst about a stall. I was never tempted to change my plan to "get things moving." I had no choice but trust my plan.
    As a matter of fact, one of my pre-op goals was being able to weigh on a home scale. When I achieved this I weighed myself every day, a few times a day, mostly because I could. I realized if I didn't stop eventually I would drive myself crazy(ier), so I went back to only weighing at follow-ups, then later only at medical appointments. Now it's mostly at my annual physical.
    There are more important things in life than a number on a scale.
    Good luck,
  22. Like
    Smanky reacted to liveaboard15 in I really hate stalls!!!!!   
    I only weigh myself once a month. weighing yourself constantly will drive you mad.
  23. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from lizonaplane in Almost there   
    I'm not far off my goal either (10kg to go), and the rate of loss has definitely slowed down to a crawl. Some weeks I lose nothing, then the next I'll be down half a kilo, but I was both warned of this by my dietician and my own research so it's fine. It's good not to get hung up on the number on the scale, because what actually matters more to me is how my clothes fit, and despite the slow scale movement, my clothes continue to loosen. I'm now a small size AU16/US12 to a large AU14/US10. My goal is AU12/US8. I'm so close I can taste it! So another 10kg will actually put me below that, so I'm honestly fine to call "Maintenance" once I'm a comfortable AU12/US8. If that means my weight is above 75kg, that's fine. That's where I'll settle!
    So don't put too much stock in the scale. It's easy to get hung up on it, and it's freeing to realise it's not actually THE ONE measure of success. Be patient, enjoy being so close, and know you'll get there. My dietician said I should hit goal by the end of this year, but I'm way ahead of that! I keep that in mind any time I feel a little disappointment at the crawling scale number.
    And as I've told friends and family, if I stay where I am now, I'll still be happy. I can buy clothes almost anywhere, and blend in with the lean crowd, which is all I've ever wanted! Anything beyond this is a bonus.
  24. Haha
    Smanky got a reaction from summerseeker in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I'll never set foot on one again either, not because I'm nervous of them, but because I only have to think about spinning in a circle to get motion sickness. Learned that the hard way trying to be a "good auntie" and taking one of my then little nephews on the spinny-cup ride twenty years ago. My regret was immediate and powerful. 🤢🤡
  25. Like
    Smanky reacted to SleeverSk in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I had someone I hadn't seen for 17 years comment, you still look hot in jeans. I thought to myself you wouldn't have said that a year ago, in fact a year ago I would have been to ashamed to have met up with him

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