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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from SleeverSk in WHAT is this???   
    Go to the doctor. The dark sticky poop may mean you're bleeding somewhere in your stomach/intestines. GERD is just acid in the esophagus, which burns and feels uncomfortable, but doesn't include 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 9. I suffered from it acutely for the best part of two decades before WLS.
    Hiatal hernias can definitely make you feel uncomfortably full, short of breath and very burpy.
    But go to a doctor asap. No one on here will be able to do much beyond guess and that won't help anyway.
  2. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Tomo in loose skin   
    You simply can't escape at least some scars after getting your body to that stage of excess weight, and having loose skin is one of those scars. Your body had to make that excess skin over years, and it can't just retract like a rubber band, unfortunately. Factors like age and how much weight you've lost will inform how much you have, but the best thing people can do is make peace with it, especially if, like myself, they'll never be able to afford plastic surgery to get rid of it.
    You can help support your skin with Vitamin intake, hydration and creams, but honestly, that won't stop it from happening. I do those things to keep my skin as healthy as possible, but I'm under no illusions that it's ever going to spring back. I did this to myself, so I accept that there's a price.
    The upside: loose skin is easily hidden with clothes and that's waaaaay easier when you don't feel the heat as badly as you once did!
  3. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Tomo in loose skin   
    You simply can't escape at least some scars after getting your body to that stage of excess weight, and having loose skin is one of those scars. Your body had to make that excess skin over years, and it can't just retract like a rubber band, unfortunately. Factors like age and how much weight you've lost will inform how much you have, but the best thing people can do is make peace with it, especially if, like myself, they'll never be able to afford plastic surgery to get rid of it.
    You can help support your skin with Vitamin intake, hydration and creams, but honestly, that won't stop it from happening. I do those things to keep my skin as healthy as possible, but I'm under no illusions that it's ever going to spring back. I did this to myself, so I accept that there's a price.
    The upside: loose skin is easily hidden with clothes and that's waaaaay easier when you don't feel the heat as badly as you once did!
  4. Like
    Smanky reacted to The Greater Fool in loose skin   
    The older and/or larger you are/were the more excess skin will be an issue.
    As we age our skin starts losing it's ability to repair itself. Likewise, the heavier we are/were the more our skin has stretched out leaving a bunch on inelastic skin. Women have the additional skin stress of carrying babies. All of these stresses take their toll that make shrinking it all back in naturally rather unlikely.
    There really are no products that can help your skin recover in spite of the promises. It's probably time to use that magical potion that has been passed down through the generations from mother to daughter or father to son for use "as a last resort when the need is great" with vague warnings of a "price." The evil spirits that will infest your life are a small price to pay for no extra skin.
    When it comes time to consider surgical options most insurance tries to call it "cosmetic" and refuse to help. The word to keep in mind is "reconstructive" for which insurance will pay. Document yeast infections, rashes, back pain, anything you can come up with. Even then it is an uphill battle.
    Good luck,
  5. Like
    Smanky reacted to omrhsn in ONEderland!   
    Congratulations and well done! I can't wait for my weight to drop below 100 kg (3 kg to go). Hopefully before my 40th birthday by end of this month ๐Ÿ˜€
  6. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from noteasierstronger in Loosing teeth after gastric bypass and the easy way out?   
    I know, it's a wild mystery, isn't it? And these are all excellent questions. Leave a bowl of milk outside your bedroom door each night as pixie payment. But beware if you forget! They'll prank you in the night by removing fat but stuffing it back into weird places so you wake up with super-fat ears you cannot hide under any hat. Noooooo! The naysayers were right, I should never have done thiiiiiiiis!
  7. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  8. Haha
    Smanky reacted to noteasierstronger in Loosing teeth after gastric bypass and the easy way out?   
    These pixies sound awesome. Also it would be a crazy busy job. But then what do they do with the fat after they take it away? Is that how other people gain weight? Do you have to make offerings to the pixies in order to stay on their good side?
    ... Maybe I should stop wandering down this rabbit hole...

    Sent from my Pixel 4a using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    Smanky reacted to catwoman7 in Loosing teeth after gastric bypass and the easy way out?   
    I haven't really heard about losing teeth (that i can recall, anyway), but I'd read about dental issues (i.e., decay) after gastric bypass. I asked my dentist about it around the time I had surgery seven years ago. He said although he'd read about it in the professional literature, he'd never seen any of this in his patients who'd had WLS. On top of that, I rarely see any posts about people experiencing dental issues either here on BP or on other WLS sites. So my take on this is, although it can happen, it's pretty rare.
    My dentist said decay issues (with or without WLS) are usually due to too much acid in the mouth, which can happen with excessive vomiting or acid from GERD. I rarely vomit or have issues with reflux anymore (although I did have GERD prior to WLS), but because of my concern, he wrote me a prescription for a super-fluoridated toothpaste that I use before I go to bed. He also puts a fluoride varnish on my teeth every six months. He said those two things should go a long way toward preventing any damage. To be honest, I think he did this more to placate me than anything else because I was so freaked out about it, because I have regular dental appts and take good care of my teeth - so it's likely I never would have had any issues anyway.
    so long way of saying - this doesn't seem to be a common issue - and if you're worried about it, have a chat with your dentist (oh -- and keep on top of dental appts, too!)
  10. Like
    Smanky reacted to summerseeker in Loosing teeth after gastric bypass and the easy way out?   
    Never ever heard of such utter nonsense. Clean your teeth as usual, visit your dentist as per normal and ignore the other utter rot
  11. Thanks
    Smanky got a reaction from PennyIris in Need more protein!! Please help   
    This. I've been relying on Protein Water since surgery as a two-for-one method for getting in protein and fluids. Couldn't manage without it!
  12. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Arabesque in where did you loose weight first?   
    I lose weight evenly from head to toe - the very same way I gain. So it took quite a while before I noticed the loss. We all lose and gain differently and where you lose is entirely up to your own body. There is one place on my body that will never be "thin", and that's my legs. They're slender for MY leg type now I'm almost at goal, but still what you'd call "sturdy". Flat arses and sturdy legs are on both sides of my family, so I can only embrace it! I'm certainly not expecting any miracles in that area.
  13. Thanks
    Smanky got a reaction from qianmij in Loosing teeth after gastric bypass and the easy way out?   
    Re: losing teeth and TikTok. It's TikTok. Who's saying this? First hand post WLS patients with first-hand knowledge, or the Body Positivity/Fat Liberation/HAES crowd who have a vested interest in putting others off weightloss? I've never heard of the teeth thing. It sounds very much like scare-mongering BS to me, and that it's coming from TikTok raises one mighty red flag. You'll likely have some temporary Hair loss, but losing teeth? Never heard of such a thing in terms of a WLS side effect.
    Re: the easy way out. People again often have an ulterior motive, or are projecting their own issues when they double down on the whole "easy way out" myth. I have never dieted harder and changed my lifestyle more diligently than I have after WLS. WE do the hard work counting calories and watching macros and exercising. The surgery simply makes it next to impossible to fall off the wagon. Do people who insist it's the easy way imagine it's ... what? Like the tooth fairy? Fat is taken away by the blessed pixies every night as we still eat whatever we like? It's ignorance, or in the case of people who want to argue and not accept the truth: willful stupidity. And they're not people worth having around.
    Some people also just project their own insecurities and that will manifest as a nasty little emotion called envy. You'll find these people in both the above camps.
  14. Thanks
    Smanky got a reaction from qianmij in Loosing teeth after gastric bypass and the easy way out?   
    Re: losing teeth and TikTok. It's TikTok. Who's saying this? First hand post WLS patients with first-hand knowledge, or the Body Positivity/Fat Liberation/HAES crowd who have a vested interest in putting others off weightloss? I've never heard of the teeth thing. It sounds very much like scare-mongering BS to me, and that it's coming from TikTok raises one mighty red flag. You'll likely have some temporary Hair loss, but losing teeth? Never heard of such a thing in terms of a WLS side effect.
    Re: the easy way out. People again often have an ulterior motive, or are projecting their own issues when they double down on the whole "easy way out" myth. I have never dieted harder and changed my lifestyle more diligently than I have after WLS. WE do the hard work counting calories and watching macros and exercising. The surgery simply makes it next to impossible to fall off the wagon. Do people who insist it's the easy way imagine it's ... what? Like the tooth fairy? Fat is taken away by the blessed pixies every night as we still eat whatever we like? It's ignorance, or in the case of people who want to argue and not accept the truth: willful stupidity. And they're not people worth having around.
    Some people also just project their own insecurities and that will manifest as a nasty little emotion called envy. You'll find these people in both the above camps.
  15. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  16. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  17. Congrats!
    Smanky reacted to Summermoose in One year PO, before & after ๐Ÿ’•   
    Yesterday was my one year surgiversary!
    I am SO HAPPY I chose to get surgery. I am finally living again instead of just existing. Went to my first ever yoga class yesterday and I loved it.
    Canโ€™t believe only a year ago I was browsing thousands of before and after pictures and now I am posting my own. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™

    Stats 1 year po:

    SW 138.5 kg/305 lbs
    CW 71.5 kg/158 lbs
    Lost 67 kg/147 lbs
    From BMI 43.2 to 22.3
    Pant size 52 EU to 40 EU

  18. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Arabesque in where did you loose weight first?   
    I lose weight evenly from head to toe - the very same way I gain. So it took quite a while before I noticed the loss. We all lose and gain differently and where you lose is entirely up to your own body. There is one place on my body that will never be "thin", and that's my legs. They're slender for MY leg type now I'm almost at goal, but still what you'd call "sturdy". Flat arses and sturdy legs are on both sides of my family, so I can only embrace it! I'm certainly not expecting any miracles in that area.
  19. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  20. Like
    Smanky reacted to MissMerryberry in Need more protein!! Please help   
    I'm 7 weeks post-op but I clearly remember being 2 weeks post-op, I found Protein2O bottled beverage really helps me get my Protein in! Its protein infused Water, You get 15g of protein from a 16oz (average sized) bottle of it! It's sugar free and counts as protein AND clear liquid!
    Also, my doctor has me drinking Fairlife milk, its 13g for an 8 oz glass vs. its also lactose free and has 50% less sugar than regular milk! Its pretty popular in my area.
  21. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  22. Like
    Smanky got a reaction from Arabesque in where did you loose weight first?   
    I lose weight evenly from head to toe - the very same way I gain. So it took quite a while before I noticed the loss. We all lose and gain differently and where you lose is entirely up to your own body. There is one place on my body that will never be "thin", and that's my legs. They're slender for MY leg type now I'm almost at goal, but still what you'd call "sturdy". Flat arses and sturdy legs are on both sides of my family, so I can only embrace it! I'm certainly not expecting any miracles in that area.
  23. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  24. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  25. Hugs
    Smanky got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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