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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by glenna47

  1. :confused:Was banded Thurs. 9/25. Had been on 2 liquid meals and one small meal for the week prior. Surgery went okay, stayed overnight. Sat. I was fairly sleepy, but showered. Sipped clear juice and ate Jello throughout the day. Sunday I was still a little tired, walked around house a lot and watched football, including all the food commericals. Like the giant meatball sub with cheese. I had some serious thoughts of "take me back to the hospital and get this thing out".

    I made it through the day and wondered am I the only one who has ever thought this? I know I'm not. Question(s) are to banders who have passed through this phase. How long were you on Clear liquids, what else besides juice and Jello and broth did you have? What was your next stage? I know I have more let's just start with these.


  2. LapBand surgery is scheduled for next Thursday, hooray! I have been reading and reading everything I can find including the horror stories. Regarding diet after surgery I find anything from 2-4 weeks of Clear Liquids and then shakes/food pureed for 1-4 weeks, then mushies etc.

    My plan: right after surgery I go back on protien shakes for 1 week then progress from there. Anyone else on this type of drinking/eating program?

    I will follow my Drs/dietican's program I was just wondering.


  3. Oh sweetheart put postitive thoughts all around yourself. You are almost 19 and I am 60, so that means we are at differrent ends of life. I have spent most of my life being heavy. Always 80-100 lbs overweight. I raised my son by myself and worked hard. My first husband left me 'cause I was so fat. Was extremely fortunate to find a man who loved me for who I was, all of me. I too was the one who took the pictures wasn't in them. Almost any diet I've tried and what weight I lost crept back on. Well I went to counselling and learned I was who I was, like it or continue fighting it. My wonderful husband said he loves me the way I am. I realize, for joint problems and other health problems that I need to do something different for my life or my life will take a whole different course (one I don't want.) So next Thursday I will have surgery. YOU have a life ahead of you the YOU can plan it. You get to put the parts where you want them. You have lost weight, congratulations. Keep going, you may slide back a little but stop, think and put YOUR life back on track. YOU can do this, I know you can.

    Best of luck


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