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Everything posted by Miss_strait

  1. Miss_strait

    HELP ME! I can't turn off the slime!

    I understand, I am the slime queen....All I can think of is that I am very sensitive to fills. I get so tired of the slime. I would love to know why I produce so much slime. I too sit at my desk and pray no one walks in.
  2. Hey where have you been? How are you doing? Oh I changed my name. I was Happy_days....

  3. Miss_strait

    Will be Banded on the 1st Sept!! Wish me Luck!!! :)

    Oh GG my friend.....YOu know I am praying for you!!! Please update us as soon as you can! I am so excited for you to start your journey with me!!! I am thinking of you. Oh I also changed my name: I was Happy_days....and now Miss_strait
  4. Miss_strait

    Not losing weight on the Pre Op diet

    Hi there, I am not sure what your pre-op diet is. I lost 13.6 in 2 weeks on my pre-op. Here is what my diet was....maybe it can help/ Slim fast low carb 5 a day sugar free jello, Popsicles, and drinks. Lots of water 1 cup of raw veggies a day and broth occasionally. Don't give up.....you can do this!!! Are you exercising at all?
  5. Hi there, I have only told my husband, mom, and sister!! None of my friends or co-workers know. I really don't feel like it is anyones business but mine. I don't want people watching me like a hawk to see if I slip up...or talking behind my back that I took the easy way out. This is just a very personal journey for me. Maybe someday I will share with others....but for now it is my secret.
  6. Miss_strait

    How supportive was your husband??

    While I was on the pre-op diet I still cooked for my family. They did not sign up for this, I did. Some days it was harder than others, but I made it through. I have always cooked for my family so I guess that is why it didn't bother me. I also know why I am doing this, and who I am doing this for.....ME!!!! My family is great very supportive. DOn't let the thought of not eating get you down.
  7. Miss_strait

    I never thought it would happen to me.....

    Jenny, I am so sorry that all of this has been handed to you!! I am glad that you are see a counselor!! Make sure you keep seeing him. You might suggest to your husband that he get in to counseling too. Sounds like he needs it more than you do. When you feel like eating something, maybe you and your son could go for a walk, and enjoy a little together time. And I sure wouldn't worry about finding someone new. I have seen your picture and you are beautiful!!! Have you ever gone to the chat room? It is alot of fun, and it keeps you busy. That chat room has saved me during this pre op diet. Please just remember that this is not your fault. Don't let the stupid things he has done...ruin your new life. You deserve to be healthy. And remember If God bring you to it....he will bring you through it!!! And in the end, you will be a much stonger person.
  8. Miss_strait

    How Cranky did you become.....

    Hey Vegas Girl, This is my pre op diet 5 cans of slim fast low carb sugar free Jello, popsicles broth ocassionally all the sugar free drinks that I want and 1/2 a cup of raw veggies. It is so freaking hard. I look at what some others get on their pre diet, and I wonder why my dr. hates me....LOL
  9. Miss_strait

    How Cranky did you become.....

    My kids are 19 and 17 so they know to stay outta my way!! LOL It is so funny...my whole family is eating in private. I know they are counting down the days as much as I am.
  10. Miss_strait

    How Cranky did you become.....

    Hi Vegas Girl. I have been on the pre op liquid diet for 7 days. Today is day 7. I haven't gotten on the scales yet today, but as of yesterday I had already lost 8 pounds. I have to lose 14. So I am sure that we can make our goals. I know that for the next few day, I really need to hit the water!!! I know you can do this.
  11. Miss_strait

    How Cranky did you become.....

    I guess that is the hardest part. With NO food it is hard to have energy. I know that I have not been nice, and I sort of feel bad for that. But today is day 6 of the wonderful liquid diet.... If I can do this, I know I can do anything.
  12. Miss_strait

    How Cranky did you become.....

    I am on the pre-op diet right now, and I don't know how my family has kept from killing me. Sometimes I wish they would. Today is day 6 of my full liquid diet. I have read what others can eat on their pre-op diet, and it makes me wonder why my Dr. is so mean. LOL. Here is my diet. Word for word. 5 cans of slim fast Low carb May have sugar-free popsicles and sugar-free Jello may have liquid that is calorie free Low calorie buillon (occasionally) That is it, that is all.....I feel my stomach eating itself!!!
  13. Miss_strait


    Ok guys, I am on day 5 of my clear liquid, pre-op diet. I am so hungry!! I have tried to stay busy, and not think about it. But I swear my stomach is eating it's self. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to help the hunger? Here is my diet. 5 slim fast low carb. sugar free popcicles sugar free Jello Water tea diet soda and only every so often chicken broth. That is all that is on my list of allowed food. And I have to do this for 2 weeks. :redface:

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